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Functions in Panels 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
panels_edit_cache_method_form_submit plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Submit callback for panels_edit_cache_method_form.
panels_edit_cache_save ./panels.module Method to allow modules to provide their own mechanism to write the cache used in the display editor. 1
panels_edit_cache_set ./panels.module Method to allow modules to provide their own caching mechanism for the display editor. 23
panels_edit_cache_settings_form plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Cache settings form 1
panels_edit_cache_settings_form_submit plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Allows panel styles to validate their style settings.
panels_edit_cache_settings_form_validate plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Validate cache settings.
panels_edit_configure_access_settings_form plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Form to control basic visibility settings. 1
panels_edit_configure_access_settings_form_submit plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php FAPI submission function for the edit access settings form.
panels_edit_configure_access_test_form plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Form to configure a visibility rule. 1
panels_edit_configure_access_test_form_submit plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Submit handler for visibility rule settings
panels_edit_configure_access_test_form_validate plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Validate handler for visibility rule settings
panels_edit_configure_pane_css_form plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Configure CSS on a pane form. 1
panels_edit_configure_pane_css_form_submit plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php FAPI submission function for the CSS configure form.
panels_edit_display_form includes/ Form definition for the panels display editor 4 5
panels_edit_display_form_preview includes/ Submission of the preview button. Render the preview and put it into the preview widget area. 2
panels_edit_display_form_submit includes/ Handle form submission of the display content editor. 3 2
panels_edit_display_settings_form includes/ Form for display settings. 1
panels_edit_display_settings_form_submit includes/ Store changes from the layout settings form. 1
panels_edit_display_settings_form_validate includes/ Validate the layout settings form.
panels_edit_layout ./panels.module API entry point for selecting a layout for a given display. 1
panels_edit_style_settings_form plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Style settings form 1
panels_edit_style_settings_form_submit plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Allows panel styles to validate their style settings.
panels_edit_style_settings_form_validate plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Validate style settings.
panels_edit_style_type_form plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Choose style form 1
panels_edit_style_type_form_submit plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Submit callback for panels_edit_style_type_form.
panels_export_display ./panels.module Exports the provided display into portable code. 5 1
panels_flexible_add_item_form plugins/layouts/flexible/ Form to add a row, column or region to a flexible layout. 1
panels_flexible_add_item_form_submit plugins/layouts/flexible/ Submit handler for editing a flexible item.
panels_flexible_config_item_form plugins/layouts/flexible/ Configure a row, column or region on the flexible page. 1
panels_flexible_config_item_form_submit plugins/layouts/flexible/ Submit handler for editing a flexible item.
panels_flexible_convert_settings plugins/layouts/flexible/ Convert settings from old style to new, or provide defaults for empty settings. 8
panels_flexible_create_renderer plugins/layouts/flexible/ Create a renderer object. 5
panels_flexible_get_css_group plugins/layouts/flexible/ Construct an array with all of the CSS properties for a group. 3
panels_flexible_get_sublayout plugins/layouts/flexible/ Callback to provide a single stored flexible layout. 1
panels_flexible_get_sublayouts plugins/layouts/flexible/ Callback to provide all stored flexible layouts. 1
panels_flexible_merge_plugin plugins/layouts/flexible/ Merge the main flexible plugin with a layout to create a sub plugin. 2
panels_flexible_panels plugins/layouts/flexible/ Define the actual list of columns and rows for this flexible panel. 1
panels_flexible_render_css plugins/layouts/flexible/ Provide CSS for a flexible layout. 2
panels_flexible_render_css_group plugins/layouts/flexible/ Render the CSS for a group of items to be displayed together. 1
panels_flexible_render_item plugins/layouts/flexible/ Render a column in the flexible layout. 3
panels_flexible_render_items plugins/layouts/flexible/ Render a piece of a flexible layout. 2
panels_flexible_render_item_links plugins/layouts/flexible/ Render the dropdown links for an item. 4
panels_flexible_render_splitter plugins/layouts/flexible/ Render a splitter div to place between the $left and $right items. 3
panels_flexible_reuse_form plugins/layouts/flexible/ 1
panels_flexible_reuse_form_validate plugins/layouts/flexible/
panels_flush_caches ./panels.module Implementation of hook_flush_caches().
panels_get_cache includes/ Fetch metadata on a specific caching plugin. 5
panels_get_cached_content includes/ Get cached content for a given display and possibly pane. 5
panels_get_caches includes/ Fetch metadata for all context plugins. 2
panels_get_current_page_display ./panels.module Get the display that is currently being rendered as a page. 1


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