function SearchTokenizerTestCase::testNoTokenizer in Drupal 7
Verifies that strings of non-CJK characters are not tokenized.
This is just a sanity check - it verifies that strings of letters are not tokenized.
- modules/
search/ search.test, line 1823 - Tests for search.module.
- SearchTokenizerTestCase
- Test the CJK tokenizer.
function testNoTokenizer() {
// Set the minimum word size to 1 (to split all CJK characters) and make
// sure CJK tokenizing is turned on.
variable_set('minimum_word_size', 1);
variable_set('overlap_cjk', TRUE);
$letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
$out = trim(search_simplify($letters));
->assertEqual($letters, $out, 'Letters are not CJK tokenized');