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protected function FileFieldWidgetTestCase::doTestTemporaryFileRemovalExploit in Drupal 7

Helper for testing exploiting the temporary file removal using fid.


int $victim_uid: The victim user ID.

int $attacker_uid: The attacker user ID.

2 calls to FileFieldWidgetTestCase::doTestTemporaryFileRemovalExploit()
FileFieldWidgetTestCase::testTemporaryFileRemovalExploit in modules/file/tests/file.test
Tests exploiting the temporary file removal of another user using fid.
FileFieldWidgetTestCase::testTemporaryFileRemovalExploitAnonymous in modules/file/tests/file.test
Tests exploiting the temporary file removal for anonymous users using fid.


modules/file/tests/file.test, line 657
Tests for file.module.


Tests file field widget.


protected function doTestTemporaryFileRemovalExploit($victim_uid, $attacker_uid) {

  // Use 'page' instead of 'article', so that the 'article' image field does
  // not conflict with this test. If in the future the 'page' type gets its
  // own default file or image field, this test can be made more robust by
  // using a custom node type.
  $type_name = 'page';
  $field_name = 'test_file_field';
    ->createFileField($field_name, $type_name);
  $test_file = $this
  foreach (array(
  ) as $type) {

    // Create a temporary file owned by the anonymous victim user. This will be
    // as if they had uploaded the file, but not saved the node they were
    // editing or creating.
    $victim_tmp_file = $this
      ->createTemporaryFile('some text', $victim_uid);
    $victim_tmp_file = file_load($victim_tmp_file->fid);
      ->assertTrue($victim_tmp_file->status != FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT, 'New file saved to disk is temporary.');
      ->assertFalse(empty($victim_tmp_file->fid), 'New file has a fid');
      ->assertEqual($victim_uid, $victim_tmp_file->uid, 'New file belongs to the victim user');

    // Have attacker create a new node with a different uploaded file and
    // ensure it got uploaded successfully.
    // @todo Can we test AJAX? See
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $type . '-title',

    // Attach a file to a node.
    $langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE;
    $edit['files[' . $field_name . '_' . $langcode . '_0]'] = drupal_realpath($test_file->uri);
      ->drupalPost("node/add/{$type_name}", $edit, 'Save');
    $node = $this
    $node_file = file_load($node->{$field_name}[$langcode][0]['fid']);
      ->assertFileExists($node_file, 'New file saved to disk on node creation.');
      ->assertEqual($attacker_uid, $node_file->uid, 'New file belongs to the attacker.');

    // Ensure the file can be downloaded.
      ->assertResponse(200, 'Confirmed that the generated URL is correct by downloading the shipped file.');

    // "Click" the remove button (emulating either a nojs or js submission).
    // In this POST request, the attacker "guesses" the fid of the victim's
    // temporary file and uses that to remove this file.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit');
    switch ($type) {
      case 'nojs':
          ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
          "{$field_name}[{$langcode}][0][fid]" => (string) $victim_tmp_file->fid,
        ), 'Remove');
      case 'js':
        $button = $this
          ->xpath('//input[@type="submit" and @value="Remove"]');
          ->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, array(
          "{$field_name}[{$langcode}][0][fid]" => (string) $victim_tmp_file->fid,
        ), array(
          (string) $button[0]['name'] => (string) $button[0]['value'],

    // The victim's temporary file should not be removed by the attacker's
    // POST request.