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function DrupalSystemListingTestCase::testDirectoryPrecedence in Drupal 7

Test that files in different directories take precedence as expected.


modules/simpletest/tests/common.test, line 2735
Tests for functionality.


Tests for the drupal_system_listing() function.


function testDirectoryPrecedence() {

  // Define the module files we will search for, and the directory precedence
  // we expect.
  $expected_directories = array(
    // When the copy of the module in the profile directory is incompatible
    // with Drupal core, the copy in the core modules directory takes
    // precedence.
    'drupal_system_listing_incompatible_test' => array(
    // When both copies of the module are compatible with Drupal core, the
    // copy in the profile directory takes precedence.
    'drupal_system_listing_compatible_test' => array(

  // This test relies on two versions of the same module existing in
  // different places in the filesystem. Without that, the test has no
  // meaning, so assert their presence first.
  foreach ($expected_directories as $module => $directories) {
    foreach ($directories as $directory) {
      $filename = "{$directory}/{$module}/{$module}.module";
        ->assertTrue(file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $filename), format_string('@filename exists.', array(
        '@filename' => $filename,

  // Now scan the directories and check that the files take precedence as
  // expected.
  $files = drupal_system_listing('/\\.module$/', 'modules', 'name', 1);
  foreach ($expected_directories as $module => $directories) {
    $expected_directory = array_shift($directories);
    $expected_filename = "{$expected_directory}/{$module}/{$module}.module";
      ->assertEqual($files[$module]->uri, $expected_filename, format_string('Module @module was found at @filename.', array(
      '@module' => $module,
      '@filename' => $expected_filename,