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function MailTestCase::testFromHeader in Drupal 7

Checks for the site name in an auto-generated From: header.


modules/simpletest/tests/mail.test, line 65
Test the Drupal mailing system.


@file Test the Drupal mailing system.


function testFromHeader() {
  global $language;
  $default_from = variable_get('site_mail', ini_get('sendmail_from'));
  $site_name = variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal');

  // Reset the class variable holding a copy of the last sent message.
  self::$sent_message = NULL;

  // Send an e-mail with a sender address specified.
  $from_email = '';
  $message = drupal_mail('simpletest', 'from_test', '', $language, array(), $from_email);

  // Test that the from e-mail is just the e-mail and not the site name and
  // default sender e-mail.
    ->assertEqual($from_email, self::$sent_message['headers']['From']);

  // Check default behavior is only email in FROM header.
  self::$sent_message = NULL;

  // Send an e-mail and check that the From-header contains only default mail address.
  $message = drupal_mail('simpletest', 'from_test', '', $language);
    ->assertEqual($default_from, self::$sent_message['headers']['From']);
  self::$sent_message = NULL;

  // Send an e-mail and check that the From-header contains the site name.
  variable_set('mail_display_name_site_name', TRUE);
  $message = drupal_mail('simpletest', 'from_test', '', $language);
    ->assertEqual($site_name . ' <' . $default_from . '>', self::$sent_message['headers']['From']);