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Drush Patterns module commands

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 * @file
 * Drush Patterns module commands

 * TODO: parse additional parameters for patterns execution
 * TODO: do we need the form-helper command ?

 * Implements hook_drush_help().
function patterns_drush_help($section) {
  switch ($section) {
    case 'drush:patterns':
      return dt("List all available patterns. Patterns in the trash bin do not appear in this list.");
    case 'drush:patterns-info':
      return dt("Show all info on a given pattern.");
    case 'drush:patterns-quickrun':
      return dt("Read a pattern file and run it without saving it into the database.");
    case 'drush:patterns-run':
      return dt('Run a pattern file. If the pattern is not found in the database, it will try to import it.');
    case 'drush:patterns-import':
      return dt('Import a pattern file into the database.');
    case 'drush:patterns-export':
      $text = "Export data from the patterns components to file, zip archive, or database ([file|db|zip]). ";
      $text .= "Zip compression requires ZipArchive class to be installed.";
      $text .= "It is possible to select which components to extract following the syntax: 'component.tag.export'. ";
      $text .= "The relative path of extracted files is computed from the Drupal root directory. Absolute paths can be used to point to external paths. ";
      return dt($text);

 * Implements hook_drush_command().
function patterns_drush_command() {
  $dependencies = array(
  $deps_export = $dependencies;
  array_push($deps_export, 'patterns_export');

  // TODO: do we need the form-helper command ?

    $items['patterns-form-helper'] = array(
      'description' => 'Enable/disable patterns form helper',
      'arguments' => array(
        'action' => "Valid values: enable, disable.",

  // configuration / information
  $items['patterns'] = array(
    'callback' => 'drush_patterns',
    'description' => "List all available patterns.",
  $items['patterns-paths'] = array(
    'description' => "List all paths where patterns will be looked for",
    'drupal dependencies' => array(
  $items['patterns-components'] = array(
    'description' => "List all the available patterns components",
    'drupal dependencies' => array(
  $items['patterns-info'] = array(
    'callback' => 'drush_patterns_info',
    'description' => "Show all info on a given pattern.",
    'arguments' => array(
      'id' => "The id or the name of the pattern as stored in the database.",
  $items['patterns-allow-publish'] = array(
    'description' => 'Enable/disable patterns publishing',
    'arguments' => array(
      'action' => "Valid values: enable, disable.",
  $items['patterns-publish'] = array(
    'description' => "Publish a pattern.",
    'arguments' => array(
      'id' => "The id or the name of the pattern to publish.",
    'drupal dependencies' => array(
  $items['patterns-unpublish'] = array(
    'description' => "Unpublish a pattern.",
    'arguments' => array(
      'id' => "The id or the name of the pattern to unpublish.",
    'drupal dependencies' => array(

  // run / quickrun
  $items['patterns-quickrun'] = array(
    'callback' => 'drush_patterns_quickrun',
    'description' => 'Load a pattern file and executes it without saving it into the database',
    'examples' => array(
      'drush patterns-quickrun myPattern.yaml' => 'Read myPattern.yaml,  parses it using the XMLParser, and runs it in php mode',
      'drush patterns-quickrun myPattern yaml batch' => 'Read myPattern,  parses it using the YAMLParser, and runs it in batch mode',
    'arguments' => array(
      'file_name' => 'The path to the a pattern file',
      'format' => 'Optional. The format of the pattern. If not specified, it will be determined by the file extension.',
      'mode' => 'Optional. Execute via "batch" or "php". Defaults "php"',
    'drupal dependencies' => $dependencies,
    'core' => array(
  $items['patterns-run'] = array(
    'callback' => 'drush_patterns_run',
    'description' => 'Import and enable the specified pattern file',
    'examples' => array(
      'drush patterns-run path/to/patterns/file.xml' => 'Parses file.xml using the XMLParser, imports it into the database and runs it',
      'drush patterns-run path/to/pattern/file yaml batch' => 'Parses file using the YAMLParser, imports it into the database and runs it in batch mode',
      'drush patterns-run 2' => 'Runs the pattern stored in the database with id 2',
      'drush patterns-run pattern_in_db.yaml' => 'Runs the pattern stored in the database with the name pattern_in_db.yaml',
    'arguments' => array(
      'pattern' => 'The path to the a pattern file, the pattern id or the pattern name',
      'format' => 'Optional. The format of the pattern. If not specified, it will be determined by the file extension.',
      'mode' => 'Optional. Execute via "batch" or "php". Defaults "php"',
    'drupal dependencies' => $dependencies,
    'core' => array(
  $items['patterns-import'] = array(
    'callback' => 'drush_patterns_import_file',
    'description' => 'Import a pattern local file into the database.',
    'examples' => array(
      'drush patterns-import path/to/patterns/file.xml' => 'Parses file.xml using the XMLParser, and saves the results into the database.',
      'drush patterns-import path/to/pattern/file' => 'Import the specified pattern file and give it a machine readable name',
    'arguments' => array(
      'file' => 'The path to a pattern file',
      'format' => 'Optional. A valid pattern format, e.g. xml or yaml. If not specified, it will be determined by the file extension.',
    'drupal dependencies' => $dependencies,
    'core' => array(
  $items['patterns-import-remote'] = array(
    'callback' => 'drush_patterns_import_file_remote',
    'description' => 'Import a remote pattern file into the database.',
    'examples' => array(
      'drush patterns-import-remote' => 'Opens the remote location, parses mypattern.yaml using the YAMLParser, and saves the results into the database.',
      'drush patterns-import-remote yaml' => 'Opens the remote location, parses mypattern using the YAMLParser, and saves the results into the database.',
    'arguments' => array(
      'uri' => 'The uri to a pattern file',
      'format' => 'Optional. A valid pattern format, e.g. xml or yaml. If not specified, it will be determined by the file extension.',
    'drupal dependencies' => $dependencies,
    'core' => array(
  $items['patterns-export'] = array(
    'description' => 'Export data from all or a selection of patterns components to a file, a zip file, or saves it into the database.',
    'examples' => array(
      'drush patterns-export file path/to/patterns/file.yaml' => 'Exports from *all* available components to the specified file. The file is *not* imported in the database.',
      'drush patterns-export db exported.xml taxonomy' => 'Exports from all tags of the component "taxonomy" and saves the results in the database under the machine_name of exported.xml.',
      'drush patterns-export zip path/to/ yaml taxonomy.term' => 'Exports from tag "term" of the component "taxonomy" and saves the results in the zip archive containing patterns in YAML format.',
      'drush patterns-export file path/to/exported.yaml taxonomy.term.all color block.block' => 'Exports from export_function "all" in tag "term" of the component "taxonomy", from all tags of the component "color", and from tag "block" of component "block". Results are saved to file exported.yaml.',
    'arguments' => array(
      'action' => 'The export action: export to a file, to a zip archive, or import the result of the export into the database',
      'file_name' => 'The path to a pattern file',
      'format' => 'Optional. To use only in combination with the export to zip action. A valid pattern format, e.g. xml or yaml. If not specified, it will be determined by the file extension.',
      'exports' => 'Optional. A combination of components, tags, and export functions, that determine the content of the exported file',
    'drupal dependencies' => $deps_export,
    'core' => array(
  return $items;

// Callbacks

 * patterns list command callback.
function drush_patterns() {
  $patterns = patterns_io_get_patterns();
  $patterns = $patterns[PATTERNS_STATUS_OK];
  $pipe = array();
  $rows[] = array(
  foreach ($patterns as $pid => $pattern) {
    $rows[] = array(
    $pipe[] = "{$pattern->title}";
  drush_print_table($rows, TRUE);
  drush_print_pipe(implode(' ', $pipe));

 * patterns list command callback.
 * @param mixed int|string $id The pattern id or name of the pattern
function drush_patterns_info($id) {
  $pattern = patterns_get_pattern($id);
  if (!$pattern) {
    return drush_set_error(dt("There is no pattern registered with id or name '{$id}'"));
  $info = "";
  $info .= sprintf("  %-18s: %s\n", 'PID', $pattern->pid);
  $info .= sprintf("  %-18s: %s\n", 'Name', $pattern->name);
  $info .= sprintf("  %-18s: %s\n", 'Description', $pattern->description);
  $info .= sprintf("  %-18s: %s\n", 'File', $pattern->file);
  $info .= sprintf("  %-18s: %s\n", 'Status', $pattern->status);
  $info .= sprintf("  %-18s: %s\n", 'Public', $pattern->public);
  $info .= sprintf("  %-18s: %s\n", 'Updated', $pattern->updated);
  $info .= sprintf("  %-18s: %s\n", 'Enabled', $pattern->enabled);
  if (is_array($pattern->pattern['info'])) {
    foreach ($pattern->pattern['info'] as $key => $value) {
      $info .= sprintf("  %-18s: %s\n", ucfirst($key), $value);
  if (is_array($pattern->pattern['modules'])) {
    $info .= sprintf("  %-18s: %s\n", 'Modules', implode(', ', $pattern->pattern['modules']));

 * patterns list command callback.
function drush_patterns_form_helper($action) {
  if ($action == 'enable') {
    variable_set('patterns_form_helper', TRUE);
  else {
    variable_set('patterns_form_helper', FALSE);

 * patterns list command callback.
function drush_patterns_allow_publish($action) {
  if (in_array($action, 'enable', 'en', 'yes', 'y')) {
    drush_print("Patterns publishing patterns enabled.");
    variable_set('patterns_allow_publish', TRUE);
  else {
    if (in_array($action, 'disable', 'dis', 'no', 'n')) {
      drush_print("Patterns publishing patterns disabled.");
      variable_set('patterns_allow_publish', FALSE);
    else {
      drush_set_error(dt("Unrecognized option."));

 * List of patterns path command callback.
function drush_patterns_paths() {
  drush_print("List of path containing Patterns files.");
  $paths = patterns_path_get_patterns_dirs();
  foreach ($paths as $path) {
    drush_print("- {$path}", 4);
  drush_print_pipe(implode(', ', $paths));

 * List of patterns path command callback.
function drush_patterns_components() {
  drush_print("List of available Patterns components.");
  $paths = patterns_io_list_components_names(TRUE);
  foreach ($paths as $path) {
    drush_print("- {$path}", 4);
  drush_print_pipe(implode(', ', $paths));

 * patterns publish command callback.
function drush_patterns_publish($pid) {
  drush_print("Publishing pattern.");
  $result = patterns_db_publish_pattern($pid);
  if ($result) {
    drush_print("Operation was successful");
  else {
    drush_set_error(dt("An error occurred, patterns was not marked as public."));

 * patterns unpublish command callback.
function drush_patterns_unpublish($pid) {
  drush_print("Unpublishing a pattern.");
  $result = patterns_db_unpublish_pattern($pid);
  if ($result) {
    drush_print("Operation was successful");
  else {
    drush_set_error(dt("An error occurred, patterns public status could not be changed."));

// run, quickrun, import, export

 * Runs a pattern file without importing it into the database
 * @param string $file The path to the pattern file
 * @param string $format Optional. The format of the pattern.
 * @param string $mode Optional. batch or php. Defaults php.
 * @param array $params
function drush_patterns_quickrun($file, $format = PATTERNS_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, $mode = 'php', $params = array()) {
  drush_print(dt('Patterns quick-run.'));
  $format = patterns_drush_get_file_format($file, $format);
  if (!$format) {
    return drush_set_error('Invalid pattern format. Aborting');
  drush_print(dt('Format: ' . $format));
  return patterns_load_file_and_start_engine($file, $format, $mode, $params);

 * Imports, enables, and runs the specified pattern file
 * @param string pattern file pathname
 * @param string optional machine readable pattern name
function drush_patterns_run($name, $format = PATTERNS_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, $mode = 'php', $params = array()) {
  drush_print(dt('Running pattern: ' . $name));
  $pattern = patterns_get_pattern($name);
  if (!$pattern) {
    if (!drush_file_not_empty($name)) {
      return drush_set_error(dt('Pattern was not found in the database nor in the file system.'));
    if (!drush_confirm(dt("Pattern '{$name}' has not been imported. Do you want to import it now? "))) {
      return drush_print(dt('patterns-run has been canceled.'));
    $format = patterns_drush_get_file_format($file, $format);
    if (!$format) {
      return drush_set_error('Invalid pattern format. Aborting');
    $result = patterns_io_import_file($name, $format);
    if (!$result) {
      return drush_set_error(dt('Importing pattern failed'));
    $name = patterns_io_get_name_from_file($name);

    // Check if the file has a valid extension
    // and in case add the format at the end
    if (!_patterns_io_file_has_valid_extension($name)) {
      $name = $name . '.' . $format;
    $pattern = patterns_get_pattern($name);
  return drush_patterns_run_pattern($pattern, $mode, $params);

 * Export data from the patterns components to file, zip archive, or database
function drush_patterns_export() {
  drush_print(dt('Patterns export.'));
  if (!patterns_utils_is_module_enabled('patterns_export')) {
    drush_set_error(dt('Please enable module patterns_export first'));
    return FALSE;
  $args = func_get_args();
  if (empty($args)) {
    return drush_set_error(dt('You must specify the export mode and the output file'));
  $mode = array_shift($args);
  if (!patterns_export_is_valid_mode($mode)) {
    $modes_string = '[' . PATTERNS_EXPORT_TO_DB;
    $modes_string .= '|' . PATTERNS_EXPORT_TO_FILE;
    $modes_string .= '|' . PATTERNS_EXPORT_TO_ZIP . ']';
    return drush_set_error(dt('You must specify a valid export mode: ' . $modes_string));

  // out file
  $out = array_shift($args);
  if ($mode === PATTERNS_EXPORT_TO_ZIP) {
    if (!class_exists('ZipArchive')) {
      drush_set_error(dt('Zip extension not found.'));
      return FALSE;
    $format = patterns_io_get_format_from_file(NULL, array_shift($args));
    if (!$format) {
      return drush_set_error(dt('You must specify the format when exporting to Zip archive.'));
  $format = patterns_io_get_format_from_file($out, $format);
  if (!$format) {
    return FALSE;
  if (empty($args)) {
    drush_print(dt('Exporting all components'));
    $exports = patterns_moduletags_get_index(NULL, TRUE, TRUE);
  else {
    $exports = patterns_drush_filter_components($args);
  $result = patterns_export_start_engine($out, $exports, $info, $mode, $format, 'php');
  if (!$result) {
    drush_set_error(dt('An error occurred while exporting. Export may have failed.'));
  else {
    drush_print(dt('Patterns exported successfully'));

  //drush_print(print_r($export_functions, true));

 * Imports the specified patterns file
 * @param string path to the patterns file
 * @param string optional machine readable name for the pattern you are importing
 * @return mixed bool|string FALSE upon failure; the name of the imported
 * pattern upon success
function drush_patterns_import_file($file, $format = PATTERNS_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) {
  drush_print(dt("Importing local pattern file: " . $file));
  return patterns_io_import_file($file, $format);

 * Imports the specified patterns file
 * @param string path to the patterns file
 * @param string optional machine readable name for the pattern you are importing
 * @return mixed bool|string FALSE upon failure; the name of the imported
 * pattern upon success
function drush_patterns_import_file_remote($file, $format = PATTERNS_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) {
  drush_print(dt("Importing pattern file from remote uri: " . $file));
  return patterns_io_import_file_remote($file, $format);

function patterns_drush_get_file_format($file, $format = PATTERNS_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) {
  $format = patterns_io_get_format_from_file($file, $format, FALSE);
  if (!$format) {
    $format = drush_prompt(dt("Unable to recognize the pattern format. Please specify it"));
    if (!patterns_parser_exists($format)) {
      return FALSE;
  return $format;
function drush_patterns_run_pattern($pattern, $mode = 'php', $params = array()) {
  $result = patterns_start_engine($pattern, $params, $mode);
  if ($result) {
    if ($mode === 'batch') {
      $batch =& batch_get();
      $batch['progressive'] = FALSE;
    drush_print(dt('Pattern execution started.'));
  else {
    drush_set_error(dt('An error occurred while processing the pattern file.'));
  return $result;
function patterns_load_file_and_start_engine($file, $format = PATTERNS_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, $mode, $params) {
  $pattern = patterns_io_load_pattern_from_file($file, $format);
  $params = array(
    'run-subpatterns' => TRUE,
  drush_patterns_run_pattern($pattern, $mode, $params);

 * Validate, and filters user input for export components
 * The input is of the type
 * 		component.tag.export_id
 * and returns a valid moduletags index containing only
 * the exporting functions
 * @param array $out
function patterns_drush_filter_components($components) {
  $out = array();

  // Find the components.
  $all_components = patterns_io_list_components_names(TRUE);

  //drush_print(print_r($all_components, true));
  foreach ($components as $c) {
    $func = NULL;
    $func_name = NULL;
    $t = NULL;
    $tag = NULL;
    $tag_name = NULL;
    $export_func = NULL;
    list($component, $tag, $export_func) = explode('.', $c);
    if (!in_array($component, $all_components)) {
      drush_set_error(dt('Component not found: ' . $component));
    $info = call_user_func($component . '_patterns');
    if (empty($info)) {
      drush_set_error(dt('An error occurred while retrieving information from ' . $component));

    // If no tag was specified, get all export functions
    if (empty($tag)) {
      foreach ($info as $tag => $t) {
        if (!isset($t[PATTERNS_EXPORT]) || empty($t[PATTERNS_EXPORT])) {
        foreach ($t[PATTERNS_EXPORT] as $func_name => $func) {
          $out[$component][$tag][PATTERNS_EXPORT][$func_name] = $func;

        // add files
        if (isset($t[PATTERNS_FILES])) {
          $out[$component][$tag][PATTERNS_FILES] = $t[PATTERNS_FILES];
    if (!isset($info[$tag])) {
      drush_set_error(dt('Component "' . $component . '" has no tag "' . $tag . '" defined.'));
    if (!isset($info[$tag][PATTERNS_EXPORT]) || empty($info[$tag][PATTERNS_EXPORT])) {
      drush_set_error(dt('Component "' . $component . '", tag "' . $tag . '" has no export function defined.'));

    // If no export function was specified, get all export functions for the tag
    if (empty($export_func)) {
      foreach ($info[$tag][PATTERNS_EXPORT] as $func_name => $func) {
        $out[$component][$tag][PATTERNS_EXPORT][$func_name] = $func;

      // add files
      if (isset($info[$tag][PATTERNS_FILES])) {
        $out[$component][$tag][PATTERNS_FILES] = $info[$tag][PATTERNS_FILES];
    if (!isset($info[$tag][PATTERNS_EXPORT][$export_func])) {
      drush_set_error(dt('Component "' . $component . '", tag "' . $tag . '" has no xport function "' . $export_func . '"'));
    $out[$component][$tag][PATTERNS_EXPORT][$export_func] = $info[$tag][PATTERNS_EXPORT][$export_func];

    // add files
    if (isset($info[$tag][PATTERNS_FILES])) {
      $out[$component][$tag][PATTERNS_FILES] = $info[$tag][PATTERNS_FILES];
  return $out;


Namesort descending Description
drush_patterns patterns list command callback.
drush_patterns_allow_publish patterns list command callback.
drush_patterns_components List of patterns path command callback.
drush_patterns_export Export data from the patterns components to file, zip archive, or database
drush_patterns_form_helper patterns list command callback.
drush_patterns_import_file Imports the specified patterns file
drush_patterns_import_file_remote Imports the specified patterns file
drush_patterns_info patterns list command callback.
drush_patterns_paths List of patterns path command callback.
drush_patterns_publish patterns publish command callback.
drush_patterns_quickrun Runs a pattern file without importing it into the database
drush_patterns_run Imports, enables, and runs the specified pattern file
drush_patterns_unpublish patterns unpublish command callback.
patterns_drush_command Implements hook_drush_command().
patterns_drush_filter_components Validate, and filters user input for export components
patterns_drush_help Implements hook_drush_help().