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function patterns_parser_build_include_options in Patterns 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 includes/parser/ \patterns_parser_build_include_options()
2 calls to patterns_parser_build_include_options()
patterns_execute_pattern_batch in includes/core/
Starts preliminary operations for pattern execution.
patterns_execute_pattern_php in includes/core/
Execute a Pattern. Actions will be called sequentially.


includes/parser/, line 739


function patterns_parser_build_include_options($pid, $run_mode = NULL) {
  $run_mode = patterns_get_include_mode($run_mode);
  $options = array(
    'mode' => $run_mode,
  return array(
    'pattern' => $pid,
    'include' => patterns_parser_should_include($pid, $options),
    'mode' => $run_mode,