function FormsFormStorageTestCase::testMutableForm in Drupal 7
Verify that the form build-id remains the same when validation errors occur on a mutable form.
- modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test, line 1272 - Unit tests for the Drupal Form API.
- FormsFormStorageTestCase
- Test the form storage on a multistep form.
function testMutableForm() {
// Request the form with 'cache' query parameter to enable form caching.
->drupalGet('form_test/form-storage', array(
'query' => array(
'cache' => 1,
$buildIdFields = $this
->assertEqual(count($buildIdFields), 1, 'One form build id field on the page');
$buildId = (string) $buildIdFields[0]['value'];
// Trigger validation error by submitting an empty title.
$edit = array(
'title' => '',
->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, 'Continue submit');
// Verify that the build-id did not change.
->assertFieldByName('form_build_id', $buildId, 'Build id remains the same when form validation fails');