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Functions in Patterns 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
block_create patterns_components/components/ Wraps several calls to several drupal_form_submit to create a block. Depending on the type of block (custom or not), a different amount of records will be inserted. 2
block_delete patterns_components/components/ Wraps several a call to drupal_form_submit to delete the settings of a block. This operation is only available for custom blocks (as well as it happens in the UI) since blocks created by custom modules cannot be deleted (only disabled through status) 2
block_modify patterns_components/components/ Wraps several calls to several drupal_form_submit to update the settings of a block. This operation affects only the block table, block_custom table is not affected in case is a custom block 2
block_node_type_create patterns_components/components/ Wraps a call to drupal_form_submit to define a visualization relationship between the given block and content type 1
block_node_type_delete patterns_components/components/ Wraps a call to drupal_form_submit to remove a visualization relationship between the given block and content type 1
block_patterns patterns_components/components/
block_patterns_cleanup patterns_components/components/ Implements hook_patterns_cleanup().
block_patterns_export_all_blocks patterns_components/components/ Returns a set of PATTERNS_CREATE or PATTERNS_MODIFY actions with the whole set of blocks currently stored in the system. In the case of custom blocks some extra fields from table block_custom will be exported. Different actions are employed to gather… 1
block_patterns_export_all_block_node_types patterns_components/components/ Returns a set of PATTERNS_CREATE actions with the relationship between blocks and node types currently stored in the system. 1
block_patterns_export_all_block_roles patterns_components/components/ Returns a set of PATTERNS_CREATE actions with the relationship between blocks and roles currently stored in the system. 1
block_patterns_validate patterns_components/components/
block_role_create patterns_components/components/ Wraps a call to drupal_form_submit to define a visualization relationship between the given block and role 1
block_role_delete patterns_components/components/ Wraps a call to drupal_form_submit to remove a visualization relationship between the given block and role 1
call_php_func_form patterns_components/components/ TODO: Document function 3
call_php_func_form_submit patterns_components/components/ TODO: Document function
color_patterns patterns_components/components/ 1
color_patterns_build patterns_components/components/
color_patterns_callbacks patterns_components/components/
color_patterns_cleanup patterns_components/components/
color_patterns_export_all_color patterns_components/components/ 1
color_patterns_params patterns_components/components/
color_patterns_prepare patterns_components/components/
color_patterns_validate patterns_components/components/
drush_patterns ./ patterns list command callback. 1
drush_patterns_allow_publish ./ patterns list command callback.
drush_patterns_components ./ List of patterns path command callback.
drush_patterns_export ./ Export data from the patterns components to file, zip archive, or database
drush_patterns_form_helper ./ patterns list command callback.
drush_patterns_import_file ./ Imports the specified patterns file 1
drush_patterns_import_file_remote ./ Imports the specified patterns file 1
drush_patterns_info ./ patterns list command callback. 1
drush_patterns_paths ./ List of patterns path command callback.
drush_patterns_publish ./ patterns publish command callback.
drush_patterns_quickrun ./ Runs a pattern file without importing it into the database 1
drush_patterns_run ./ Imports, enables, and runs the specified pattern file 1
drush_patterns_run_pattern ./ 2
drush_patterns_test_regular_expression ./ 1
drush_patterns_unpublish ./ patterns unpublish command callback.
field_patterns patterns_components/components/ @file Patterns component for Fields. 1
field_patterns_build patterns_components/components/
field_patterns_callbacks patterns_components/components/
field_patterns_cleanup patterns_components/components/
field_patterns_export_all_fields patterns_components/components/ 1
field_patterns_export_all_ins patterns_components/components/ 1
field_patterns_params patterns_components/components/
field_patterns_prepare patterns_components/components/
field_patterns_validate patterns_components/components/
menu_patterns patterns_components/components/ 1
menu_patterns_build patterns_components/components/
menu_patterns_callbacks patterns_components/components/


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