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565 calls to DrupalTestCase::assertEqual() in Drupal 7
ActionLoopTestCase::triggerActions in modules/ simpletest/ tests/actions.test
Create an infinite loop by causing a watchdog message to be set,
which causes the actions to be triggered again, up to actions_max_stack
AddFeedTestCase::testAddFeed in modules/ aggregator/aggregator.test
Creates and ensures that a feed is unique, checks source, and deletes feed.
AggregatorCronTestCase::testCron in modules/ aggregator/aggregator.test
Adds feeds and updates them via cron process.
AggregatorTestCase::updateFeedItems in modules/ aggregator/aggregator.test
Updates the feed items.
AJAXFormPageCacheTestCase::getFormBuildId in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ajax.test
Return the build id of the current form.
AJAXFormPageCacheTestCase::testSimpleAJAXFormValue in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ajax.test
Create a simple form, then POST to system/ajax to change to it.
AJAXFrameworkTestCase::testAJAXRender in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ajax.test
Test that ajax_render () returns JavaScript settings generated during the page request.
AJAXFrameworkTestCase::testLazyLoad in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ajax.test
Test that new JavaScript and CSS files added during an AJAX request are returned.
BasicMinimalUpdatePath::testBasicMinimalUpdate in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/upgrade.test
Tests a successful point release update.
BasicStandardUpdatePath::testBasicStandardUpdate in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/upgrade.test
Tests a successful point release update.
BasicUpgradePath::testBasicUpgrade in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/upgrade.test
Test a successful upgrade.
BatchPageTestCase::testBatchProgressPageTheme in modules/ simpletest/ tests/batch.test
Tests that the batch API progress page uses the correct theme.
BatchProcessingTestCase::testBatchForm in modules/ simpletest/ tests/batch.test
Test batches defined in a form submit handler.
BatchProcessingTestCase::testBatchFormMultipleBatches in modules/ simpletest/ tests/batch.test
Test batches defined in different submit handlers on the same form.
BatchProcessingTestCase::testBatchFormMultistep in modules/ simpletest/ tests/batch.test
Test batches defined in a multistep form.
BatchProcessingTestCase::testBatchFormProgrammatic in modules/ simpletest/ tests/batch.test
Test batches defined in a programmatically submitted form.
BatchProcessingTestCase::testBatchLargePercentage in modules/ simpletest/ tests/batch.test
Test batches that return $context['finished'] > 1 do in fact complete.
BatchProcessingTestCase::testBatchNoForm in modules/ simpletest/ tests/batch.test
Test batches triggered outside of form submission.
BatchProcessingTestCase::testDrupalFormSubmitInBatch in modules/ simpletest/ tests/batch.test
Test that drupal_form_submit () can run within a batch operation.
BlockHashTestCase::doRehash in modules/ block/block.test
Performs a block rehash and checks several related assertions.
BlockInterestCohortTest::testDefaultBlocking in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Tests that FLoC is blocked by default.
BlockInterestCohortTest::testExistingInterestCohortPolicy in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Tests that an existing interest-cohort policy is not overwritten.
BlockTemplateSuggestionsUnitTest::testBlockThemeHookSuggestions in modules/ block/block.test
Test if template_preprocess_block () handles the suggestions right.
BlockTestCase::testBlockRehash in modules/ block/block.test
Test _block_rehash ().
BlockTestCase::testCustomBlock in modules/ block/block.test
Test creating custom block, moving it to a specific region and then deleting it.
BlockViewModuleDeltaAlterWebTest::testBlockViewModuleDeltaAlter in modules/ block/block.test
Tests that the alter hook is called, even if the delta contains a hyphen.
BlogTestCase::testBlog in modules/ blog/blog.test
Login users, create blog nodes, and test blog functionality through the admin and user interfaces.
BootstrapGetFilenameWebTestCase::testRecursiveRebuilds in modules/ simpletest/ tests/bootstrap.test
Test that drupal_get_filename () does not break recursive rebuilds.
BootstrapGetFilenameWebTestCase::testWatchdog in modules/ simpletest/ tests/bootstrap.test
Test that watchdog messages about missing files are correctly recorded.
BootstrapPageCacheTestCase::testConditionalRequests in modules/ simpletest/ tests/bootstrap.test
Test support for requests containing If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match headers.
BootstrapPageCacheTestCase::testPageCache in modules/ simpletest/ tests/bootstrap.test
Test cache headers.
BootstrapPageCacheTestCase::testPageCompression in modules/ simpletest/ tests/bootstrap.test
Test page compression.
BootstrapResettableStaticTestCase::testDrupalStatic in modules/ simpletest/ tests/bootstrap.test
Test that a variable reference returned by drupal_static () gets reset when
drupal_static_reset () is called.
BootstrapTimerTestCase::testTimer in modules/ simpletest/ tests/bootstrap.test
Test timer_read () to ensure it properly accumulates time when the timer
started and stopped multiple times.
CacheGetMultipleUnitTest::testCacheMultiple in modules/ simpletest/ tests/cache.test
Test cache_get_multiple ().
CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testAddExternal in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Tests adding an external stylesheet.
CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testAddFile in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Tests adding a file stylesheet.
CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testDefault in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Check default stylesheets as empty.
CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testRenderFile in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Tests rendering the stylesheets.
CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testRenderInlinePreprocess in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Tests rendering inline stylesheets with preprocessing on.
CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testRenderRemoveCharsetPreprocess in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Tests removing charset when rendering stylesheets with preprocessing on.
CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testReset in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Makes sure that reseting the CSS empties the cache.
CascadingStylesheetsUnitTest::testLoadCssBasic in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Tests basic CSS loading with and without optimization via drupal_load_stylesheet ().
CategorizeFeedItemTestCase::testCategorizeFeedItem in modules/ aggregator/aggregator.test
Checks that children of a feed inherit a defined category.
CategorizeFeedTestCase::testCategorizeFeed in modules/ aggregator/aggregator.test
Creates a feed and makes sure you can add/delete categories to it.
CommentActionsTestCase::testCommentPublishUnpublishActions in modules/ comment/comment.test
Test comment publish and unpublish actions.
CommentActionsTestCase::testCommentUnpublishByKeyword in modules/ comment/comment.test
Tests the unpublish comment by keyword action.
CommentInterfaceTest::testCommentInterface in modules/ comment/comment.test
Test comment interface.
CommentInterfaceTest::testCommentNodeCommentStatistics in modules/ comment/comment.test
Tests the node comment statistics.
CommentPagerTest::testCommentNewPageIndicator in modules/ comment/comment.test
Test comment_new_page_count ().
CommentPreviewTest::testCommentEditPreviewSave in modules/ comment/comment.test
Test comment edit, preview, and save.
CommentThreadingTestCase::testCommentThreading in modules/ comment/comment.test
Tests the comment threading.
CommentTokenReplaceTestCase::testCommentTokenReplacement in modules/ comment/comment.test
Creates a comment, then tests the tokens generated from it.
CommonSizeTestCase::testCommonFormatSize in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Check that format_size () returns the expected string.
CommonSizeTestCase::testCommonParseSize in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Check that parse_size () returns the proper byte sizes.
CommonSizeTestCase::testCommonParseSizeFormatSize in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Cross-test parse_size () and format_size ().
CommonURLUnitTest::testDrupalGetQueryParameters in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test drupal_get_query_parameters ().
CommonURLUnitTest::testDrupalHttpBuildQuery in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test drupal_http_build_query ().
CommonURLUnitTest::testDrupalParseUrl in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test drupal_parse_url ().
CommonURLUnitTest::testExternalUrls in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test external URL handling.
CommonURLUnitTest::testUrl in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test url () with/without query, with/without fragment, absolute on/off and
assert all that works when clean URLs are on and off.
CommonXssUnitTest::testEscaping in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Check that special characters are escaped.
CommonXssUnitTest::testFormatStringAndT in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test t () and format_string () replacement functionality.
CommonXssUnitTest::testInvalidMultiByte in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Check that invalid multi-byte sequences are rejected.
ContactSitewideTestCase::testAutoReply in modules/ contact/contact.test
Tests auto-reply on the site-wide contact form.
ContactSitewideTestCase::testSiteWideContact in modules/ contact/contact.test
Tests configuration options and the site-wide contact form.
CronQueueTestCase::testCallable in modules/ system/system.test
Tests worker defined as a class method callable.
CronQueueTestCase::testExceptions in modules/ system/system.test
Tests that exceptions thrown by workers are handled properly.
CronRunTestCase::testCronCacheExpiration in modules/ system/system.test
Tests that hook_flush_caches () is not invoked on every single cron run.
CronRunTestCase::testCronExceptions in modules/ system/system.test
Make sure exceptions thrown on hook_cron () don't affect other modules.
DatabaseAlterTestCase::testAlterChangeConditional in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can alter a query's conditionals.
DatabaseAlterTestCase::testAlterChangeFields in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can alter the fields of a query.
DatabaseAlterTestCase::testAlterExpression in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can alter expressions in the query.
DatabaseAlterTestCase::testAlterRemoveRange in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can remove a range () value from a query. This also tests hook_query_TAG_alter ().
DatabaseAlterTestCase::testAlterWithJoin in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can alter the joins on a query.
DatabaseAlterTestCase::testSimpleAlter in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can do basic alters.
DatabaseAlterTestCase::testSimpleAlterSubquery in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can do basic alters on subqueries.
DatabaseConnectionTestCase::testConnectionOptions in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Tests the connection options of the active database.
DatabaseDeleteTruncateTestCase::testSimpleDelete in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that we can delete a single record successfully.
DatabaseDeleteTruncateTestCase::testSubselectDelete in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that we can use a subselect in a delete successfully.
DatabaseDeleteTruncateTestCase::testTruncate in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that we can truncate a whole table successfully.
DatabaseEmptyStatementTestCase::testEmptyFetchAll in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that the empty result set mass-fetches in an expected way.
DatabaseInsertDefaultsTestCase::testDefaultInsert in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can run a query that is "default values for everything".
DatabaseInsertDefaultsTestCase::testDefaultInsertWithFields in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can insert fields with values and defaults in the same query.
DatabaseLoggingTestCase::testEnableLogging in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can log the existence of a query.
DatabaseLoggingTestCase::testEnableMultiConnectionLogging in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can log queries separately on different connections.
DatabaseLoggingTestCase::testEnableMultiLogging in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can run two logs in parallel.
DatabaseLoggingTestCase::testEnableTargetLogging in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can log queries against multiple targets on the same connection.
DatabaseLoggingTestCase::testEnableTargetLoggingNoTarget in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that logs to separate targets collapse to the same connection properly.
DatabaseMergeTestCase::testMergeInsert in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that we can merge-insert a record successfully.
DatabaseMergeTestCase::testMergeInsertWithoutUpdate in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can merge-insert without any update fields.
DatabaseMergeTestCase::testMergeUpdate in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that we can merge-update a record successfully.
DatabaseMergeTestCase::testMergeUpdateExcept in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that we can merge-update a record successfully, with different insert and update.
DatabaseMergeTestCase::testMergeUpdateExplicit in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that we can merge-update a record successfully, with alternate replacement.
DatabaseMergeTestCase::testMergeUpdateExpression in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that we can merge-update a record successfully, with expressions.
DatabaseMergeTestCase::testMergeUpdateWithoutUpdate in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that we can merge-update without any update fields.
DatabaseNextIdCase::testDbNextId in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that the sequences API work.
DatabaseQueryTestCase::testArraySubstitution in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can specify an array of values in the query by simply passing in an array.
DatabaseRangeQueryTestCase::testRangeQuery in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that range query work and return correct result.
DatabaseReservedKeywordTestCase::testDeleteReservedWordTable in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
DatabaseReservedKeywordTestCase::testSelectReservedWordAliasAllFields in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
DatabaseReservedKeywordTestCase::testSelectReservedWordAliasCount in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
DatabaseReservedKeywordTestCase::testSelectReservedWordAliasSpecificFields in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
DatabaseReservedKeywordTestCase::testSelectReservedWordTableAllFields in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
DatabaseReservedKeywordTestCase::testSelectReservedWordTableCount in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
DatabaseReservedKeywordTestCase::testSelectReservedWordTableSpecificField in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
DatabaseReservedKeywordTestCase::testTruncateReservedWordTable in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
DatabaseSelectCloneTest::testSelectConditionSubQueryCloning in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that subqueries as value within conditions are cloned properly.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testCountQuery in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can generate a count query from a built query.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testCountQueryDistinct in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can generate a count query from a query with distinct.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testCountQueryFieldRemovals in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that countQuery properly removes fields and expressions.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testCountQueryGroupBy in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can generate a count query from a query with GROUP BY.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testCountQueryRemovals in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that countQuery properly removes 'all_fields' statements and
ordering clauses.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testDefaultJoin in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test simple JOIN statements.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testDistinct in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test distinct queries.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testGroupBy in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test GROUP BY clauses.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testGroupByAndHaving in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test GROUP BY and HAVING clauses together.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testHavingCountQuery in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testJoinTwice in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm we can join on a single table twice with a dynamic alias.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testLeftOuterJoin in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test LEFT OUTER joins.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testNestedConditions in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that we can properly nest conditional clauses.
DatabaseSelectComplexTestCase::testRange in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test range queries. The SQL clause varies with the database.
DatabaseSelectOrderedTestCase::testOrderByEscaping in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Tests that the sort direction is sanitized properly.
DatabaseSelectOrderedTestCase::testSimpleSelectMultiOrdered in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test multiple order by.
DatabaseSelectOrderedTestCase::testSimpleSelectOrdered in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test basic order by.
DatabaseSelectOrderedTestCase::testSimpleSelectOrderedDesc in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test order by descending.
DatabaseSelectPagerDefaultTestCase::testElementNumbers in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that every pager gets a valid non-overlaping element ID.
DatabaseSelectPagerDefaultTestCase::testEvenPagerQuery in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that a pager query returns the correct results.
DatabaseSelectPagerDefaultTestCase::testHavingPagerQuery in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that a paging query with a having expression returns valid results.
DatabaseSelectPagerDefaultTestCase::testInnerPagerQuery in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that a pager query with inner pager query returns valid results.
DatabaseSelectPagerDefaultTestCase::testOddPagerQuery in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that a pager query returns the correct results.
DatabaseSelectSubqueryTestCase::testConditionSubquerySelect in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can use a subquery in a WHERE clause.
DatabaseSelectSubqueryTestCase::testExistsSubquerySelect in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test EXISTS subquery conditionals on SELECT statements.
DatabaseSelectSubqueryTestCase::testFromSubquerySelect in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can use a subquery in a FROM clause.
DatabaseSelectSubqueryTestCase::testFromSubquerySelectWithLimit in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can use a subquery in a FROM clause with a limit.
DatabaseSelectSubqueryTestCase::testJoinSubquerySelect in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can use a subquery in a JOIN clause.
DatabaseSelectSubqueryTestCase::testNotExistsSubquerySelect in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test NOT EXISTS subquery conditionals on SELECT statements.
DatabaseSelectTableSortDefaultTestCase::testTableSortQuery in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that a tablesort query returns the correct results.
DatabaseSelectTableSortDefaultTestCase::testTableSortQueryFirst in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that if a tablesort's orderByHeader is called before another orderBy, that the header happens first.
DatabaseSelectTestCase::testNotNullCondition in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can find a record without a NULL value.
DatabaseSelectTestCase::testNullCondition in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can find a record with a NULL value.
DatabaseSelectTestCase::testRandomOrder in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that random ordering of queries works.
DatabaseSelectTestCase::testSimpleComment in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test rudimentary SELECT statement with a COMMENT.
DatabaseSelectTestCase::testSimpleSelect in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test rudimentary SELECT statements.
DatabaseSelectTestCase::testSimpleSelectAllFields in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test adding all fields from a given table to a select statement.
DatabaseSelectTestCase::testSimpleSelectConditional in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test basic conditionals on SELECT statements.
DatabaseSelectTestCase::testSimpleSelectExpression in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test SELECT statements with expressions.
DatabaseSelectTestCase::testSimpleSelectExpressionMultiple in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test SELECT statements with multiple expressions.
DatabaseSelectTestCase::testSimpleSelectMultipleFields in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test adding multiple fields to a select statement at the same time.
DatabaseSelectTestCase::testUnion in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can UNION multiple Select queries together. This is
semantically equal to UNION DISTINCT, so we don't explicity test that.
DatabaseSelectTestCase::testUnionAll in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can UNION ALL multiple Select queries together.
DatabaseSelectTestCase::testVulnerableComment in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test query COMMENT system against vulnerabilities.
DatabaseSerializeQueryTestCase::testSerializeQuery in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that a query can be serialized and unserialized.
DatabaseTablePrefixTestCase::testSchemaDotTablePrefixes in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
DatabaseTaggingTestCase::testMetaData in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that we can attach meta data to a query object.
DatabaseTemporaryQueryTestCase::testTemporaryQuery in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that temporary tables work and are limited to one request.
DatabaseTransactionTestCase::testTransactionWithDdlStatement in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test the compatibility of transactions with DDL statements.
DatabaseUpdateComplexTestCase::testUpdateExpression in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test update with expression values.
DatabaseUpdateComplexTestCase::testUpdateOnlyExpression in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test update with only expression values.
DateTimeFunctionalTest::testDateFormatConfiguration in modules/ system/system.test
Test date format configuration.
DateTimeFunctionalTest::testDateFormatStorage in modules/ system/system.test
Test if the date formats are stored properly.
DateTimeFunctionalTest::testDateTypeConfiguration in modules/ system/system.test
Test date type configuration.
DBLogTestCase::testDBLogAddAndClear in modules/ dblog/dblog.test
Tests the addition and clearing of log events through the admin interface.
DBLogTestCase::testFilter in modules/ dblog/dblog.test
Tests the database log filter functionality at admin/reports/dblog.
DrupalAlterTestCase::testDrupalAlter in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
DrupalErrorCollectionUnitTest::assertError in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Assert that a collected error matches what we are expecting.
DrupalErrorCollectionUnitTest::testErrorCollect in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test that simpletest collects errors from the tested site.
DrupalGetQueryArrayTestCase::testDrupalGetQueryArray in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Tests that drupal_get_query_array () correctly explodes query parameters.
DrupalGetRdfNamespacesTestCase::testGetRdfNamespaces in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test RDF namespaces.
DrupalGotoTest::testDrupalGoto in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test drupal_goto ().
DrupalHtmlToTextTestCase::assertHtmlToText in modules/ simpletest/ tests/mail.test
Helper function for testing drupal_html_to_text ().
DrupalHtmlToTextTestCase::testDrupalHtmlToTextBlockTagToNewline in modules/ simpletest/ tests/mail.test
Test that text separated by block-level tags in HTML get separated by
(at least) a newline in the plaintext version.
DrupalHtmlToTextTestCase::testDrupalHtmltoTextUsenetSignature in modules/ simpletest/ tests/mail.test
Tests drupal_wrap_mail () retains whitespace from Usenet style signatures.
DrupalHTTPRequestTestCase::testDrupalHTTPRequest in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
DrupalHTTPRequestTestCase::testDrupalHTTPRequestHeaders in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Tests Content-language headers generated by Drupal.
DrupalHTTPRequestTestCase::testDrupalHTTPRequestRedirect in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
DrupalRenderTestCase::testDrupalRenderCache in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Tests caching of render items.
DrupalRenderTestCase::testDrupalRenderSorting in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test sorting by weight.
DrupalRenderTestCase::testDrupalRenderThemeArguments in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test passing arguments to the theme function.
DrupalSetContentTestCase::testRegions in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test setting and retrieving content for theme regions.
DrupalSystemListingTestCase::testDirectoryPrecedence in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test that files in different directories take precedence as expected.
DrupalWebTestCase::assertTitle in modules/ simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php
Pass if the page title is the given string.
DrupalWebTestCase::assertUrl in modules/ simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php
Pass if the internal browser's URL matches the given path.
DrupalWebTestCase::drupalCreateContentType in modules/ simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php
Creates a custom content type based on default settings.
EnableDisableTestCase::testEntityInfoCacheWatchdog in modules/ system/system.test
Tests entity info cache after enabling a module with a dependency on an entity providing module.
EnableDisableTestCase::testEntityInfoChanges in modules/ system/system.test
Ensures entity info cache is updated after changes.
EntityFieldQueryTestCase::assertEntityFieldQuery in modules/ simpletest/ tests/entity_query.test
Fetches the results of an EntityFieldQuery and compares.
EntityFieldQueryTestCase::testEntityFieldQuery in modules/ simpletest/ tests/entity_query.test
Tests EntityFieldQuery.
EntityFieldQueryTestCase::testEntityFieldQueryTranslatable in modules/ simpletest/ tests/entity_query.test
Tests querying translatable fields.
EntityLoadTestCase::testEntityLoadConditions in modules/ simpletest/ tests/entity_crud.test
Tests the functionality for loading entities matching certain conditions.
EntityPropertiesTestCase::testEntityLabel in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Tests label key and label callback of an entity.
FeedIconTest::testFeedIconEscaping in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Check that special characters are correctly escaped. Test for issue #1211668.
FeedParserTestCase::testAtomSample in modules/ aggregator/aggregator.test
Tests a feed that uses the Atom format.
FieldAttachOtherTestCase::testFieldAttachCache in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test field cache.
FieldAttachOtherTestCase::testFieldAttachForm in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test field_attach_form ().
FieldAttachOtherTestCase::testFieldAttachValidate in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test field_attach_validate ().
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachCreateRenameBundle in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test field_attach_create_bundle () and field_attach_rename_bundle ().
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachDelete in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test field_attach_delete ().
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachDeleteBundle in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test field_attach_delete_bundle ().
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachLoadMultiple in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test the 'multiple' load feature.
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachSaveLoad in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Check field values insert, update and load.
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachSaveLoadDifferentStorage in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test saving and loading fields using different storage backends.
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachSaveMissingData in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Tests insert and update with missing or NULL fields.
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachSaveMissingDataDefaultValue in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test insert with missing or NULL fields, with default value.
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldStorageDetailsAlter in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test storage details alteration.
FieldBulkDeleteTestCase::checkHooksInvocations in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Tests that the expected hooks have been invoked on the expected entities.
FieldBulkDeleteTestCase::testDeleteFieldInstance in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Verify that deleting an instance leaves the field data items in
the database and that the appropriate Field API functions can
operate on the deleted data and instance.
FieldBulkDeleteTestCase::testPurgeField in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Verify that fields are preserved and purged correctly as multiple
instances are deleted and purged.
FieldBulkDeleteTestCase::testPurgeInstance in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Verify that field data items and instances are purged when an
instance is deleted.
FieldCrudTestCase::testCreateField in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test the creation of a field.
FieldCrudTestCase::testCreateFieldFail in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test failure to create a field.
FieldCrudTestCase::testDeleteField in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test the deletion of a field.
FieldCrudTestCase::testFieldIndexes in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test creation of indexes on data column.
FieldCrudTestCase::testUpdateField in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test updating a field.
FieldFormTestCase::testFieldFormAccess in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Tests fields with no 'edit' access.
FieldFormTestCase::testFieldFormSingle in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
FieldFormTestCase::testFieldFormSingleRequired in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
FieldFormTestCase::testFieldFormUnlimitedRequired in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Tests the position of the required label.
FieldInfoTestCase::testFieldInfo in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test that field types and field definitions are correcly cached.
FieldInfoTestCase::testFieldMap in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test field_info_field_map ().
FieldInstanceCrudTestCase::testUpdateFieldInstance in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test the update of a field instance.
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachInsertAndUpdate in modules/ field/ modules/ field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.test
Reads mysql to verify correct data is
written when using insert and update.
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachLoad in modules/ field/ modules/ field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.test
Uses the mysql tables and records to verify
field_load_revision works correctly.
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachSaveMissingData in modules/ field/ modules/ field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.test
Tests insert and update with missing or NULL fields.
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::testFieldSqlStorageForeignKeys in modules/ field/ modules/ field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.test
Test foreign key support.
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::testFieldSqlStorageMultipleConditionsDifferentColumns in modules/ field/ modules/ field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.test
Test handling multiple conditions on multiple columns of one field.
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::testFieldSqlStorageMultipleConditionsDifferentColumnsMultipleLanguages in modules/ field/ modules/ field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.test
Test handling multiple conditions on multiple columns of one field for multiple languages.
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::testFieldSqlStorageMultipleConditionsSameColumn in modules/ field/ modules/ field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.test
Test handling multiple conditions on one column of a field.
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::testFieldStorageDetails in modules/ field/ modules/ field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.test
Test the storage details.
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::testFieldUpdateIndexesWithData in modules/ field/ modules/ field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.test
Test adding and removing indexes while data is present.
FieldTestCase::assertFieldValues in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Assert that a field has the expected values in an entity.
FieldTranslationsTestCase::testFieldDisplayLanguage in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Tests display language logic for translatable fields.
FieldTranslationsTestCase::testFieldInvoke in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test the multilanguage logic of _field_invoke ().
FieldTranslationsTestCase::testFieldInvokeMultiple in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test the multilanguage logic of _field_invoke_multiple ().
FieldUIManageDisplayTestCase::testFormatterUI in modules/ field_ui/field_ui.test
Tests formatter settings.
FieldUIManageFieldsTestCase::testDefaultValue in modules/ field_ui/field_ui.test
Tests that default value is correctly validated and saved.
FieldUpdatePathTestCase::testFilledUpgrade in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/update.field.test
Tests that the update is successful.
FileCopyTest::testExistingError in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test that copying over an existing file fails when FILE_EXISTS_ERROR is
FileCopyTest::testExistingRename in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test renaming when copying over a file that already exists.
FileCopyTest::testExistingReplace in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test replacement when copying over a file that already exists.
FileCopyTest::testNormal in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test file copying in the normal, base case.
FileDeleteTest::testInUse in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Tries deleting a file that is in use.
FileDirectoryTest::testFileCheckDirectoryHandling in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test directory handling functions.
FileDirectoryTest::testFileCreateNewFilepath in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
This will take a directory and path, and find a valid filepath that is not
taken by another file.
FileDirectoryTest::testFileDestination in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
This will test the filepath for a destination based on passed flags and
whether or not the file exists.
FileDirectoryTest::testFileDirectoryTemp in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Ensure that the file_directory_temp () function always returns a value.
FileDownloadTest::checkUrl in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Download a file from the URL generated by file_create_url ().
FileDownloadTest::testPrivateFileTransfer in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test the private file transfer system.
FileDownloadTest::testPublicFileTransfer in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test the public file transfer system.
FileFieldAnonymousSubmission::testAnonymousNodeWithFile in modules/ file/ tests/file.test
Tests file submission for an anonymous visitor.
FileFieldAnonymousSubmission::_testNodeWithFileWithoutTitle in modules/ file/ tests/file.test
Helper method to test file submissions with missing node titles.
FileFieldRevisionTestCase::testRevisions in modules/ file/ tests/file.test
Tests creating multiple revisions of a node and managing attached files.
FileFieldTestCase::assertFileEntryExists in modules/ file/ tests/file.test
Asserts that a file exists in the database.
FileFieldWidgetTestCase::doTestTemporaryFileRemovalExploit in modules/ file/ tests/file.test
Helper for testing exploiting the temporary file removal using fid.
FileHookTestCase::assertFileHookCalled in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Assert that a hook_file_* hook was called a certain number of times.
FileLoadTest::testMultiple in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
This will test loading file data from the database.
FileLoadTest::testSingleValues in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Load a single file and ensure that the correct values are returned.
FileManagedFileElementTestCase::testManagedFile in modules/ file/ tests/file.test
Tests the managed_file element type.
FileMoveTest::testExistingError in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test that moving onto an existing file fails when FILE_EXISTS_ERROR is
FileMoveTest::testExistingRename in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test renaming when moving onto a file that already exists.
FileMoveTest::testExistingReplace in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test replacement when moving onto a file that already exists.
FileMoveTest::testExistingReplaceSelf in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test replacement when moving onto itself.
FileMoveTest::testNormal in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Move a normal file.
FileNameMungingTest::testMungeNullByte in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Tests munging with a null byte in the filename.
FilePrivateTestCase::testPrivateFile in modules/ file/ tests/file.test
Tests file access for file uploaded to a private node.
FileSaveDataTest::testExistingError in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test that file_save_data () fails overwriting an existing file.
FileSaveDataTest::testExistingRename in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test file_save_data () when renaming around an existing file.
FileSaveDataTest::testExistingReplace in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test file_save_data () when replacing an existing file.
FileSaveDataTest::testWithFilename in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test the file_save_data () function when a filename is provided.
FileSaveDataTest::testWithoutFilename in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test the file_save_data () function when no filename is provided.
FileSaveTest::testFileSave in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
FileSaveUploadTest::testNormal in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test the file_save_upload () function.
FileScanDirectory::testNoMask in modules/ file/ tests/file.test
Tests file_scan_directory () obeys 'file_scan_ignore_directories' setting.
If nomask is not passed as argument, it should use the default settings.
If nomask is passed as argument, it should obey this rule.
FileScanDirectoryTest::testOptionCallback in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Check that the callback function is called correctly.
FileScanDirectoryTest::testOptionKey in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Check that key parameter sets the return value's key.
FileScanDirectoryTest::testOptionMinDepth in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Check that the min_depth options lets us ignore files in the starting
FileScanDirectoryTest::testOptionNoMask in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Check that the no-mask parameter is honored.
FileScanDirectoryTest::testOptionRecurse in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Check that the recurse option decends into subdirectories.
FileScanDirectoryTest::testReturn in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Check the format of the returned values.
FileSpaceUsedTest::testFileSpaceUsed in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test different users with the default status.
FileTaxonomyTermTestCase::_testTermFile in modules/ file/ tests/file.test
Runs tests for attaching a file field to a taxonomy term.
FileTestCase::assertDirectoryPermissions in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Helper function to test the permissions of a directory.
FileTestCase::assertFilePermissions in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Helper function to test the permissions of a file.
FileTestCase::assertFileUnchanged in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Check that two files have the same values for all fields other than the
FileTestCase::assertSameFile in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Check that two files are the same by comparing the fid and filepath.
FileTokenReplaceTestCase::testFileTokenReplacement in modules/ file/ tests/file.test
Creates a file, then tests the tokens generated from it.
FileUnmanagedCopyTest::testNormal in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Copy a normal file.
FileUnmanagedMoveTest::testNormal in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Move a normal file.
FileUnmanagedSaveDataTest::testFileSaveData in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test the file_unmanaged_save_data () function.
FileURLRewritingTest::testPublicCreatedFileURL in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test the generating of rewritten public created file URLs.
FileURLRewritingTest::testShippedFileURL in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test the generating of rewritten shipped file URLs.
FileUsageTest::testAddUsage in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Tests file_usage_add ().
FileUsageTest::testGetUsage in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Tests file_usage_list ().
FileUsageTest::testRemoveUsage in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Tests file_usage_delete ().
FileValidateTest::testCallerValidation in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test that the validators passed into are checked.
FileValidateTest::testInsecureExtensions in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Tests hard-coded security check in file_validate ().
FileValidatorTest::testFileValidateExtensions in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test the file_validate_extensions () function.
FileValidatorTest::testFileValidateImageResolution in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
This ensures the resolution of a specific file is within bounds.
The image will be resized if it's too large.
FileValidatorTest::testFileValidateIsImage in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
This ensures a specific file is actually an image.
FileValidatorTest::testFileValidateNameLength in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
This will ensure the filename length is valid.
FileValidatorTest::testFileValidateSize in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test file_validate_size ().
FilledMinimalUpdatePath::testFilledStandardUpdate in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/upgrade.test
Tests a successful point release update.
FilledStandardUpdatePath::testFilledStandardUpdate in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/upgrade.test
Tests a successful point release update.
FilterCRUDTestCase::verifyFilters in modules/ filter/filter.test
Verifies that filters are properly stored for a text format.
FilterCRUDTestCase::verifyTextFormat in modules/ filter/filter.test
Verifies that a text format is properly stored.
FilterDefaultFormatTestCase::testDefaultTextFormats in modules/ filter/filter.test
Tests if the default text format is accessible to users.
FilterDOMSerializeTestCase::testFilterEmptyDOMSerialization in modules/ filter/filter.test
Tests empty DOMDocument object.
FilterFormatAccessTestCase::testFormatRoles in modules/ filter/filter.test
Tests if text format is available to a role.
FilterNoFormatTestCase::testCheckMarkupNoFormat in modules/ filter/filter.test
Tests text without format.
FilterSettingsTestCase::testFilterDefaults in modules/ filter/filter.test
Tests explicit and implicit default settings for filters.
FilterUnitTestCase::testFilterXSS in modules/ filter/filter.test
Tests limiting allowed tags and XSS prevention.
FilterUnitTestCase::testFilterXSSAdmin in modules/ filter/filter.test
Tests the loose, admin HTML filter.
FilterUnitTestCase::testHtmlCorrectorFilter in modules/ filter/filter.test
Tests the HTML corrector filter.
FilterUnitTestCase::testLineBreakFilter in modules/ filter/filter.test
Tests the line break filter.
FormsElementsLabelsTestCase::testFormLabels in modules/ simpletest/ tests/form.test
Test form elements, labels, title attibutes and required marks output
correctly and have the correct label option class if needed.
FormsFormCacheTestCase::testCacheForm in modules/ simpletest/ tests/form.test
Tests storing and retrieving the form from cache.
FormsFormStoragePageCacheTestCase::getFormBuildId in modules/ simpletest/ tests/form.test
Return the build id of the current form.
FormsFormStoragePageCacheTestCase::testRebuildFormStorageOnCachedPage in modules/ simpletest/ tests/form.test
Build-id is regenerated when rebuilding cached form.
FormsFormStoragePageCacheTestCase::testValidateFormStorageOnCachedPage in modules/ simpletest/ tests/form.test
Build-id is regenerated when validating cached form.
FormsFormStorageTestCase::testImmutableForm in modules/ simpletest/ tests/form.test
Verifies that form build-id is regenerated when loading an immutable form
from the cache.
FormsFormStorageTestCase::testImmutableFormLegacyProtection in modules/ simpletest/ tests/form.test
Verify that existing contrib code cannot overwrite immutable form state.
FormsFormStorageTestCase::testMutableForm in modules/ simpletest/ tests/form.test
Verify that the form build-id remains the same when validation errors
occur on a mutable form.
FormStateValuesCleanTestCase::testFormStateValuesClean in modules/ simpletest/ tests/form.test
Tests form_state_values_clean ().
FormsTestCase::testDisabledElements in modules/ simpletest/ tests/form.test
Test handling of disabled elements.
ForumTestCase::createForumTopic in modules/ forum/forum.test
Creates forum topic.
ForumTestCase::editForumTaxonomy in modules/ forum/forum.test
Edits the forum taxonomy.
ForumTestCase::testAddOrphanTopic in modules/ forum/forum.test
Tests that forum nodes can't be added without a parent.
ForumTestCase::testForum in modules/ forum/forum.test
Tests forum functionality through the admin and user interfaces.
ForumUpgradePathTestCase::testForumUpgrade in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/
Test a successful upgrade (no negotiation).
GraphUnitTest::assertComponents in modules/ simpletest/ tests/graph.test
Verify expected components in a graph.
GraphUnitTest::assertPaths in modules/ simpletest/ tests/graph.test
Verify expected paths in a graph.
GraphUnitTest::assertReversePaths in modules/ simpletest/ tests/graph.test
Verify expected reverse paths in a graph.
HookBootExitTestCase::testHookBootExit in modules/ simpletest/ tests/bootstrap.test
Test calling of hook_boot () and hook_exit ().
ImageAdminStylesUnitTest::testDefaultStyle in modules/ image/image.test
Test to override, edit, then revert a style.
ImageAdminStylesUnitTest::testStyle in modules/ image/image.test
General test to add a style, add/remove/edit effects to it, then delete it.
ImageDimensionsScaleTestCase::testImageDimensionsScale in modules/ image/image.test
Tests all control flow branches in image_dimensions_scale ().
ImageDimensionsTestCase::testImageDimensions in modules/ image/image.test
Test styled image dimensions cumulatively.
ImageEffectsUnitTest::testCropEffect in modules/ image/image.test
Test the image_crop_effect () function.
ImageEffectsUnitTest::testDesaturateEffect in modules/ image/image.test
Test the image_desaturate_effect () function.
ImageEffectsUnitTest::testResizeEffect in modules/ image/image.test
Test the image_resize_effect () function.
ImageEffectsUnitTest::testRotateEffect in modules/ image/image.test
Test the image_rotate_effect () function.
ImageEffectsUnitTest::testScaleAndCropEffect in modules/ image/image.test
Test the image_scale_and_crop_effect () function.
ImageEffectsUnitTest::testScaleEffect in modules/ image/image.test
Test the image_scale_effect () function.
ImageFieldDefaultImagesTestCase::testDefaultImages in modules/ image/image.test
Tests CRUD for fields and fields instances with default images.
ImageFieldDisplayTestCase::testImageFieldDefaultImage in modules/ image/image.test
Test use of a default image with an image field.
ImageFieldDisplayTestCase::_testImageFieldFormatters in modules/ image/image.test
Test image formatters on node display.
ImageStyleFlushTest::testFlush in modules/ image/image.test
General test to flush a style.
ImageStylesPathAndUrlTestCase::testImageStylePath in modules/ image/image.test
Test image_style_path ().
ImageStylesPathAndUrlTestCase::_testImageStyleUrlAndPath in modules/ image/image.test
Test image_style_url ().
ImageThemeFunctionWebTestCase::testImageFormatterTheme in modules/ image/image.test
Tests usage of the image field formatters.
ImageToolkitUnitTest::testCrop in modules/ simpletest/ tests/image.test
Test the image_crop () function.
ImageToolkitUnitTest::testDesaturate in modules/ simpletest/ tests/image.test
Test the image_desaturate () function.
ImageToolkitUnitTest::testLoad in modules/ simpletest/ tests/image.test
Test the image_load () function.
ImageToolkitUnitTest::testResize in modules/ simpletest/ tests/image.test
Test the image_resize () function.
ImageToolkitUnitTest::testRotate in modules/ simpletest/ tests/image.test
Test the image_rotate () function.
ImageToolkitUnitTest::testScale in modules/ simpletest/ tests/image.test
Test the image_scale () function.
ImageToolkitUnitTest::testScaleAndCrop in modules/ simpletest/ tests/image.test
Test the image_scale_and_crop () function.
ImportOPMLTestCase::submitImportForm in modules/ aggregator/aggregator.test
Submits form with invalid, empty, and valid OPML files.
ImportOPMLTestCase::validateImportFormFields in modules/ aggregator/aggregator.test
Submits form filled with invalid fields.
InfoFileParserTestCase::testDrupalParseInfoFormat in modules/ system/system.test
Test drupal_parse_info_format ().
IPAddressBlockingTestCase::testDuplicateIpAddress in modules/ system/system.test
Test duplicate IP addresses are not present in the 'blocked_ips' table.
JavaScriptTestCase::testAddFile in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test adding a JavaScript file.
JavaScriptTestCase::testAddInline in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test adding inline scripts.
JavaScriptTestCase::testAddSetting in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test adding settings.
JavaScriptTestCase::testAggregationOrder in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Tests JavaScript aggregation when files are added to a different scope.
JavaScriptTestCase::testDefault in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test default JavaScript is empty.
JavaScriptTestCase::testDifferentGroup in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test adding a JavaScript file with a different group.
JavaScriptTestCase::testDifferentWeight in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test adding a JavaScript file with a different weight.
JavaScriptTestCase::testGetLibrary in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Tests retrieval of libraries via drupal_get_library ().
JavaScriptTestCase::testLibraryAlter in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Adds a JavaScript library to the page and alters it.
JavaScriptTestCase::testLibraryNameConflicts in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Tests that multiple modules can implement the same library.
JavaScriptTestCase::testReset in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Test to see if resetting the JavaScript empties the cache.
ListFieldUITestCase::testListAllowedValuesBoolean in modules/ field/ modules/ list/ tests/list.test
List (boolen) : test 'On/Off' values input.
LocaleCommentLanguageFunctionalTest::testCommentLanguage in modules/ locale/locale.test
Test that comment language is properly set.
LocaleConfigurationTest::testLanguageConfiguration in modules/ locale/locale.test
Functional tests for adding, editing and deleting languages.
LocaleContentFunctionalTest::testNodeCreationWithLanguage in modules/ locale/locale.test
Verifies that nodes may be created with different languages.
LocaleImportFunctionalTest::testStandalonePoFile in modules/ locale/locale.test
Test import of standalone .po files.
LocaleInstallTest::testFunctionSignatures in modules/ locale/locale.test
Verify that function signatures of t () and st () are equal.
LocaleJavascriptTranslationTest::testFileParsing in modules/ locale/locale.test
LocaleLanguageNegotiationInfoFunctionalTest::testInfoAlterations in modules/ locale/locale.test
Tests alterations to language types/negotiation info.
LocaleMultilingualFieldsFunctionalTest::testMultilingualDisplaySettings in modules/ locale/locale.test
LocalePathFunctionalTest::testPathLanguageConfiguration in modules/ locale/locale.test
Test if a language can be associated with a path alias.
LocaleTranslationFunctionalTest::testStringTranslation in modules/ locale/locale.test
Adds a language and tests string translation by users with the appropriate permissions.
LocaleUninstallFunctionalTest::testUninstallProcess in modules/ locale/locale.test
Check if the values of the Locale variables are correct after uninstall.
LocaleUrlRewritingTest::testDomainNameNegotiationPort in modules/ locale/locale.test
Check URL rewriting when using a domain name and a non-standard port.
LocaleUserCreationTest::testLocalUserCreation in modules/ locale/locale.test
Functional test for language handling during user creation.
MailTestCase::testFromHeader in modules/ simpletest/ tests/mail.test
Checks for the site name in an auto-generated From: header.
MailTestCase::testFromHeaderRfc2822Compliant in modules/ simpletest/ tests/mail.test
Checks for the site name in an auto-generated From: header.
MailTestCase::testPluggableFramework in modules/ simpletest/ tests/mail.test
Assert that the pluggable mail system is functional.
MenuLinksUnitTestCase::assertMenuLinkParents in modules/ simpletest/ tests/menu.test
Assert that at set of links is properly parented.
MenuRebuildTestCase::testMenuRebuildByVariable in modules/ simpletest/ tests/menu.test
Test if the 'menu_rebuild_needed' variable triggers a menu_rebuild () call.
MenuRouterTestCase::testMenuHidden in modules/ simpletest/ tests/menu.test
Tests menu link depth and parents of local tasks and menu callbacks.
MenuRouterTestCase::testMenuHierarchy in modules/ simpletest/ tests/menu.test
Tests for menu hierarchy.
MenuRouterTestCase::testMenuItemHooks in modules/ simpletest/ tests/menu.test
Test menu maintenance hooks.
MenuRouterTestCase::testMenuName in modules/ simpletest/ tests/menu.test
Tests for menu_name parameter for hook_menu ().
MenuRouterTestCase::testMenuSetItem in modules/ simpletest/ tests/menu.test
Test menu_set_item ().
MenuTestCase::assertMenuLink in modules/ menu/menu.test
Fetch the menu item from the database and compare it to the specified
MenuTestCase::testMenu in modules/ menu/menu.test
Login users, add menus and menu links, and test menu functionality through the admin and user interfaces.
MenuTrailTestCase::testCustom403And404Pages in modules/ simpletest/ tests/menu.test
Tests that the active trail works correctly on custom 403 and 404 pages.
MenuTreeOutputTestCase::testMenuTreeData in modules/ simpletest/ tests/menu.test
Validate the generation of a proper menu tree output.
MenuUpgradePathTestCase::testMenuUpgrade in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/
Test a successful upgrade.
ModuleTestCase::assertModules in modules/ system/system.test
Assert the list of modules are enabled or disabled.
ModuleUninstallTestCase::testUserPermsUninstalled in modules/ simpletest/ tests/module.test
Tests the hook_modules_uninstalled () of the user module.
ModuleUnitTest::assertModuleList in modules/ simpletest/ tests/module.test
Assert that module_list () return the expected values.
ModuleUnitTest::testDependencyResolution in modules/ simpletest/ tests/module.test
Test dependency resolution.
ModuleUnitTest::testModuleImplements in modules/ simpletest/ tests/module.test
Test module_implements () caching.
ModuleVersionTestCase::testModuleVersions in modules/ system/system.test
Test version dependencies.
NewDefaultThemeBlocks::testNewDefaultThemeBlocks in modules/ block/block.test
Check the enabled Bartik blocks are correctly copied over.
NodeAccessRecordsTestCase::testNodeAccessRecords in modules/ node/node.test
Creates a node and tests the creation of node access rules.
NodeAccessTestCase::assertNodeAccess in modules/ node/node.test
Asserts node_access () correctly grants or denies access.
NodeAdminTestCase::testContentAdminSort in modules/ node/node.test
Tests that the table sorting works on the content admin pages.
NodeEntityViewModeAlterTest::testNodeViewModeChange in modules/ node/node.test
Create a "Basic page" node and verify its consistency in the database.
NodeEntityViewModeAlterTest::testNodeViewModeChangeHiddenField in modules/ node/node.test
Tests fields that were previously hidden when the view mode is changed.
NodeLoadHooksTestCase::testHookNodeLoad in modules/ node/node.test
Test that hook_node_load () is invoked correctly.
NodeLoadMultipleTestCase::testNodeMultipleLoad in modules/ node/node.test
Create four nodes and ensure they're loaded correctly.
NodeMultiByteUtf8Test::testMultiByteUtf8 in modules/ node/node.test
Tests that multi-byte UTF-8 characters are stored and retrieved correctly.
NodePostSettingsTestCase::testPagePostInfo in modules/ node/node.test
Confirms "Basic page" content type and post information is on a new node.
NodeQueryAlter::testNodeQueryAlterLowLevelEditAccess in modules/ node/node.test
Tests 'node_access' query alter, for edit access.
NodeQueryAlter::testNodeQueryAlterLowLevelNoAccess in modules/ node/node.test
Tests 'node_access' query alter, for user without access.
NodeQueryAlter::testNodeQueryAlterLowLevelWithAccess in modules/ node/node.test
Tests 'node_access' query alter, for user with access.
NodeQueryAlter::testNodeQueryAlterOverride in modules/ node/node.test
Tests 'node_access' query alter override.
NodeQueryAlter::testNodeQueryAlterWithUI in modules/ node/node.test
Tests that node access permissions are followed.
NodeRevisionsTestCase::testNodeRevisionWithoutLogMessage in modules/ node/node.test
Checks that revisions are correctly saved without log messages.
NodeSaveTestCase::testDeterminingChanges in modules/ node/node.test
Tests determing changes in hook_node_presave () and verifies the static node
load cache is cleared upon save.
NodeSaveTestCase::testImport in modules/ node/node.test
Checks whether custom node IDs are saved properly during an import operation.
NodeSaveTestCase::testNodeSaveOnInsert in modules/ node/node.test
Tests saving a node on node insert.
NodeSaveTestCase::testTimestamps in modules/ node/node.test
Verifies accuracy of the "created" and "changed" timestamp functionality.
NodeTitleTestCase::testNodeTitle in modules/ node/node.test
Creates one node and tests if the node title has the correct value.
NodeTokenReplaceTestCase::testNodeTokenReplacement in modules/ node/node.test
Creates a node, then tests the tokens generated from it.
NodeTypePersistenceTestCase::testNodeTypeCustomizationPersistence in modules/ node/node.test
Tests that node type customizations persist through disable and uninstall.
NodeTypeTestCase::testNodeTypeEditing in modules/ node/node.test
Tests editing a node type using the UI.
NodeTypeTestCase::testNodeTypeGetFunctions in modules/ node/node.test
Ensures that node type functions (node_type_get_*) work correctly.
OpenIDRegistrationTestCase::testRegisterUserWithAXButNoSREG in modules/ openid/openid.test
Test OpenID auto-registration with a provider that supplies AX information,
but no SREG.
OpenIDRegistrationTestCase::testRegisterUserWithEmailVerification in modules/ openid/openid.test
Test OpenID auto-registration with e-mail verification enabled.
OpenIDRegistrationTestCase::testRegisterUserWithoutEmailVerification in modules/ openid/openid.test
Test OpenID auto-registration with e-mail verification disabled.
OpenIDTestCase::testOpenidDhXorsecret in modules/ openid/openid.test
Test _openid_dh_xorsecret ().
OpenIDTestCase::testOpenidExtractNamespace in modules/ openid/openid.test
Test openid_extract_namespace ().
OpenIDTestCase::testOpenidNormalize in modules/ openid/openid.test
Test openid_normalize ().
OpenIDTestCase::testOpenidSignature in modules/ openid/openid.test
Test _openid_signature ().
OptionsSelectDynamicValuesTestCase::testSelectListDynamic in modules/ field/ modules/ options/options.test
Tests the 'options_select' widget (single select).
PageEditTestCase::testPageEdit in modules/ node/node.test
Checks node edit functionality.
ParseInfoFilesTestCase::testParseInfoFile in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Parse an example .info file an verify the results.
PathLanguageTestCase::testAliasTranslation in modules/ path/path.test
Test alias functionality through the admin interfaces.
PathLookupTest::testDrupalLookupPath in modules/ simpletest/ tests/path.test
Test that drupal_lookup_path () returns the correct path.
PathMonolingualTestCase::setUp in modules/ path/path.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
PathTestCase::testNodeAlias in modules/ path/path.test
Tests alias functionality through the node interfaces.
PHPTestCase::setUp in modules/ php/php.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
PollCreateTestCase::testPollCreate in modules/ poll/poll.test
PollTestCase::assertPollChoiceOrder in modules/ poll/poll.test
Assert correct poll choice order in the node form after submission.
PollTokenReplaceTestCase::testPollTokenReplacement in modules/ poll/poll.test
Creates a poll, then tests the tokens generated from it.
PollVoteCheckHostname::testHostnamePollVote in modules/ poll/poll.test
Check that anonymous users with same ip cannot vote on poll more than once
unless user is logged in.
ProfileBlockTestCase::testAuthorInformationBlock in modules/ profile/profile.test
QueueTestCase::testQueue in modules/ system/system.test
Queues and dequeues a set of items to check the basic queue functionality.
RdfCommentAttributesTestCase::testCommentReplyOfRdfaMarkup in modules/ rdf/rdf.test
Test RDF comment replies.
RdfCommentAttributesTestCase::_testBasicCommentRdfaMarkup in modules/ rdf/rdf.test
Helper function for testCommentRdfaMarkup().
RdfCrudTestCase::testCRUD in modules/ rdf/rdf.test
Test inserting, loading, updating, and deleting RDF mappings.
RdfGetRdfNamespacesTestCase::testGetRdfNamespaces in modules/ rdf/rdf.test
Test getting RDF namesapces.
RdfMappingHookTestCase::testMapping in modules/ rdf/rdf.test
Test that hook_rdf_mapping () correctly returns and processes mapping.
RdfRdfaMarkupTestCase::testDrupalRdfaAttributes in modules/ rdf/rdf.test
Test rdf_rdfa_attributes ().
RetrieveFileTestCase::testFileRetrieving in modules/ system/system.test
Invokes system_retrieve_file () in several scenarios.
SchemaTestCase::assertFieldCharacteristics in modules/ simpletest/ tests/schema.test
Assert that a newly added field has the correct characteristics.
SchemaTestCase::checkSchemaComment in modules/ simpletest/ tests/schema.test
Checks that a table or column comment matches a given description.
SchemaTestCase::testFindTables in modules/ simpletest/ tests/schema.test
Tests the findTables() method.
SchemaTestCase::testSchema in modules/ simpletest/ tests/schema.test
SearchBlockTestCase::testBlock in modules/ search/search.test
Test that the search block form works correctly.
SearchConfigSettingsForm::testSearchModuleDisabling in modules/ search/search.test
Verify that you can disable individual search modules.
SearchEmbedForm::testEmbeddedForm in modules/ search/search.test
Tests that the embedded form appears and can be submitted.
SearchExcerptTestCase::testSearchExcerpt in modules/ search/search.test
Tests search_excerpt () with several simulated search keywords.
SearchExpressionInsertExtractTestCase::testInsertExtract in modules/ search/search.test
Tests search_expression_insert () and search_expression_extract ().
SearchLanguageTestCase::testLanguages in modules/ search/search.test
SearchMatchTestCase::_testQueryMatching in modules/ search/search.test
Test the matching abilities of the engine.
SearchMatchTestCase::_testQueryScores in modules/ search/search.test
Test the scoring abilities of the engine.
SearchRankingTestCase::testDoubleRankings in modules/ search/search.test
Verifies that if we combine two rankings, search still works.
SearchRankingTestCase::testHTMLRankings in modules/ search/search.test
Test rankings of HTML tags.
SearchRankingTestCase::testRankings in modules/ search/search.test
SearchSimplifyTestCase::testSearchSimplifyPunctuation in modules/ search/search.test
Tests that search_simplify () does the right thing with punctuation.
SearchTokenizerTestCase::testNoTokenizer in modules/ search/search.test
Verifies that strings of non-CJK characters are not tokenized.
SearchTokenizerTestCase::testTokenizer in modules/ search/search.test
Verifies that strings of CJK characters are tokenized.
SessionHttpsTestCase::testHttpsSession in modules/ simpletest/ tests/session.test
SessionTestCase::testEmptyAnonymousSession in modules/ simpletest/ tests/session.test
Test that empty anonymous sessions are destroyed.
SessionTestCase::testSessionWrite in modules/ simpletest/ tests/session.test
Test that sessions are only saved when necessary.
ShortcutSetsTestCase::testShortcutSetSwitchCreate in modules/ shortcut/shortcut.test
Tests switching a user's shortcut set and creating one at the same time.
ShortcutSetsTestCase::testShortcutSetSwitchNoSetName in modules/ shortcut/shortcut.test
Tests switching a user's shortcut set without providing a new set name.
SimpleTestBrowserTestCase::testCookieDoesNotBleed in modules/ simpletest/simpletest.test
Tests that the cookies from a previous test do not bleed into a new test.
SimpleTestBrowserTestCase::testCookies in modules/ simpletest/simpletest.test
Tests that cookies set during a request are available for testing.
SimpleTestBrowserTestCase::testGetAbsoluteUrl in modules/ simpletest/simpletest.test
Test DrupalWebTestCase::getAbsoluteUrl ().
SimpleTestBrowserTestCase::testXPathEscaping in modules/ simpletest/simpletest.test
Tests XPath escaping.
SimpleTestFunctionalTest::confirmStubTestResults in modules/ simpletest/simpletest.test
Confirm that the stub test produced the desired results.
SimpleTestFunctionalTest::testInternalBrowser in modules/ simpletest/simpletest.test
Test the internal browsers functionality.
SimpleTestMailCaptureTestCase::testMailSend in modules/ simpletest/simpletest.test
Test to see if the wrapper function is executed correctly.
StatisticsAdminTestCase::testDeleteNode in modules/ statistics/statistics.test
Tests that when a node is deleted, the node counter is deleted too.
StatisticsLoggingTestCase::testLogging in modules/ statistics/statistics.test
Verifies request logging for cached and uncached pages.
StatisticsTokenReplaceTestCase::testStatisticsTokenReplacement in modules/ statistics/statistics.test
Creates a node, then tests the statistics tokens generated from it.
StreamWrapperTest::testGetClassName in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test the getClassName() function.
StreamWrapperTest::testGetInstanceByScheme in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test the file_stream_wrapper_get_instance_by_scheme () function.
StreamWrapperTest::testGetValidStreamScheme in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test the scheme functions.
StreamWrapperTest::testPharFile in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Tests that only valid phar files can be used.
StreamWrapperTest::testUriFunctions in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Test the URI and target functions.
SystemAdminTestCase::testCompactMode in modules/ system/system.test
Test compact mode.
SystemThemeFunctionalTest::testThemeSettings in modules/ system/system.test
Test the theme settings form.
TableSortTest::testTableSortInit in modules/ simpletest/ tests/tablesort.test
Test tablesort_init ().
TaxonomyEFQTestCase::testTaxonomyEFQ in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Tests that a basic taxonomy EntityFieldQuery works.
TaxonomyHooksTestCase::testTaxonomyTermHooks in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Test that hooks are run correctly on creating, editing, viewing,
and deleting a term.
TaxonomyLegacyTestCase::testTaxonomyLegacyNode in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Test taxonomy functionality with nodes prior to 1970.
TaxonomyLoadMultipleTestCase::testTaxonomyTermMultipleLoad in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Create a vocabulary and some taxonomy terms, ensuring they're loaded
correctly using taxonomy_term_load_multiple ().
TaxonomyQueryAlterTestCase::testTaxonomyQueryAlter in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Tests that appropriate tags are added when querying the database.
TaxonomyTermFieldMultipleVocabularyTestCase::testTaxonomyTermFieldMultipleVocabularies in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Tests term reference field and widget with multiple vocabularies.
TaxonomyTermFieldTestCase::testTaxonomyTermFieldChangeMachineName in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Tests that vocabulary machine name changes are mirrored in field definitions.
TaxonomyTermFunctionTestCase::testTaxonomyVocabularyTree in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Test a taxonomy with terms that have multiple parents of different depths.
TaxonomyTermIndexTestCase::testTaxonomyIndex in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Tests that the taxonomy index is maintained properly.
TaxonomyTermTestCase::testTaxonomyGetTermByName in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Test taxonomy_get_term_by_name ().
TaxonomyTermTestCase::testTaxonomyTermHierarchy in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Test terms in a single and multiple hierarchy.
TaxonomyTermTestCase::testTermAutocompletion in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Tests term autocompletion edge cases with slashes in the names.
TaxonomyTermTestCase::testTermMultipleParentsInterface in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Test saving a term with multiple parents through the UI.
TaxonomyTermTestCase::testTermReorder in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Save, edit and delete a term using the user interface.
TaxonomyTokenReplaceTestCase::testTaxonomyTokenReplacement in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Creates some terms and a node, then tests the tokens generated from them.
TaxonomyVocabularyFunctionalTest::testTaxonomyAdminChangingWeights in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Changing weights on the vocabulary overview with two or more vocabularies.
TaxonomyVocabularyTestCase::testTaxonomyVocabularyDeleteWithTerms in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Test deleting a taxonomy that contains terms.
TaxonomyVocabularyTestCase::testTaxonomyVocabularyLoadMultiple in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Tests for loading multiple vocabularies.
TaxonomyVocabularyTestCase::testTaxonomyVocabularyLoadReturnFalse in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Ensure that when an invalid vocabulary vid is loaded, it is possible
to load the same vid successfully if it subsequently becomes valid.
TaxonomyVocabularyTestCase::testTaxonomyVocabularyLoadStaticReset in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Ensure that the vocabulary static reset works correctly.
ThemeLinksTest::testDrupalPreRenderLinks in modules/ simpletest/ tests/theme.test
Test the use of drupal_pre_render_links () on a nested array of links.
ThemeTestCase::testThemeSuggestions in modules/ simpletest/ tests/theme.test
Test function theme_get_suggestions () for SA-CORE-2009-003.
TokenReplaceTestCase::testSystemDateTokenReplacement in modules/ system/system.test
Tests the generation of all system date tokens.
TokenReplaceTestCase::testSystemSiteTokenReplacement in modules/ system/system.test
Tests the generation of all system site information tokens.
TokenReplaceTestCase::testTokenReplacement in modules/ system/system.test
Creates a user and a node, then tests the tokens generated from them.
TranslatableUpgradePathTestCase::testTranslatableUpgrade in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/upgrade.translatable.test
Test a successful upgrade (no negotiation).
TranslationTestCase::testContentTranslation in modules/ translation/translation.test
Creates, modifies, and updates a basic page with a translation.
TriggerOtherTestCase::testActionsUser in modules/ trigger/trigger.test
Tests triggering on user create and user login.
UnicodeUnitTest::helperTestStrLen in modules/ simpletest/ tests/unicode.test
UnicodeUnitTest::helperTestStrToLower in modules/ simpletest/ tests/unicode.test
UnicodeUnitTest::helperTestStrToUpper in modules/ simpletest/ tests/unicode.test
UnicodeUnitTest::helperTestSubStr in modules/ simpletest/ tests/unicode.test
UnicodeUnitTest::helperTestUcFirst in modules/ simpletest/ tests/unicode.test
UnicodeUnitTest::runTruncateTests in modules/ simpletest/ tests/unicode.test
Runs test cases for helperTestTruncate().
UnicodeUnitTest::testDecodeEntities in modules/ simpletest/ tests/unicode.test
Test decode_entities ().
UpdateCoreTestCase::testFetchTasks in modules/ update/update.test
Tests that exactly one fetch task per project is created and not more.
UpdateCoreUnitTestCase::testUpdateBuildFetchUrl in modules/ update/update.test
Tests that _update_build_fetch_url () builds the URL correctly.
UpdateDependencyOrderingTestCase::testUpdateOrderingSingleModule in modules/ simpletest/ tests/update.test
Test that updates within a single module run in the correct order.
UpdateFeedTestCase::testUpdateFeed in modules/ aggregator/aggregator.test
Creates a feed and attempts to update it.
UpdateScriptFunctionalTest::testThemeSystem in modules/ system/system.test
Tests the effect of using the update script on the theme system.
UpgradePathTaxonomyTestCase::testTaxonomyUpgrade in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/upgrade.taxonomy.test
Basic tests for the taxonomy upgrade.
UploadUpgradePathTestCase::testUploadUpgrade in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/upgrade.upload.test
Test a successful upgrade.
UserAccountLinksUnitTests::testDisabledAccountLink in modules/ user/user.test
Tests disabling the 'My account' link.
UserAccountLinksUnitTests::testSecondaryMenu in modules/ user/user.test
Tests the secondary menu.
UserAdminTestCase::testUserAdmin in modules/ user/user.test
Registers a user and deletes it.
UserBlocksUnitTests::insertSession in modules/ user/user.test
Insert a user session into the {sessions} table. This function is used
since we cannot log in more than one user at the same time in tests.
UserBlocksUnitTests::testUserLoginBlock in modules/ user/user.test
Test the user login block.
UserBlocksUnitTests::testWhosOnlineBlock in modules/ user/user.test
Test the Who's Online block.
UserCancelTestCase::testMassUserCancelByAdmin in modules/ user/user.test
Create an administrative user and mass-delete other users.
UserCancelTestCase::testUserCancelUid1 in modules/ user/user.test
Tests that user account for uid 1 cannot be cancelled.
UserCreateTestCase::testUserAdd in modules/ user/user.test
Create a user through the administration interface and ensure that it
displays in the user list.
UserEditRebuildTestCase::testUserEditFormRebuild in modules/ user/user.test
Test user edit page when the form is set to rebuild.
UserLoginTestCase::assertFailedLogin in modules/ user/user.test
Make an unsuccessful login attempt.
UserPictureTestCase::testExternalPicture in modules/ user/user.test
Test HTTP schema working with user pictures.
UserRegistrationTestCase::testRegistrationDefaultValues in modules/ user/user.test
UserRegistrationTestCase::testRegistrationWithUserFields in modules/ user/user.test
Tests Field API fields on user registration forms.
UserTokenReplaceTestCase::testUserTokenReplacement in modules/ user/user.test
Creates a user, then tests the tokens generated from it.
UserUpgradePathNoPasswordTokenTestCase::testUserUpgrade in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/upgrade.user.test
Test a successful upgrade.
UserUpgradePathPasswordTokenTestCase::testUserUpgrade in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/upgrade.user.test
Test a successful upgrade.
XMLRPCBasicTestCase::testListMethods in modules/ simpletest/ tests/xmlrpc.test
Ensure that a basic XML-RPC call with no parameters works.
XMLRPCMessagesTestCase::testAlterListMethods in modules/ simpletest/ tests/xmlrpc.test
Ensure that hook_xmlrpc_alter () can hide even builtin methods.
XMLRPCMessagesTestCase::testMulticallLimit in modules/ simpletest/ tests/xmlrpc.test
Test limits on system.multicall that can prevent brute-force attacks.
XMLRPCMessagesTestCase::testSizedMessages in modules/ simpletest/ tests/xmlrpc.test
Make sure that XML-RPC can transfer large messages.
XMLRPCValidator1IncTestCase::testValidator1 in modules/ simpletest/ tests/xmlrpc.test
Run validator1 tests.