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Functions in Patterns 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
patterns_info_page includes/forms/ Displays a summary of available parsers, components, and patterns directories. 1
patterns_info_parsers includes/forms/ Displays a summary of Patterns parsers 1
patterns_install ./patterns.install Implements hook_install().
patterns_install_modules includes/core/ Installs required modules for executing the pattern, if they are not already enabled. 2
patterns_install_modules_in_pattern ./patterns.module Extract all the values of the modules tag from a pattern and returns them as an array. 1
patterns_invoke ./patterns.module Execute hook_patterns with the given operation and return the results. 3
patterns_io_get_format_from_file includes/io/ Extracts and validates the pattern format from a file string 4
patterns_io_get_name_from_file includes/io/ 2
patterns_io_get_patterns includes/io/ Wrapper function for _patterns_io_get_patterns. 4
patterns_io_get_patterns_service includes/io/ Prints an HTML formatted list of patterns. 1
patterns_io_get_pattern_service includes/io/ Menu callback, returns source code of the requested pattern if the pattern is public. 1
patterns_io_get_public_patterns includes/io/ Wrapper function for _patterns_io_get_patterns. 1
patterns_io_import_file includes/io/ 3
patterns_io_import_file_remote includes/io/ 1
patterns_io_list_components includes/io/ Returns a list of uris to components files. 2
patterns_io_list_components_dirs includes/io/ Returns a list of all the directories containing Patterns components.
patterns_io_list_components_names includes/io/ Returns a list with the names of the components. 2
patterns_io_load_components includes/io/ Loads the Patterns handlers (component) from the filesystem, if they are not already loaded. 11
patterns_io_load_pattern_from_file includes/io/ Creates a pattern object from a file 1
patterns_io_remove_pattern includes/io/ Removes a pattern both from the file system and the database. 1
patterns_io_remove_pattern_from_fs includes/io/ 2
patterns_io_save_pattern includes/io/ Saves a pattern string or array into the database AND in the file system. 6
patterns_io_scan_directories includes/io/ Scan directories looking for patterns files. 1
patterns_lab includes/forms/ @file Functions related to exporting patterns. 1
patterns_lab_is_valid_export_mode includes/forms/ Returns TRUE if the passed parameter is a valid flag to configure Patterns behaviors with the 'include' tag. 1
patterns_lab_submit includes/forms/ Exports selected patterns either in a file or as a zip-archive 1
patterns_lab_validate includes/forms/ Checks if the patterns directory is ready and if the file name for exported patterns is valid.
patterns_libraries_info ./patterns.module Implements hook_libraries_info().
patterns_list ./patterns.module First function to be called for displaying the pattern list page. 1
patterns_list_patterns_2 theme/
patterns_list_public ./patterns.module 1
patterns_load_codemirror includes/forms/ Adds the JavaScript files to load the Co2 Editing textarea. 1
patterns_load_file_and_start_engine ./ 1
patterns_locate_action includes/core/ Scan the actions_map array and return info about the file the action was coming from with the following info: 1
patterns_menu ./patterns.module Implements hook_menu().
patterns_modules_page theme/ Lists the modules used by a particular pattern. 1
patterns_moduletags_filter includes/ Filters out information from a modulestag index and returns the results in a new array. 1
patterns_moduletags_get_index includes/ Builds up an associative array of modules and exposed tags. 5
patterns_options_flatten includes/ Helper function to flatter options, but keep the title/names in. @TODO Doc. 1
patterns_parser_build_formats_index includes/parser/ Register all available patterns parsers and returns an associative array. 5
patterns_parser_build_include_options includes/parser/ 2
patterns_parser_dump includes/parser/ Tries to dump an array representing a pattern to a string, according to the specified format. 5
patterns_parser_dump_comment includes/parser/ Tries to dump an array representing a pattern to a string, according to the specified format. 1
patterns_parser_exists includes/parser/ Checks wheter a parser is defined for a given format. 8
patterns_parser_extract_all_actions includes/parser/ Extract all the actions from a pattern and returns them as an array. 3
patterns_parser_extract_modules includes/parser/ Extract all the values of the modules tag from a pattern and returns them as an array. 1
patterns_parser_get_formats includes/parser/ Returns an array of formats currently supported by the patterns module. 5
patterns_parser_get_parser_function includes/parser/ Checks whether a parser is defined for a given format, and returns the corresponding function name for the requested action. 6
patterns_parser_get_pattern_details includes/parser/ Returns an array with detailed information about the pattern(s) referenced in the pattern files (included). 1
patterns_parser_include_pattern includes/parser/ Inserts the actions of a pattern into another one. Sections of the included patterns are not preserved, and all its actions are appended at the end of the first parameter 1


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