function patterns_parser_get_pattern_details in Patterns 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.2 includes/parser/ \patterns_parser_get_pattern_details()
Returns an array with detailed information about the pattern(s) referenced in the pattern files (included).
stdClass $pattern Pattern object as loaded by patterns_get_pattern().:
bool $recursive If the directive include is valid.:
array $pids ??:
Return value
array $details array('pid1' => $details, 'pid2' => $details, ...), FALSE if there were errors (in which case the errors will be displayed).
1 call to patterns_parser_get_pattern_details()
- patterns_start_engine in ./
patterns.module - The beginning of the whole Patterns logic. Starts the execution in 'batch' mode (default) or 'php' mode, which makes things easier for debugging.
- includes/
parser/, line 342
function patterns_parser_get_pattern_details($pattern, $recursive = FALSE, &$pids = array()) {
$scan = patterns_scan_pattern($pattern->pattern);
// This will display errors if there are any.
if (!_patterns_scan_validate_patternscan($scan, FALSE, PATTERNS_VALIDATE_ALL, TRUE)) {
return FALSE;
$details = array();
$details['info'] = $pattern->pattern['info'];
$details['sections'] = array_intersect_key($pattern->pattern, $scan['other_sections']);
$details['modules'] = $scan['modules'] > 0 ? $pattern->pattern['modules'] : array();
//if (!$scan['contain_includes'])
return array(
$pattern->pid => $details,
// TODO: only one pattern
// The part below is for handling the include tag. Not used now
// and probably deprecated.
// prevent infinite recursion
// Disabled! Infinite recursion is possible!
// This allows the same pattern to be re-executed with different parameters
// TODO: detect recursion, and protect users from it
// if (in_array($pattern->pid, $pids)) return array();
$pids[$pattern->pid] = $pattern->pid;
$patterns[$pattern->pid] = (array) $pattern;
$patterns[$pattern->pid] = array_merge($patterns[$pattern->pid], $patterns[$pattern->pid]['pattern']['info']);
if ($recursive) {
$result = array(
'modules' => $modules,
'info' => $patterns,
foreach ($actions as $key => $action) {
if ($action['tag'] == 'pattern') {
// determine pattern name
if (!empty($action['value'])) {
$name = $action['value'];
elseif (!empty($action['name'])) {
$name = $action['name'];
if (!($p = patterns_get_pattern($name))) {
// just give a warning and try to continue
drupal_set_message(t('Action #%key in %file: Pattern %pattern not found.<br/>Pattern execution will try to continue without it.', array(
'%key' => $key + 1,
'%file' => $pattern->title,
'%pattern' => $name,
)), 'warning');
$a = patterns_parser_get_pattern_details($p, TRUE, $pids);
if ($a === FALSE) {
// TODO: error handling
if (is_array($a) && empty($a)) {
// An empty array is returned on infinite recursion detection
drupal_set_message(t('Action #%key in %file: Infinite recursion detected while attempting to run pattern %pattern.<br/>Pattern execution will try to continue without it.', array(
'%key' => $key + 1,
'%file' => $pattern->title,
'%pattern' => $name,
)), 'warning');
// we replace for tokens in the generated pattern
// this is just a proof of concept, so far
if (!empty($action['parameters'])) {
$tokens = array_keys($action['parameters']);
$values = array_values($action['parameters']);
// give tokens their delimiters
foreach ($tokens as &$token) {
$token = "__" . $token . "__";
$a = patterns_array_map('str_replace', $a, array(
// array_merge doesn't preserve numeric array keys
// so we handle 'info' separately
$info = $result['info'];
$result = array_merge_recursive($result, $a);
$result['info'] = $info + $a['info'];
else {
$result['actions'][] = $action;
$result['actions_map'][] = array(
'pid' => $pattern->pid,
'index' => $key,
$result['modules'] = array_merge(array_unique($result['modules']));
// Remove pid from recursion stack
return $result;
// Remove pid from recursion stack.
// unset($pids[$pattern->pid]);
return array(
'actions' => $actions,
'modules' => $modules,
'info' => $patterns,