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function RdfMappingHookTestCase::testMapping in Drupal 7

Test that hook_rdf_mapping() correctly returns and processes mapping.


modules/rdf/rdf.test, line 24
Tests for rdf.module.


@file Tests for rdf.module.


function testMapping() {

  // Test that the mapping is returned correctly by the hook.
  $mapping = rdf_mapping_load('test_entity', 'test_bundle');
    ->assertIdentical($mapping['rdftype'], array(
  ), 'Mapping for rdftype is sioc:Post.');
    ->assertIdentical($mapping['title'], array(
    'predicates' => array(
  ), 'Mapping for title is dc:title.');
    ->assertIdentical($mapping['created'], array(
    'predicates' => array(
    'datatype' => 'xsd:dateTime',
    'callback' => 'date_iso8601',
  ), t('Mapping for created is dc:created with datatype xsd:dateTime and callback date_iso8601.'));
    ->assertIdentical($mapping['uid'], array(
    'predicates' => array(
    'type' => 'rel',
  ), 'Mapping for uid is sioc:has_creator and dc:creator, and type is rel.');
  $mapping = rdf_mapping_load('test_entity', 'test_bundle_no_mapping');
    ->assertEqual($mapping, array(), 'Empty array returned when an entity type, bundle pair has no mapping.');