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Functions in Patterns 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
patterns_d2d_push_patterns_client patterns_d2d/includes/ 1
patterns_d2d_push_patterns_server patterns_d2d/includes/ 1
patterns_d2d_share_patterns patterns_d2d/includes/ 1
patterns_d2d_uninstall patterns_d2d/patterns_d2d.install Implements hook_uninstall().
patterns_db_analyze_patterns_status includes/ Returns a string representation of the status of the pattern as it is in the database; 1
patterns_db_get_enabled_patterns includes/ Returns the array of patterns objects that are currently enabled. 1
patterns_db_get_enabled_patterns_array includes/ Returns the array of patterns array that are currently enabled. 1
patterns_db_get_id_from_name includes/ Looks up a numerical id into the database for a valid patterns name. Returns false, if no valid pattern name was found.
patterns_db_get_name_from_id includes/ Looks up a pattern name into the database and returns the numerical id associated with it. Returns false, if no valid pattern name was passed.
patterns_db_get_patterns includes/ Returns the array of patterns objects that are currently in the database. 6
patterns_db_get_patterns_array includes/ Returns the array of patterns loaded from the database. 1
patterns_db_is_pattern_updated includes/ Compares the date of the last update in the database with the one in the file system and return TRUE if the file system has a newer copy of the pattern stored in the database. 3
patterns_db_load_pattern_from_name includes/ Loads a pattern object from the database based on the given name. 2
patterns_db_publish_pattern includes/ Sets the flag public to FALSE in the database for the pattern with the specified pattern id. 3
patterns_db_remove_pattern includes/ Remove permanently a pattern from the database. 2
patterns_db_restore_pattern includes/ Mark that pattern status as OK in the database. 1
patterns_db_save_pattern includes/ Writes the pattern metadata (and the actual pattern) to the database. 2
patterns_db_trash_pattern includes/ Mark that pattern status as trashed in the database. 1
patterns_db_unpublish_pattern includes/ Sets the flag public to FALSE in the database for the pattern with the specified pattern id. 2
patterns_disable_modules includes/core/ Disable the specified modules. 1
patterns_download_file includes/io/ 1
patterns_download_zip includes/io/ 1
patterns_drush_command ./ Implements hook_drush_command().
patterns_drush_filter_components ./ Validate, and filters user input for export components 1
patterns_drush_get_file_format ./ 2
patterns_drush_help ./ Implements hook_drush_help().
patterns_edit includes/forms/ Form constructor for editing a pattern. TODO:params 2
patterns_editor includes/forms/ Builds up a pattern editing environment. Loads additional javascript libraries, and supplies AJAX validation on the fly. 2 1
patterns_editor_create_page includes/forms/ Display the page for creating a new pattern. 1
patterns_edit_page includes/forms/ Display the page for editing a pattern. 1
patterns_edit_submit includes/forms/ Form submission handler for patterns_edit_form().
patterns_edit_validate includes/forms/ Form validation handler for patterns_edit_form().
patterns_enable_pattern ./patterns.module Form constructor for the Patterns enabling form. 1
patterns_enable_pattern_submit ./patterns.module Form submission handler for patterns_enable_pattern().
patterns_enable_pattern_validate ./patterns.module <hook_validate>
patterns_error_check_results includes/ Helper function for checking errors. 5
patterns_error_get_last includes/ Check and report PHP errors during patterns execution.
patterns_error_handler includes/ Custom Patterns error handler. 1 1
patterns_error_last includes/ Returns or sets the last error. 2
patterns_examples_disable patterns_examples/patterns_examples.install Implements hook_uninstall().
patterns_examples_install patterns_examples/patterns_examples.install Implements hook_install().
patterns_examples_patterns_directory patterns_examples/patterns_examples.module
patterns_execute_action includes/core/ Execute an action. 1
patterns_execute_config includes/ Executes default configuration for module during the module installation.
patterns_execute_pattern_batch includes/core/ Starts preliminary operations for pattern execution.
patterns_execute_pattern_php includes/core/ Execute a Pattern. Actions will be called sequentially.
patterns_executing includes/core/ @TODO Doc. 1
patterns_exit includes/
patterns_export patterns_export/patterns_export.module Forms to export the current web site configuration 4
patterns_export_actions_from_form patterns_export/ Constructs patterns actions based on the current state of a form 3


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