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Functions in Panels 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
panels_update_5214 ./panels.install Create a new table for object caching. This isn't part of the cache system.
panels_update_5215 ./panels.install Increase the size of the data column in the {panels_object_cache} table on MySQL.
panels_update_5216 ./panels.install Adds the 'shown' field to the panels_pane table in order to accomodate the new show/hide panes feature.
panels_update_5217 ./panels.install Add the switcher fields to the database
panels_update_5218 ./panels.install Oversight in 5216: 'tinyint' is not a field type in pgsql; the type we wanted was 'smallint.'
panels_update_5299 ./panels.install Update from 5.x v2
panels_update_6290 ./panels.install Update from 6.x v2.
panels_update_6291 ./panels.install Special update function for the alpha2 to alpha3 transition after I messed it up.
panels_update_6292 ./panels.install Update panels pane fields using batch API.
panels_update_6293 ./panels.install Update panels display fields using batch API.
panels_update_6300 ./panels.install Establish a baseline schema version for 6.x-3.x
panels_update_6302 ./panels.install
panels_update_6303 ./panels.install Ensure the panels_simple_cache module does not exist.
panels_update_6304 ./panels.install Ensure that users are informed about the page manager module.
panels_update_6305 ./panels.install Add the title_pane field.
panels_update_6306 ./panels.install Drop a table that should have been gone long ago.
panels_update_6307 ./panels.install This update function does nothing, it was committed in error and is left in to prevent update problems.
panels_update_6308 ./panels.install Add the panels_layout table
panels_update_6309 ./panels.install Add the panels_renderer_pipeline table
panels_update_6310 ./panels.install Move stylizer data from Panels to CTools.
panels_update_6311 ./panels.install Change panels_display.layout to match the size of
panels_update_6312 ./panels.install Add a custom cache table for Panels.
panels_views_api ./panels.module Implementation of hook_views_api().
panels_views_plugins plugins/views/ Implementation of hook_views_plugins
panel_context_panels_cache_break_lock ./panels.module Break the lock on a page manager page.
panel_context_panels_cache_clear ./panels.module Save all changes made to a display using the Page Manager page cache.
panel_context_panels_cache_get ./panels.module Get display edit cache on behalf of panel context.
panel_context_panels_cache_save ./panels.module Save all changes made to a display using the Page Manager page cache.
panel_context_panels_cache_set ./panels.module Store a display edit in progress in the page cache.
template_preprocess_panels_dashboard includes/
template_preprocess_panels_pane ./panels.module Clean up the panel pane variables for the template.
template_preprocess_pane_rounded_shadow plugins/style_bases/pane/pane_rounded_shadow/
theme_panels_block_style_render_pane plugins/styles/ Render callback.
theme_panels_common_content_list includes/ Create a visible list of content in a display. Note that the contexts must be pre-loaded.
theme_panels_default_style_render_region plugins/styles/ Render callback.
theme_panels_flexible plugins/layouts/flexible/ Draw the flexible layout. 1
theme_panels_flexible_admin plugins/layouts/flexible/ Draw the flexible layout.
theme_panels_ipe_add_pane_button panels_ipe/panels_ipe.module
theme_panels_ipe_pane_wrapper panels_ipe/panels_ipe.module
theme_panels_ipe_placeholder_pane panels_ipe/panels_ipe.module Theme the 'placeholder' pane, which is shown on an active IPE when no panes live in that region.
theme_panels_ipe_region_wrapper panels_ipe/panels_ipe.module
theme_panels_layout_icon ./panels.module Theme the layout icon image @layout @todo move to
theme_panels_layout_link ./panels.module Theme the layout link image @layout
theme_panels_list_style_render_region plugins/styles/ Render callback.
theme_panels_naked_style_render_pane plugins/styles/ Render callback.
theme_panels_render_display_form ./panels.module Theme function to render our panel as a form.
theme_panels_rounded_corners_style_render_pane plugins/styles/corners/ Render callback for a single pane.
theme_panels_rounded_corners_style_render_region plugins/styles/corners/ Render callback.
theme_panels_stylizer_stylizer_style_render_pane plugins/styles/ Pane render theme
theme_panels_stylizer_stylizer_style_render_region plugins/styles/ Region render theme.


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