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Functions in Panels 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
panels_region_plain_box_style_settings_submit plugins/style_bases/region/region_plain_box/ 1
panels_region_rounded_shadow_style_base_build plugins/style_bases/region/region_rounded_shadow/ 1
panels_region_rounded_shadow_style_settings plugins/style_bases/region/region_rounded_shadow/ 1
panels_region_rounded_shadow_style_settings_submit plugins/style_bases/region/region_rounded_shadow/ 1
panels_render_display ./panels.module Render a display by loading the content into an appropriate array and then passing through to panels_render_layout. 7
panels_render_layout Deprecated ./panels.module Given a full layout structure and a content array, render a panel display.
panels_render_layout_admin includes/ Render the administrative layout of a display.
panels_render_pane includes/ Render a pane using the appropriate style. 1
panels_requirements ./panels.install Test requirements for installation and running.
panels_requirements_install ./panels.install Check install-time requirements.
panels_requirements_runtime ./panels.install Check runtime requirements (status report).
panels_rounded_corners_css plugins/styles/corners/ Generates the dynamic CSS. 1
panels_rounded_corners_style_settings_form plugins/styles/corners/ Settings form callback. 1
panels_save_display ./panels.module Save a display object. 6
panels_schema ./panels.install Implementation of hook_schema(). 1
panels_schema_1 ./panels.install Schema version 1 for Panels in D6. 4
panels_schema_2 ./panels.install Schema that adds the title_pane field. 2
panels_schema_3 ./panels.install Schema that adds the panels_layout table. 3
panels_set_cached_content includes/ Store cached content for a given display and possibly pane. 5
panels_simple_cache_clear_cache plugins/cache/ Clear cached content. 1
panels_simple_cache_get_cache plugins/cache/ Get cached content. 1
panels_simple_cache_get_id plugins/cache/ Figure out an id for our cache based upon input and settings. 2
panels_simple_cache_settings_form plugins/cache/ 1
panels_simple_cache_set_cache plugins/cache/ Set cached content. 1
panels_stylizer_edit_pane_style_form plugins/styles/ The form for determining if a pane should create a local style or a preconfigured style. 1
panels_stylizer_edit_pane_style_form_submit plugins/styles/ Store the preconfigured values. 1
panels_stylizer_edit_pane_style_form_validate plugins/styles/ Validate to see if we need to check the preconfigured values. 1
panels_stylizer_get_substyle plugins/styles/ Callback to provide a single stored stylizer style. 1
panels_stylizer_get_substyles plugins/styles/ Callback to provide all stored stylizer styles. 1
panels_stylizer_lipsum ./panels.module 2
panels_stylizer_merge_plugin plugins/styles/ Merge the main stylizer plugin with a style to create a sub plugin. 2
panels_stylizer_pane_add_style plugins/styles/ Allow on-the-fly creation of styles in panes. 1 1
panels_stylizer_pane_preview ./panels.module Generate a preview given the current settings. 1
panels_stylizer_region_preview ./panels.module Generate a preview given the current settings. 1
panels_stylizer_stylizer_style_settings_form plugins/styles/ Settings form callback. 1
panels_theme ./panels.module Implementation of hook_theme()
panels_uninstall ./panels.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
panels_update_1000 ./panels.install
panels_update_1001 ./panels.install
panels_update_1002 ./panels.install
panels_update_1003 ./panels.install
panels_update_5204 ./panels.install
panels_update_5205 ./panels.install
panels_update_5206 ./panels.install
panels_update_5207 ./panels.install
panels_update_5208 ./panels.install
panels_update_5209 ./panels.install
panels_update_5210 ./panels.install
panels_update_5211 ./panels.install Force a menu update
panels_update_5213 ./panels.install Add a field to store pane caching information.


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