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function DatabaseConnectionTestCase::testConnectionOptions in Drupal 7

Tests the connection options of the active database.


modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test, line 258


Test connection management.


function testConnectionOptions() {
  $connection_info = Database::getConnectionInfo('default');

  // Be sure we're connected to the default database.
  $db = Database::getConnection('default', 'default');
  $connectionOptions = $db

  // In the MySQL driver, the port can be different, so check individual
  // options.
    ->assertEqual($connection_info['default']['driver'], $connectionOptions['driver'], 'The default connection info driver matches the current connection options driver.');
    ->assertEqual($connection_info['default']['database'], $connectionOptions['database'], 'The default connection info database matches the current connection options database.');

  // Set up identical slave and confirm connection options are identical.
  Database::addConnectionInfo('default', 'slave', $connection_info['default']);
  $db2 = Database::getConnection('slave', 'default');
  $connectionOptions2 = $db2

  // Get a fresh copy of the default connection options.
  $connectionOptions = $db
    ->assertIdentical($connectionOptions, $connectionOptions2, 'The default and slave connection options are identical.');

  // Set up a new connection with different connection info.
  $test = $connection_info['default'];
  $test['database'] .= 'test';
  Database::addConnectionInfo('test', 'default', $test);
  $connection_info = Database::getConnectionInfo('test');

  // Get a fresh copy of the default connection options.
  $connectionOptions = $db
    ->assertNotEqual($connection_info['default']['database'], $connectionOptions['database'], 'The test connection info database does not match the current connection options database.');