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function field_info_field_map in Drupal 7

Returns a lightweight map of fields across bundles.

The function only returns active, non deleted fields.

  'body' => array(
    'bundles' => array(
      'node' => array(
    'type' => 'text_with_summary',

Return value

An array keyed by field name. Each value is an array with two entries:

  • type: The field type.
  • bundles: The bundles in which the field appears, as an array with entity types as keys and the array of bundle names as values.


Related topics

2 calls to field_info_field_map()
CommentUninstallTestCase::testCommentUninstall in modules/comment/comment.test
FieldInfoTestCase::testFieldMap in modules/field/tests/field.test
Test field_info_field_map().


modules/field/, line 468
Field Info API, providing information about available fields and field types.


function field_info_field_map() {
  $cache = _field_info_field_cache();
  return $cache