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function NodeLoadHooksTestCase::testHookNodeLoad in Drupal 7

Test that hook_node_load() is invoked correctly.


modules/node/node.test, line 127
Tests for node.module.


Tests for the hooks invoked during node_load().


function testHookNodeLoad() {

  // Create some sample articles and pages.
  $node1 = $this
    'type' => 'article',
    'status' => NODE_PUBLISHED,
  $node2 = $this
    'type' => 'article',
    'status' => NODE_PUBLISHED,
  $node3 = $this
    'type' => 'article',
    'status' => NODE_NOT_PUBLISHED,
  $node4 = $this
    'type' => 'page',
    'status' => NODE_NOT_PUBLISHED,

  // Check that when a set of nodes that only contains articles is loaded,
  // the properties added to the node by node_test_load_node() correctly
  // reflect the expected values.
  $nodes = node_load_multiple(array(), array(
    'status' => NODE_PUBLISHED,
  $loaded_node = end($nodes);
    ->assertEqual($loaded_node->node_test_loaded_nids, array(
  ), 'hook_node_load() received the correct list of node IDs the first time it was called.');
    ->assertEqual($loaded_node->node_test_loaded_types, array(
  ), 'hook_node_load() received the correct list of node types the first time it was called.');

  // Now, as part of the same page request, load a set of nodes that contain
  // both articles and pages, and make sure the parameters passed to
  // node_test_node_load() are correctly updated.
  $nodes = node_load_multiple(array(), array(
    'status' => NODE_NOT_PUBLISHED,
  $loaded_node = end($nodes);
    ->assertEqual($loaded_node->node_test_loaded_nids, array(
  ), 'hook_node_load() received the correct list of node IDs the second time it was called.');
    ->assertEqual($loaded_node->node_test_loaded_types, array(
  ), 'hook_node_load() received the correct list of node types the second time it was called.');