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The theme system, which controls the output of Drupal.

The theme system allows for nearly all output of the Drupal system to be customized by user themes.


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 * @file
 * The theme system, which controls the output of Drupal.
 * The theme system allows for nearly all output of the Drupal system to be
 * customized by user themes.
 * @ingroup themeable

 * @defgroup content_flags Content markers
 * @{
 * Markers used by theme_mark() and node_mark() to designate content.
 * @see theme_mark(), node_mark()

 * Mark content as read.
define('MARK_READ', 0);

 * Mark content as being new.
define('MARK_NEW', 1);

 * Mark content as being updated.
define('MARK_UPDATED', 2);

 * @} End of "Content markers".

 * Initialize the theme system by loading the theme.
function init_theme() {
  global $theme, $user, $custom_theme, $theme_key;

  // If $theme is already set, assume the others are set, too, and do nothing
  if (isset($theme)) {
  $themes = list_themes();

  // Only select the user selected theme if it is available in the
  // list of enabled themes.
  $theme = !empty($user->theme) && !empty($themes[$user->theme]->status) ? $user->theme : variable_get('theme_default', 'garland');

  // Allow modules to override the present theme... only select custom theme
  // if it is available in the list of installed themes.
  $theme = $custom_theme && $themes[$custom_theme] ? $custom_theme : $theme;

  // Store the identifier for retrieving theme settings with.
  $theme_key = $theme;

  // Find all our ancestor themes and put them in an array.
  $base_theme = array();
  $ancestor = $theme;
  while ($ancestor && isset($themes[$ancestor]->base_theme)) {
    $base_theme[] = $new_base_theme = $themes[$themes[$ancestor]->base_theme];
    $ancestor = $themes[$ancestor]->base_theme;
  _init_theme($themes[$theme], array_reverse($base_theme));

 * Initialize the theme system given already loaded information. This
 * function is useful to initialize a theme when no database is present.
 * @param $theme
 *   An object with the following information:
 *     filename
 *       The .info file for this theme. The 'path' to
 *       the theme will be in this file's directory. (Required)
 *     owner
 *       The path to the .theme file or the .engine file to load for
 *       the theme. (Required)
 *     stylesheet
 *       The primary stylesheet for the theme. (Optional)
 *     engine
 *       The name of theme engine to use. (Optional)
 * @param $base_theme
 *    An optional array of objects that represent the 'base theme' if the
 *    theme is meant to be derivative of another theme. It requires
 *    the same information as the $theme object. It should be in
 *    'oldest first' order, meaning the top level of the chain will
 *    be first.
 * @param $registry_callback
 *   The callback to invoke to set the theme registry.
function _init_theme($theme, $base_theme = array(), $registry_callback = '_theme_load_registry') {
  global $theme_info, $base_theme_info, $theme_engine, $theme_path;
  $theme_info = $theme;
  $base_theme_info = $base_theme;
  $theme_path = dirname($theme->filename);

  // Prepare stylesheets from this theme as well as all ancestor themes.
  // We work it this way so that we can have child themes override parent
  // theme stylesheets easily.
  $final_stylesheets = array();

  // Grab stylesheets from base theme
  foreach ($base_theme as $base) {
    if (!empty($base->stylesheets)) {
      foreach ($base->stylesheets as $media => $stylesheets) {
        foreach ($stylesheets as $name => $stylesheet) {
          $final_stylesheets[$media][$name] = $stylesheet;

  // Add stylesheets used by this theme.
  if (!empty($theme->stylesheets)) {
    foreach ($theme->stylesheets as $media => $stylesheets) {
      foreach ($stylesheets as $name => $stylesheet) {
        $final_stylesheets[$media][$name] = $stylesheet;

  // And now add the stylesheets properly
  foreach ($final_stylesheets as $media => $stylesheets) {
    foreach ($stylesheets as $stylesheet) {
      drupal_add_css($stylesheet, 'theme', $media);

  // Do basically the same as the above for scripts
  $final_scripts = array();

  // Grab scripts from base theme
  foreach ($base_theme as $base) {
    if (!empty($base->scripts)) {
      foreach ($base->scripts as $name => $script) {
        $final_scripts[$name] = $script;

  // Add scripts used by this theme.
  if (!empty($theme->scripts)) {
    foreach ($theme->scripts as $name => $script) {
      $final_scripts[$name] = $script;

  // Add scripts used by this theme.
  foreach ($final_scripts as $script) {
    drupal_add_js($script, 'theme');
  $theme_engine = NULL;

  // Initialize the theme.
  if (isset($theme->engine)) {

    // Include the engine.
    include_once './' . $theme->owner;
    $theme_engine = $theme->engine;
    if (function_exists($theme_engine . '_init')) {
      foreach ($base_theme as $base) {
        call_user_func($theme_engine . '_init', $base);
      call_user_func($theme_engine . '_init', $theme);
  else {

    // include non-engine theme files
    foreach ($base_theme as $base) {

      // Include the theme file or the engine.
      if (!empty($base->owner)) {
        include_once './' . $base->owner;

    // and our theme gets one too.
    if (!empty($theme->owner)) {
      include_once './' . $theme->owner;
  $registry_callback($theme, $base_theme, $theme_engine);

 * Retrieve the stored theme registry. If the theme registry is already
 * in memory it will be returned; otherwise it will attempt to load the
 * registry from cache. If this fails, it will construct the registry and
 * cache it.
function theme_get_registry($registry = NULL) {
  static $theme_registry = NULL;
  if (isset($registry)) {
    $theme_registry = $registry;
  return $theme_registry;

 * Store the theme registry in memory.
function _theme_set_registry($registry) {

  // Pass through for setting of static variable.
  return theme_get_registry($registry);

 * Get the theme_registry cache from the database; if it doesn't exist, build
 * it.
 * @param $theme
 *   The loaded $theme object.
 * @param $base_theme
 *   An array of loaded $theme objects representing the ancestor themes in
 *   oldest first order.
 * @param theme_engine
 *   The name of the theme engine.
function _theme_load_registry($theme, $base_theme = NULL, $theme_engine = NULL) {

  // Check the theme registry cache; if it exists, use it.
  $cache = cache_get("theme_registry:{$theme->name}", 'cache');
  if (isset($cache->data)) {
    $registry = $cache->data;
  else {

    // If not, build one and cache it.
    $registry = _theme_build_registry($theme, $base_theme, $theme_engine);
    _theme_save_registry($theme, $registry);

 * Write the theme_registry cache into the database.
function _theme_save_registry($theme, $registry) {
  cache_set("theme_registry:{$theme->name}", $registry);

 * Force the system to rebuild the theme registry; this should be called
 * when modules are added to the system, or when a dynamic system needs
 * to add more theme hooks.
function drupal_rebuild_theme_registry() {
  cache_clear_all('theme_registry', 'cache', TRUE);

 * Process a single invocation of the theme hook. $type will be one
 * of 'module', 'theme_engine', 'base_theme_engine', 'theme', or 'base_theme'
 * and it tells us some important information.
 * Because $cache is a reference, the cache will be continually
 * expanded upon; new entries will replace old entries in the
 * array_merge, but we are careful to ensure some data is carried
 * forward, such as the arguments a theme hook needs.
 * An override flag can be set for preprocess functions. When detected the
 * cached preprocessors for the hook will not be merged with the newly set.
 * This can be useful to themes and theme engines by giving them more control
 * over how and when the preprocess functions are run.
function _theme_process_registry(&$cache, $name, $type, $theme, $path) {
  $result = array();
  $function = $name . '_theme';
  if (function_exists($function)) {
    $result = $function($cache, $type, $theme, $path);
    foreach ($result as $hook => $info) {
      $result[$hook]['type'] = $type;
      $result[$hook]['theme path'] = $path;

      // if function and file are left out, default to standard naming
      // conventions.
      if (!isset($info['template']) && !isset($info['function'])) {
        $result[$hook]['function'] = ($type == 'module' ? 'theme_' : $name . '_') . $hook;

      // Make sure include files is set so we don't generate notices later.
      if (!isset($info['include files'])) {
        $result[$hook]['include files'] = array();

      // If a path is set in the info, use what was set. Otherwise use the
      // default path. This is mostly so system.module can declare theme
      // functions on behalf of core .include files.
      // All files are included to be safe. Conditionally included
      // files can prevent them from getting registered.
      if (isset($info['file']) && !isset($info['path'])) {

        // First, check to see if the fully qualified file exists.
        $filename = './' . $path . '/' . $info['file'];
        if (file_exists($filename)) {
          require_once $filename;
          $result[$hook]['include files'][] = $filename;
        else {
          $filename = './' . $info['file'];
          if (file_exists($filename)) {
            require_once $filename;
            $result[$hook]['include files'][] = $filename;
      elseif (isset($info['file']) && isset($info['path'])) {
        $filename = './' . $info['path'] . '/' . $info['file'];
        if (file_exists($filename)) {
          require_once $filename;
          $result[$hook]['include files'][] = $filename;
      if (isset($info['template']) && !isset($info['path'])) {
        $result[$hook]['template'] = $path . '/' . $info['template'];

      // If 'arguments' have been defined previously, carry them forward.
      // This should happen if a theme overrides a Drupal defined theme
      // function, for example.
      if (!isset($info['arguments']) && isset($cache[$hook])) {
        $result[$hook]['arguments'] = $cache[$hook]['arguments'];

      // Likewise with theme paths. These are used for template naming suggestions.
      // Theme implementations can occur in multiple paths. Suggestions should follow.
      if (!isset($info['theme paths']) && isset($cache[$hook])) {
        $result[$hook]['theme paths'] = $cache[$hook]['theme paths'];

      // Check for sub-directories.
      $result[$hook]['theme paths'][] = isset($info['path']) ? $info['path'] : $path;

      // Check for default _preprocess_ functions. Ensure arrayness.
      if (!isset($info['preprocess functions']) || !is_array($info['preprocess functions'])) {
        $info['preprocess functions'] = array();
        $prefixes = array();
        if ($type == 'module') {

          // Default preprocessor prefix.
          $prefixes[] = 'template';

          // Add all modules so they can intervene with their own preprocessors. This allows them
          // to provide preprocess functions even if they are not the owner of the current hook.
          $prefixes += module_list();
        elseif ($type == 'theme_engine' || $type == 'base_theme_engine') {

          // Theme engines get an extra set that come before the normally named preprocessors.
          $prefixes[] = $name . '_engine';

          // The theme engine also registers on behalf of the theme. The theme or engine name can be used.
          $prefixes[] = $name;
          $prefixes[] = $theme;
        else {

          // This applies when the theme manually registers their own preprocessors.
          $prefixes[] = $name;
        foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) {
          if (function_exists($prefix . '_preprocess')) {
            $info['preprocess functions'][] = $prefix . '_preprocess';
          if (function_exists($prefix . '_preprocess_' . $hook)) {
            $info['preprocess functions'][] = $prefix . '_preprocess_' . $hook;
          if (!empty($info['original hook']) && function_exists($prefix . '_preprocess_' . $info['original hook'])) {
            $info['preprocess functions'][] = $prefix . '_preprocess_' . $info['original hook'];

      // Check for the override flag and prevent the cached preprocess functions from being used.
      // This allows themes or theme engines to remove preprocessors set earlier in the registry build.
      if (!empty($info['override preprocess functions'])) {

        // Flag not needed inside the registry.
        unset($result[$hook]['override preprocess functions']);
      elseif (isset($cache[$hook]['preprocess functions']) && is_array($cache[$hook]['preprocess functions'])) {
        $info['preprocess functions'] = array_merge($cache[$hook]['preprocess functions'], $info['preprocess functions']);
      elseif (isset($info['original hook']) && isset($cache[$info['original hook']]['preprocess functions']) && is_array($cache[$info['original hook']]['preprocess functions'])) {
        $info['preprocess functions'] = array_merge($cache[$info['original hook']]['preprocess functions'], $info['preprocess functions']);
      $result[$hook]['preprocess functions'] = $info['preprocess functions'];

    // Merge the newly created theme hooks into the existing cache.
    $cache = array_merge($cache, $result);

  // Let themes have preprocess functions even if they didn't register a template.
  if ($type == 'theme' || $type == 'base_theme') {
    foreach ($cache as $hook => $info) {

      // Check only if it's a template and not registered by the theme or engine.
      if (!empty($info['template']) && empty($result[$hook])) {
        if (!isset($info['preprocess functions'])) {
          $cache[$hook]['preprocess functions'] = array();
        if (function_exists($name . '_preprocess')) {
          $cache[$hook]['preprocess functions'][] = $name . '_preprocess';
        if (function_exists($name . '_preprocess_' . $hook)) {
          $cache[$hook]['preprocess functions'][] = $name . '_preprocess_' . $hook;

        // Ensure uniqueness.
        $cache[$hook]['preprocess functions'] = array_unique($cache[$hook]['preprocess functions']);

 * Rebuild the hook theme_registry cache.
 * @param $theme
 *   The loaded $theme object.
 * @param $base_theme
 *   An array of loaded $theme objects representing the ancestor themes in
 *   oldest first order.
 * @param theme_engine
 *   The name of the theme engine.
function _theme_build_registry($theme, $base_theme, $theme_engine) {
  $cache = array();

  // First, process the theme hooks advertised by modules. This will
  // serve as the basic registry.
  foreach (module_implements('theme') as $module) {
    _theme_process_registry($cache, $module, 'module', $module, drupal_get_path('module', $module));

  // Process each base theme.
  foreach ($base_theme as $base) {

    // If the base theme uses a theme engine, process its hooks.
    $base_path = dirname($base->filename);
    if ($theme_engine) {
      _theme_process_registry($cache, $theme_engine, 'base_theme_engine', $base->name, $base_path);
    _theme_process_registry($cache, $base->name, 'base_theme', $base->name, $base_path);

  // And then the same thing, but for the theme.
  if ($theme_engine) {
    _theme_process_registry($cache, $theme_engine, 'theme_engine', $theme->name, dirname($theme->filename));

  // Finally, hooks provided by the theme itself.
  _theme_process_registry($cache, $theme->name, 'theme', $theme->name, dirname($theme->filename));

  // Let modules alter the registry
  drupal_alter('theme_registry', $cache);
  return $cache;

 * Provides a list of currently available themes.
 * If the database is active then it will be retrieved from the database.
 * Otherwise it will retrieve a new list.
 * @param $refresh
 *   Whether to reload the list of themes from the database.
 * @return
 *   An array of the currently available themes.
function list_themes($refresh = FALSE) {
  static $list = array();
  if ($refresh) {
    $list = array();
  if (empty($list)) {
    $list = array();
    $themes = array();

    // Extract from the database only when it is available.
    // Also check that the site is not in the middle of an install or update.
    if (db_is_active() && !defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE')) {
      $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {system} WHERE type = '%s'", 'theme');
      while ($theme = db_fetch_object($result)) {
        if (file_exists($theme->filename)) {
          $theme->info = unserialize($theme->info);
          $themes[] = $theme;
    else {

      // Scan the installation when the database should not be read.
      $themes = _system_theme_data();
    foreach ($themes as $theme) {
      foreach ($theme->info['stylesheets'] as $media => $stylesheets) {
        foreach ($stylesheets as $stylesheet => $path) {
          $theme->stylesheets[$media][$stylesheet] = $path;
      foreach ($theme->info['scripts'] as $script => $path) {
        if (file_exists($path)) {
          $theme->scripts[$script] = $path;
      if (isset($theme->info['engine'])) {
        $theme->engine = $theme->info['engine'];
      if (isset($theme->info['base theme'])) {
        $theme->base_theme = $theme->info['base theme'];

      // Status is normally retrieved from the database. Add zero values when
      // read from the installation directory to prevent notices.
      if (!isset($theme->status)) {
        $theme->status = 0;
      $list[$theme->name] = $theme;
  return $list;

 * Generates the themed output.
 * All requests for theme hooks must go through this function. It examines
 * the request and routes it to the appropriate theme function. The theme
 * registry is checked to determine which implementation to use, which may
 * be a function or a template.
 * If the implementation is a function, it is executed and its return value
 * passed along.
 * If the implementation is a template, the arguments are converted to a
 * $variables array. This array is then modified by the module implementing
 * the hook, theme engine (if applicable) and the theme. The following
 * functions may be used to modify the $variables array. They are processed in
 * this order when available:
 * - template_preprocess(&$variables, $hook)
 *   This sets a default set of variables for all template implementations.
 * - template_preprocess_HOOK(&$variables)
 *   This is the first preprocessor called specific to the hook; it should be
 *   implemented by the module that registers it.
 * - MODULE_preprocess(&$variables, $hook)
 *   This will be called for all templates; it should only be used if there
 *   is a real need. It's purpose is similar to template_preprocess().
 * - MODULE_preprocess_HOOK(&$variables)
 *   This is for modules that want to alter or provide extra variables for
 *   theming hooks not registered to itself. For example, if a module named
 *   "foo" wanted to alter the $submitted variable for the hook "node" a
 *   preprocess function of foo_preprocess_node() can be created to intercept
 *   and alter the variable.
 * - ENGINE_engine_preprocess(&$variables, $hook)
 *   This function should only be implemented by theme engines and exists
 *   so that it can set necessary variables for all hooks.
 * - ENGINE_engine_preprocess_HOOK(&$variables)
 *   This is the same as the previous function, but it is called for a single
 *   theming hook.
 * - ENGINE_preprocess(&$variables, $hook)
 *   This is meant to be used by themes that utilize a theme engine. It is
 *   provided so that the preprocessor is not locked into a specific theme.
 *   This makes it easy to share and transport code but theme authors must be
 *   careful to prevent fatal re-declaration errors when using sub-themes that
 *   have their own preprocessor named exactly the same as its base theme. In
 *   the default theme engine (PHPTemplate), sub-themes will load their own
 *   template.php file in addition to the one used for its parent theme. This
 *   increases the risk for these errors. A good practice is to use the engine
 *   name for the base theme and the theme name for the sub-themes to minimize
 *   this possibility.
 * - ENGINE_preprocess_HOOK(&$variables)
 *   The same applies from the previous function, but it is called for a
 *   specific hook.
 * - THEME_preprocess(&$variables, $hook)
 *   These functions are based upon the raw theme; they should primarily be
 *   used by themes that do not use an engine or by sub-themes. It serves the
 *   same purpose as ENGINE_preprocess().
 * - THEME_preprocess_HOOK(&$variables)
 *   The same applies from the previous function, but it is called for a
 *   specific hook.
 * There are two special variables that these hooks can set:
 *   'template_file' and 'template_files'. These will be merged together
 *   to form a list of 'suggested' alternate template files to use, in
 *   reverse order of priority. template_file will always be a higher
 *   priority than items in template_files. theme() will then look for these
 *   files, one at a time, and use the first one
 *   that exists.
 * @param $hook
 *   The name of the theme function to call. May be an array, in which
 *   case the first hook that actually has an implementation registered
 *   will be used. This can be used to choose 'fallback' theme implementations,
 *   so that if the specific theme hook isn't implemented anywhere, a more
 *   generic one will be used. This can allow themes to create specific theme
 *   implementations for named objects.
 * @param ...
 *   Additional arguments to pass along to the theme function.
 * @return
 *   An HTML string that generates the themed output.
function theme() {
  $args = func_get_args();
  $hook = array_shift($args);
  static $hooks = NULL;
  if (!isset($hooks)) {
    $hooks = theme_get_registry();
  if (is_array($hook)) {
    foreach ($hook as $candidate) {
      if (isset($hooks[$candidate])) {
    $hook = $candidate;
  if (!isset($hooks[$hook])) {
  $info = $hooks[$hook];
  global $theme_path;
  $temp = $theme_path;

  // point path_to_theme() to the currently used theme path:
  $theme_path = $hooks[$hook]['theme path'];

  // Include a file if the theme function or preprocess function is held elsewhere.
  if (!empty($info['include files'])) {
    foreach ($info['include files'] as $include_file) {
      include_once $include_file;

  // Handle compatibility with theme_registry_alters to prevent failures.
  if (!empty($info['file'])) {
    static $included_files = array();
    $include_file = $info['file'];
    if (!empty($info['path'])) {
      $include_file = $info['path'] . '/' . $include_file;
    if (empty($included_files[$include_file])) {

      // Statically cache files we've already tried to include so we don't
      // run unnecessary file_exists calls.
      $included_files[$include_file] = TRUE;
      if (file_exists('./' . $include_file)) {
        include_once './' . $include_file;
  if (isset($info['function'])) {

    // The theme call is a function.
    $output = call_user_func_array($info['function'], $args);
  else {

    // The theme call is a template.
    $variables = array(
      'template_files' => array(),
    if (!empty($info['arguments'])) {
      $count = 0;
      foreach ($info['arguments'] as $name => $default) {
        $variables[$name] = isset($args[$count]) ? $args[$count] : $default;

    // default render function and extension.
    $render_function = 'theme_render_template';
    $extension = '.tpl.php';

    // Run through the theme engine variables, if necessary
    global $theme_engine;
    if (isset($theme_engine)) {

      // If theme or theme engine is implementing this, it may have
      // a different extension and a different renderer.
      if ($hooks[$hook]['type'] != 'module') {
        if (function_exists($theme_engine . '_render_template')) {
          $render_function = $theme_engine . '_render_template';
        $extension_function = $theme_engine . '_extension';
        if (function_exists($extension_function)) {
          $extension = $extension_function();
    if (isset($info['preprocess functions']) && is_array($info['preprocess functions'])) {

      // This construct ensures that we can keep a reference through
      // call_user_func_array.
      $args = array(
      foreach ($info['preprocess functions'] as $preprocess_function) {
        if (function_exists($preprocess_function)) {
          call_user_func_array($preprocess_function, $args);

    // Get suggestions for alternate templates out of the variables
    // that were set. This lets us dynamically choose a template
    // from a list. The order is FILO, so this array is ordered from
    // least appropriate first to most appropriate last.
    $suggestions = array();
    if (isset($variables['template_files'])) {
      $suggestions = $variables['template_files'];
    if (isset($variables['template_file'])) {
      $suggestions[] = $variables['template_file'];
    if ($suggestions) {
      $template_file = drupal_discover_template($info['theme paths'], $suggestions, $extension);
    if (empty($template_file)) {
      $template_file = $hooks[$hook]['template'] . $extension;
      if (isset($hooks[$hook]['path'])) {
        $template_file = $hooks[$hook]['path'] . '/' . $template_file;
    $output = $render_function($template_file, $variables);

  // restore path_to_theme()
  $theme_path = $temp;

  // Add final markup to the full page.
  if ($hook == 'page' || $hook == 'book_export_html') {
    $output = drupal_final_markup($output);
  return $output;

 * Choose which template file to actually render. These are all suggested
 * templates from themes and modules. Theming implementations can occur on
 * multiple levels. All paths are checked to account for this.
function drupal_discover_template($paths, $suggestions, $extension = '.tpl.php') {
  global $theme_engine;

  // Remove slashes or null to prevent files from being included from
  // an unexpected location (especially on Windows servers).
  $extension = str_replace(array(
  ), '', $extension);

  // Loop through all paths and suggestions in FIFO order.
  $suggestions = array_reverse($suggestions);
  $paths = array_reverse($paths);
  foreach ($suggestions as $suggestion) {
    if (!empty($suggestion)) {
      $suggestion = str_replace(array(
      ), '', $suggestion);
      foreach ($paths as $path) {
        if (file_exists($file = $path . '/' . $suggestion . $extension)) {
          return $file;

 * Return the path to the current themed element.
 * It can point to the active theme or the module handling a themed implementation.
 * For example, when invoked within the scope of a theming call it will depend
 * on where the theming function is handled. If implemented from a module, it
 * will point to the module. If implemented from the active theme, it will point
 * to the active theme. When called outside the scope of a theming call, it will
 * always point to the active theme.
function path_to_theme() {
  global $theme_path;
  if (!isset($theme_path)) {
  return $theme_path;

 * Find overridden theme functions. Called by themes and/or theme engines to
 * easily discover theme functions.
 * @param $cache
 *   The existing cache of theme hooks to test against.
 * @param $prefixes
 *   An array of prefixes to test, in reverse order of importance.
 * @return $templates
 *   The functions found, suitable for returning from hook_theme;
function drupal_find_theme_functions($cache, $prefixes) {
  $templates = array();
  $functions = get_defined_functions();
  foreach ($cache as $hook => $info) {
    foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) {
      if (!empty($info['pattern'])) {
        $matches = preg_grep('/^' . $prefix . '_' . $info['pattern'] . '/', $functions['user']);
        if ($matches) {
          foreach ($matches as $match) {
            $new_hook = str_replace($prefix . '_', '', $match);
            $templates[$new_hook] = array(
              'function' => $match,
              'arguments' => $info['arguments'],
              'original hook' => $hook,
              'include files' => $info['include files'],
      if (function_exists($prefix . '_' . $hook)) {
        $templates[$hook] = array(
          'function' => $prefix . '_' . $hook,
          'include files' => $info['include files'],

        // Ensure that the pattern is maintained from base themes to its sub-themes.
        // Each sub-theme will have their functions scanned so the pattern must be
        // held for subsequent runs.
        if (isset($info['pattern'])) {
          $templates[$hook]['pattern'] = $info['pattern'];

        // Also ensure that the 'file' property is maintained, because it probably
        // contains the preprocess.
  return $templates;

 * Find overridden theme templates. Called by themes and/or theme engines to
 * easily discover templates.
 * @param $cache
 *   The existing cache of theme hooks to test against.
 * @param $extension
 *   The extension that these templates will have.
 * @param $path
 *   The path to search.
function drupal_find_theme_templates($cache, $extension, $path) {
  $templates = array();

  // Collect paths to all sub-themes grouped by base themes. These will be
  // used for filtering. This allows base themes to have sub-themes in its
  // folder hierarchy without affecting the base themes template discovery.
  $theme_paths = array();
  foreach (list_themes() as $theme_info) {
    if (!empty($theme_info->base_theme)) {
      $theme_paths[$theme_info->base_theme][$theme_info->name] = dirname($theme_info->filename);
  foreach ($theme_paths as $basetheme => $subthemes) {
    foreach ($subthemes as $subtheme => $subtheme_path) {
      if (isset($theme_paths[$subtheme])) {
        $theme_paths[$basetheme] = array_merge($theme_paths[$basetheme], $theme_paths[$subtheme]);
  global $theme;
  $subtheme_paths = isset($theme_paths[$theme]) ? $theme_paths[$theme] : array();

  // Escape the periods in the extension.
  $regex = str_replace('.', '\\.', $extension) . '$';

  // Because drupal_system_listing works the way it does, we check for real
  // templates separately from checking for patterns.
  $files = drupal_system_listing($regex, $path, 'name', 0);
  foreach ($files as $template => $file) {

    // Ignore sub-theme templates for the current theme.
    if (strpos($file->filename, str_replace($subtheme_paths, '', $file->filename)) !== 0) {

    // Chop off the remaining extensions if there are any. $template already
    // has the rightmost extension removed, but there might still be more,
    // such as with .tpl.php, which still has .tpl in $template at this point.
    if (($pos = strpos($template, '.')) !== FALSE) {
      $template = substr($template, 0, $pos);

    // Transform - in filenames to _ to match function naming scheme
    // for the purposes of searching.
    $hook = strtr($template, '-', '_');
    if (isset($cache[$hook])) {
      $templates[$hook] = array(
        'template' => $template,
        'path' => dirname($file->filename),
        'include files' => $cache[$hook]['include files'],

    // Ensure that the pattern is maintained from base themes to its sub-themes.
    // Each sub-theme will have their templates scanned so the pattern must be
    // held for subsequent runs.
    if (isset($cache[$hook]['pattern'])) {
      $templates[$hook]['pattern'] = $cache[$hook]['pattern'];
  $patterns = array_keys($files);
  foreach ($cache as $hook => $info) {
    if (!empty($info['pattern'])) {

      // Transform _ in pattern to - to match file naming scheme
      // for the purposes of searching.
      $pattern = strtr($info['pattern'], '_', '-');
      $matches = preg_grep('/^' . $pattern . '/', $patterns);
      if ($matches) {
        foreach ($matches as $match) {
          $file = substr($match, 0, strpos($match, '.'));

          // Put the underscores back in for the hook name and register this pattern.
          $templates[strtr($file, '-', '_')] = array(
            'template' => $file,
            'path' => dirname($files[$match]->filename),
            'arguments' => $info['arguments'],
            'original hook' => $hook,
            'include files' => $info['include files'],
  return $templates;

 * Retrieve an associative array containing the settings for a theme.
 * The final settings are arrived at by merging the default settings,
 * the site-wide settings, and the settings defined for the specific theme.
 * If no $key was specified, only the site-wide theme defaults are retrieved.
 * The default values for each of settings are also defined in this function.
 * To add new settings, add their default values here, and then add form elements
 * to system_theme_settings() in system.module.
 * @param $key
 *  The template/style value for a given theme.
 * @return
 *   An associative array containing theme settings.
function theme_get_settings($key = NULL) {
  $defaults = array(
    'mission' => '',
    'default_logo' => 1,
    'logo_path' => '',
    'default_favicon' => 1,
    'favicon_path' => '',
    'primary_links' => 1,
    'secondary_links' => 1,
    'toggle_logo' => 1,
    'toggle_favicon' => 1,
    'toggle_name' => 1,
    'toggle_search' => 1,
    'toggle_slogan' => 0,
    'toggle_mission' => 1,
    'toggle_node_user_picture' => 0,
    'toggle_comment_user_picture' => 0,
    'toggle_primary_links' => 1,
    'toggle_secondary_links' => 1,
  if (module_exists('node')) {
    foreach (node_get_types() as $type => $name) {
      $defaults['toggle_node_info_' . $type] = 1;
  $settings = array_merge($defaults, variable_get('theme_settings', array()));
  if ($key) {
    $settings = array_merge($settings, variable_get(str_replace('/', '_', 'theme_' . $key . '_settings'), array()));

  // Only offer search box if search.module is enabled.
  if (!module_exists('search') || !user_access('search content')) {
    $settings['toggle_search'] = 0;
  return $settings;

 * Retrieve a setting for the current theme.
 * This function is designed for use from within themes & engines
 * to determine theme settings made in the admin interface.
 * Caches values for speed (use $refresh = TRUE to refresh cache)
 * @param $setting_name
 *  The name of the setting to be retrieved.
 * @param $refresh
 *  Whether to reload the cache of settings.
 * @return
 *   The value of the requested setting, NULL if the setting does not exist.
function theme_get_setting($setting_name, $refresh = FALSE) {
  global $theme_key;
  static $settings;
  if (empty($settings) || $refresh) {
    $settings = theme_get_settings($theme_key);
    $themes = list_themes();
    $theme_object = $themes[$theme_key];
    if ($settings['mission'] == '') {
      $settings['mission'] = variable_get('site_mission', '');
    if (!$settings['toggle_mission']) {
      $settings['mission'] = '';
    if ($settings['toggle_logo']) {
      if ($settings['default_logo']) {
        $settings['logo'] = base_path() . dirname($theme_object->filename) . '/logo.png';
      elseif ($settings['logo_path']) {
        $settings['logo'] = base_path() . $settings['logo_path'];
    if ($settings['toggle_favicon']) {
      if ($settings['default_favicon']) {
        if (file_exists($favicon = dirname($theme_object->filename) . '/favicon.ico')) {
          $settings['favicon'] = base_path() . $favicon;
        else {
          $settings['favicon'] = base_path() . 'misc/favicon.ico';
      elseif ($settings['favicon_path']) {
        $settings['favicon'] = base_path() . $settings['favicon_path'];
      else {
        $settings['toggle_favicon'] = FALSE;
  return isset($settings[$setting_name]) ? $settings[$setting_name] : NULL;

 * Render a system default template, which is essentially a PHP template.
 * @param $template_file
 *   The filename of the template to render. Note that this will overwrite
 *   anything stored in $variables['template_file'] if using a preprocess hook.
 * @param $variables
 *   A keyed array of variables that will appear in the output.
 * @return
 *   The output generated by the template.
function theme_render_template($template_file, $variables) {
  extract($variables, EXTR_SKIP);

  // Extract the variables to a local namespace

  // Start output buffering
  include "./{$template_file}";

  // Include the template file
  $contents = ob_get_contents();

  // Get the contents of the buffer

  // End buffering and discard
  return $contents;

  // Return the contents

 * @defgroup themeable Default theme implementations
 * @{
 * Functions and templates that present output to the user, and can be
 * implemented by themes.
 * Drupal's presentation layer is a pluggable system known as the theme
 * layer. Each theme can take control over most of Drupal's output, and
 * has complete control over the CSS.
 * Inside Drupal, the theme layer is utilized by the use of the theme()
 * function, which is passed the name of a component (the theme hook)
 * and several arguments. For example, theme('table', $header, $rows);
 * Additionally, the theme() function can take an array of theme
 * hooks, which can be used to provide 'fallback' implementations to
 * allow for more specific control of output. For example, the function:
 * theme(array('table__foo', 'table'), $header, $rows) would look to see if
 * 'table__foo' is registered anywhere; if it is not, it would 'fall back'
 * to the generic 'table' implementation. This can be used to attach specific
 * theme functions to named objects, allowing the themer more control over
 * specific types of output.
 * As of Drupal 6, every theme hook is required to be registered by the
 * module that owns it, so that Drupal can tell what to do with it and
 * to make it simple for themes to identify and override the behavior
 * for these calls.
 * The theme hooks are registered via hook_theme(), which returns an
 * array of arrays with information about the hook. It describes the
 * arguments the function or template will need, and provides
 * defaults for the template in case they are not filled in. If the default
 * implementation is a function, by convention it is named theme_HOOK().
 * Each module should provide a default implementation for theme_hooks that
 * it registers. This implementation may be either a function or a template;
 * if it is a function it must be specified via hook_theme(). By convention,
 * default implementations of theme hooks are named theme_HOOK. Default
 * template implementations are stored in the module directory.
 * Drupal's default template renderer is a simple PHP parsing engine that
 * includes the template and stores the output. Drupal's theme engines
 * can provide alternate template engines, such as XTemplate, Smarty and
 * PHPTal. The most common template engine is PHPTemplate (included with
 * Drupal and implemented in phptemplate.engine, which uses Drupal's default
 * template renderer.
 * In order to create theme-specific implementations of these hooks,
 * themes can implement their own version of theme hooks, either as functions
 * or templates. These implementations will be used instead of the default
 * implementation. If using a pure .theme without an engine, the .theme is
 * required to implement its own version of hook_theme() to tell Drupal what
 * it is implementing; themes utilizing an engine will have their well-named
 * theming functions automatically registered for them. While this can vary
 * based upon the theme engine, the standard set by phptemplate is that theme
 * functions should be named either phptemplate_HOOK or THEMENAME_HOOK. For
 * example, for Drupal's default theme (Garland) to implement the 'table' hook,
 * the phptemplate.engine would find phptemplate_table() or garland_table().
 * The ENGINE_HOOK() syntax is preferred, as this can be used by sub-themes
 * (which are themes that share code but use different stylesheets).
 * The theme system is described and defined in
 * @see theme()
 * @see hook_theme()

 * Formats text for emphasized display in a placeholder inside a sentence.
 * Used automatically by t().
 * @param $text
 *   The text to format (plain-text).
 * @return
 *   The formatted text (html).
function theme_placeholder($text) {
  return '<em>' . check_plain($text) . '</em>';

 * Return a themed set of status and/or error messages. The messages are grouped
 * by type.
 * @param $display
 *   (optional) Set to 'status' or 'error' to display only messages of that type.
 * @return
 *   A string containing the messages.
function theme_status_messages($display = NULL) {
  $output = '';
  foreach (drupal_get_messages($display) as $type => $messages) {
    $output .= "<div class=\"messages {$type}\">\n";
    if (count($messages) > 1) {
      $output .= " <ul>\n";
      foreach ($messages as $message) {
        $output .= '  <li>' . $message . "</li>\n";
      $output .= " </ul>\n";
    else {
      $output .= $messages[0];
    $output .= "</div>\n";
  return $output;

 * Returns HTML for a set of links.
 * @param $links
 *   An associative array of links to be themed. The key for each link
 *   is used as its CSS class. Each link should be itself an array, with the
 *   following elements:
 *   - title: The link text.
 *   - href: The link URL. If omitted, the 'title' is shown as a plain text
 *     item in the links list.
 *   - html: (optional) Whether or not 'title' is HTML. If set, the title
 *     will not be passed through check_plain().
 *   - attributes: (optional) Attributes for the anchor, or for the <span> tag
 *     used in its place if no 'href' is supplied.
 *   If the 'href' element is supplied, the entire link array is passed to l()
 *   as its $options parameter.
 * @param $attributes
 *   An associative array of attributes for the UL containing the list of links.
 * @return
 *   A string containing an unordered list of links.
function theme_links($links, $attributes = array(
  'class' => 'links',
)) {
  global $language;
  $output = '';
  if (count($links) > 0) {
    $output = '<ul' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . '>';
    $num_links = count($links);
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($links as $key => $link) {
      $class = $key;

      // Add first, last and active classes to the list of links to help out themers.
      if ($i == 1) {
        $class .= ' first';
      if ($i == $num_links) {
        $class .= ' last';
      if (isset($link['href']) && ($link['href'] == $_GET['q'] || $link['href'] == '<front>' && drupal_is_front_page()) && (empty($link['language']) || $link['language']->language == $language->language)) {
        $class .= ' active';
      $output .= '<li' . drupal_attributes(array(
        'class' => $class,
      )) . '>';
      if (isset($link['href'])) {

        // Pass in $link as $options, they share the same keys.
        $output .= l($link['title'], $link['href'], $link);
      else {
        if (!empty($link['title'])) {

          // Some links are actually not links, but we wrap these in <span> for adding title and class attributes
          if (empty($link['html'])) {
            $link['title'] = check_plain($link['title']);
          $span_attributes = '';
          if (isset($link['attributes'])) {
            $span_attributes = drupal_attributes($link['attributes']);
          $output .= '<span' . $span_attributes . '>' . $link['title'] . '</span>';
      $output .= "</li>\n";
    $output .= '</ul>';
  return $output;

 * Return a themed image.
 * @param $path
 *   Either the path of the image file (relative to base_path()) or a full URL.
 *   If this is a full URL, $getsize must be set to FALSE or nothing will be returned.
 * @param $alt
 *   The alternative text for text-based browsers.
 * @param $title
 *   The title text is displayed when the image is hovered in some popular browsers.
 * @param $attributes
 *   Associative array of attributes to be placed in the img tag.
 * @param $getsize
 *   If set to TRUE, the image's dimension are fetched and added as width/height attributes.
 *   Defaults to TRUE. Must be set to FALSE if $path is a full URL.
 * @return
 *   A string containing the image tag.
function theme_image($path, $alt = '', $title = '', $attributes = NULL, $getsize = TRUE) {
  if (!$getsize || is_file($path) && (list($width, $height, $type, $image_attributes) = @getimagesize($path))) {
    $attributes = drupal_attributes($attributes);
    $url = url($path) == $path ? $path : base_path() . $path;
    return '<img src="' . check_url($url) . '" alt="' . check_plain($alt) . '" title="' . check_plain($title) . '" ' . (isset($image_attributes) ? $image_attributes : '') . $attributes . ' />';

 * Return a themed breadcrumb trail.
 * @param $breadcrumb
 *   An array containing the breadcrumb links.
 * @return a string containing the breadcrumb output.
function theme_breadcrumb($breadcrumb) {
  if (!empty($breadcrumb)) {
    return '<div class="breadcrumb">' . implode(' » ', $breadcrumb) . '</div>';

 * Return a themed help message.
 * @return a string containing the helptext for the current page.
function theme_help() {
  if ($help = menu_get_active_help()) {
    return '<div class="help">' . $help . '</div>';

 * Return a themed submenu, typically displayed under the tabs.
 * @param $links
 *   An array of links.
function theme_submenu($links) {
  return '<div class="submenu">' . implode(' | ', $links) . '</div>';

 * Return a themed table.
 * @param $header
 *   An array containing the table headers. Each element of the array can be
 *   either a localized string or an associative array with the following keys:
 *   - "data": The localized title of the table column.
 *   - "field": The database field represented in the table column (required if
 *     user is to be able to sort on this column).
 *   - "sort": A default sort order for this column ("asc" or "desc").
 *   - Any HTML attributes, such as "colspan", to apply to the column header cell.
 * @param $rows
 *   An array of table rows. Every row is an array of cells, or an associative
 *   array with the following keys:
 *   - "data": an array of cells
 *   - Any HTML attributes, such as "class", to apply to the table row.
 *   Each cell can be either a string or an associative array with the following keys:
 *   - "data": The string to display in the table cell.
 *   - "header": Indicates this cell is a header.
 *   - Any HTML attributes, such as "colspan", to apply to the table cell.
 *   Here's an example for $rows:
 *   @code
 *   $rows = array(
 *     // Simple row
 *     array(
 *       'Cell 1', 'Cell 2', 'Cell 3'
 *     ),
 *     // Row with attributes on the row and some of its cells.
 *     array(
 *       'data' => array('Cell 1', array('data' => 'Cell 2', 'colspan' => 2)), 'class' => 'funky'
 *     )
 *   );
 *   @endcode
 * @param $attributes
 *   An array of HTML attributes to apply to the table tag.
 * @param $caption
 *   A localized string to use for the <caption> tag.
 * @return
 *   An HTML string representing the table.
function theme_table($header, $rows, $attributes = array(), $caption = NULL) {

  // Add sticky headers, if applicable.
  if (count($header)) {

    // Add 'sticky-enabled' class to the table to identify it for JS.
    // This is needed to target tables constructed by this function.
    $attributes['class'] = empty($attributes['class']) ? 'sticky-enabled' : $attributes['class'] . ' sticky-enabled';
  $output = '<table' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . ">\n";
  if (isset($caption)) {
    $output .= '<caption>' . $caption . "</caption>\n";

  // Format the table header:
  if (count($header)) {
    $ts = tablesort_init($header);

    // HTML requires that the thead tag has tr tags in it followed by tbody
    // tags. Using ternary operator to check and see if we have any rows.
    $output .= count($rows) ? ' <thead><tr>' : ' <tr>';
    foreach ($header as $cell) {
      $cell = tablesort_header($cell, $header, $ts);
      $output .= _theme_table_cell($cell, TRUE);

    // Using ternary operator to close the tags based on whether or not there are rows
    $output .= count($rows) ? " </tr></thead>\n" : "</tr>\n";
  else {
    $ts = array();

  // Format the table rows:
  if (count($rows)) {
    $output .= "<tbody>\n";
    $flip = array(
      'even' => 'odd',
      'odd' => 'even',
    $class = 'even';
    foreach ($rows as $number => $row) {
      $attributes = array();

      // Check if we're dealing with a simple or complex row
      if (isset($row['data'])) {
        foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
          if ($key == 'data') {
            $cells = $value;
          else {
            $attributes[$key] = $value;
      else {
        $cells = $row;
      if (count($cells)) {

        // Add odd/even class
        $class = $flip[$class];
        if (isset($attributes['class'])) {
          $attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $class;
        else {
          $attributes['class'] = $class;

        // Build row
        $output .= ' <tr' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . '>';
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($cells as $cell) {
          $cell = tablesort_cell($cell, $header, $ts, $i++);
          $output .= _theme_table_cell($cell);
        $output .= " </tr>\n";
    $output .= "</tbody>\n";
  $output .= "</table>\n";
  return $output;

 * Returns a header cell for tables that have a select all functionality.
function theme_table_select_header_cell() {
  return array(
    'class' => 'select-all',

 * Return a themed sort icon.
 * @param $style
 *   Set to either asc or desc. This sets which icon to show.
 * @return
 *   A themed sort icon.
function theme_tablesort_indicator($style) {
  if ($style == "asc") {
    return theme('image', 'misc/arrow-asc.png', t('sort icon'), t('sort ascending'));
  else {
    return theme('image', 'misc/arrow-desc.png', t('sort icon'), t('sort descending'));

 * Return a themed box.
 * @param $title
 *   The subject of the box.
 * @param $content
 *   The content of the box.
 * @param $region
 *   The region in which the box is displayed.
 * @return
 *   A string containing the box output.
function theme_box($title, $content, $region = 'main') {
  $output = '<h2 class="title">' . $title . '</h2><div>' . $content . '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Return a themed marker, useful for marking new or updated
 * content.
 * @param $type
 *   Number representing the marker type to display
 * @return
 *   A string containing the marker.
function theme_mark($type = MARK_NEW) {
  global $user;
  if ($user->uid) {
    if ($type == MARK_NEW) {
      return ' <span class="marker">' . t('new') . '</span>';
    else {
      if ($type == MARK_UPDATED) {
        return ' <span class="marker">' . t('updated') . '</span>';

 * Return a themed list of items.
 * @param $items
 *   An array of items to be displayed in the list. If an item is a string,
 *   then it is used as is. If an item is an array, then the "data" element of
 *   the array is used as the contents of the list item. If an item is an array
 *   with a "children" element, those children are displayed in a nested list.
 *   All other elements are treated as attributes of the list item element.
 * @param $title
 *   The title of the list.
 * @param $type
 *   The type of list to return (e.g. "ul", "ol")
 * @param $attributes
 *   The attributes applied to the list element.
 * @return
 *   A string containing the list output.
function theme_item_list($items = array(), $title = NULL, $type = 'ul', $attributes = NULL) {
  $output = '<div class="item-list">';
  if (isset($title)) {
    $output .= '<h3>' . $title . '</h3>';
  if (!empty($items)) {
    $output .= "<{$type}" . drupal_attributes($attributes) . '>';
    $num_items = count($items);
    foreach ($items as $i => $item) {
      $attributes = array();
      $children = array();
      if (is_array($item)) {
        foreach ($item as $key => $value) {
          if ($key == 'data') {
            $data = $value;
          elseif ($key == 'children') {
            $children = $value;
          else {
            $attributes[$key] = $value;
      else {
        $data = $item;
      if (count($children) > 0) {
        $data .= theme_item_list($children, NULL, $type, $attributes);

        // Render nested list
      if ($i == 0) {
        $attributes['class'] = empty($attributes['class']) ? 'first' : $attributes['class'] . ' first';
      if ($i == $num_items - 1) {
        $attributes['class'] = empty($attributes['class']) ? 'last' : $attributes['class'] . ' last';
      $output .= '<li' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . '>' . $data . "</li>\n";
    $output .= "</{$type}>";
  $output .= '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Returns code that emits the 'more help'-link.
function theme_more_help_link($url) {
  return '<div class="more-help-link">' . t('[<a href="@link">more help...</a>]', array(
    '@link' => check_url($url),
  )) . '</div>';

 * Return code that emits an XML icon.
 * For most use cases, this function has been superseded by theme_feed_icon().
 * @see theme_feed_icon()
 * @param $url
 *   The URL of the feed.
function theme_xml_icon($url) {
  if ($image = theme('image', 'misc/xml.png', t('XML feed'), t('XML feed'))) {
    return '<a href="' . check_url($url) . '" class="xml-icon">' . $image . '</a>';

 * Return code that emits an feed icon.
 * @param $url
 *   The URL of the feed.
 * @param $title
 *   A descriptive title of the feed.
function theme_feed_icon($url, $title) {
  if ($image = theme('image', 'misc/feed.png', t('Syndicate content'), $title)) {
    return '<a href="' . check_url($url) . '" class="feed-icon">' . $image . '</a>';

 * Returns code that emits the 'more' link used on blocks.
 * @param $url
 *   The URL of the main page
 * @param $title
 *   A descriptive verb for the link, like 'Read more'
function theme_more_link($url, $title) {
  return '<div class="more-link">' . t('<a href="@link" title="@title">more</a>', array(
    '@link' => check_url($url),
    '@title' => $title,
  )) . '</div>';

 * Execute hook_footer() which is run at the end of the page right before the
 * close of the body tag.
 * @param $main (optional)
 *   Whether the current page is the front page of the site.
 * @return
 *   A string containing the results of the hook_footer() calls.
function theme_closure($main = 0) {
  $footer = module_invoke_all('footer', $main);
  return implode("\n", $footer) . drupal_get_js('footer');

 * Return a set of blocks available for the current user.
 * @param $region
 *   Which set of blocks to retrieve.
 * @return
 *   A string containing the themed blocks for this region.
function theme_blocks($region) {
  $output = '';
  if ($list = block_list($region)) {
    foreach ($list as $key => $block) {

      // $key == <i>module</i>_<i>delta</i>
      $output .= theme('block', $block);

  // Add any content assigned to this region through drupal_set_content() calls.
  $output .= drupal_get_content($region);
  return $output;

 * Format a username.
 * @param $object
 *   The user object to format, usually returned from user_load().
 * @return
 *   A string containing an HTML link to the user's page if the passed object
 *   suggests that this is a site user. Otherwise, only the username is returned.
function theme_username($object) {
  if ($object->uid && $object->name) {

    // Shorten the name when it is too long or it will break many tables.
    if (drupal_strlen($object->name) > 20) {
      $name = drupal_substr($object->name, 0, 15) . '...';
    else {
      $name = $object->name;
    if (user_access('access user profiles')) {
      $output = l($name, 'user/' . $object->uid, array(
        'attributes' => array(
          'title' => t('View user profile.'),
    else {
      $output = check_plain($name);
  else {
    if ($object->name) {

      // Sometimes modules display content composed by people who are
      // not registered members of the site (e.g. mailing list or news
      // aggregator modules). This clause enables modules to display
      // the true author of the content.
      if (!empty($object->homepage)) {
        $output = l($object->name, $object->homepage, array(
          'attributes' => array(
            'rel' => 'nofollow',
      else {
        $output = check_plain($object->name);
      $output .= ' (' . t('not verified') . ')';
    else {
      $output = check_plain(variable_get('anonymous', t('Anonymous')));
  return $output;

 * Return a themed progress bar.
 * @param $percent
 *   The percentage of the progress.
 * @param $message
 *   A string containing information to be displayed.
 * @return
 *   A themed HTML string representing the progress bar.
function theme_progress_bar($percent, $message) {
  $output = '<div id="progress" class="progress">';
  $output .= '<div class="bar"><div class="filled" style="width: ' . $percent . '%"></div></div>';
  $output .= '<div class="percentage">' . $percent . '%</div>';
  $output .= '<div class="message">' . $message . '</div>';
  $output .= '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Create a standard indentation div. Used for drag and drop tables.
 * @param $size
 *   Optional. The number of indentations to create.
 * @return
 *   A string containing indentations.
function theme_indentation($size = 1) {
  $output = '';
  for ($n = 0; $n < $size; $n++) {
    $output .= '<div class="indentation">&nbsp;</div>';
  return $output;

 * @} End of "defgroup themeable".
function _theme_table_cell($cell, $header = FALSE) {
  $attributes = '';
  if (is_array($cell)) {
    $data = isset($cell['data']) ? $cell['data'] : '';
    $header |= isset($cell['header']);
    $attributes = drupal_attributes($cell);
  else {
    $data = $cell;
  if ($header) {
    $output = "<th{$attributes}>{$data}</th>";
  else {
    $output = "<td{$attributes}>{$data}</td>";
  return $output;

 * Adds a default set of helper variables for preprocess functions and
 * templates. This comes in before any other preprocess function which makes
 * it possible to be used in default theme implementations (non-overriden
 * theme functions).
function template_preprocess(&$variables, $hook) {
  global $user;
  static $count = array();

  // Track run count for each hook to provide zebra striping.
  // See "template_preprocess_block()" which provides the same feature specific to blocks.
  $count[$hook] = isset($count[$hook]) && is_int($count[$hook]) ? $count[$hook] : 1;
  $variables['zebra'] = $count[$hook] % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even';
  $variables['id'] = $count[$hook]++;

  // Tell all templates where they are located.
  $variables['directory'] = path_to_theme();

  // Set default variables that depend on the database.
  $variables['is_admin'] = FALSE;
  $variables['is_front'] = FALSE;
  $variables['logged_in'] = FALSE;
  if ($variables['db_is_active'] = db_is_active() && !defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE')) {

    // Check for administrators.
    if (user_access('access administration pages')) {
      $variables['is_admin'] = TRUE;

    // Flag front page status.
    $variables['is_front'] = drupal_is_front_page();

    // Tell all templates by which kind of user they're viewed.
    $variables['logged_in'] = $user->uid > 0;

    // Provide user object to all templates
    $variables['user'] = $user;

 * Process variables for page.tpl.php
 * Most themes utilize their own copy of page.tpl.php. The default is located
 * inside "modules/system/page.tpl.php". Look in there for the full list of
 * variables.
 * Uses the arg() function to generate a series of page template suggestions
 * based on the current path.
 * Any changes to variables in this preprocessor should also be changed inside
 * template_preprocess_maintenance_page() to keep all them consistent.
 * The $variables array contains the following arguments:
 * - $content
 * - $show_blocks
 * @see page.tpl.php
function template_preprocess_page(&$variables) {

  // Add favicon
  if (theme_get_setting('toggle_favicon')) {
    drupal_set_html_head('<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' . check_url(theme_get_setting('favicon')) . '" type="image/x-icon" />');
  global $theme;

  // Populate all block regions.
  $regions = system_region_list($theme);

  // Load all region content assigned via blocks.
  foreach (array_keys($regions) as $region) {

    // Prevent left and right regions from rendering blocks when 'show_blocks' == FALSE.
    if (!(!$variables['show_blocks'] && ($region == 'left' || $region == 'right'))) {
      $blocks = theme('blocks', $region);
    else {
      $blocks = '';

    // Assign region to a region variable.
    isset($variables[$region]) ? $variables[$region] .= $blocks : ($variables[$region] = $blocks);

  // Set up layout variable.
  $variables['layout'] = 'none';
  if (!empty($variables['left'])) {
    $variables['layout'] = 'left';
  if (!empty($variables['right'])) {
    $variables['layout'] = $variables['layout'] == 'left' ? 'both' : 'right';

  // Set mission when viewing the frontpage.
  if (drupal_is_front_page()) {
    $mission = filter_xss_admin(theme_get_setting('mission'));

  // Construct page title
  if (drupal_get_title()) {
    $head_title = array(
      variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
  else {
    $head_title = array(
      variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
    if (variable_get('site_slogan', '')) {
      $head_title[] = variable_get('site_slogan', '');
  $variables['head_title'] = implode(' | ', $head_title);
  $variables['base_path'] = base_path();
  $variables['front_page'] = url();
  $variables['breadcrumb'] = theme('breadcrumb', drupal_get_breadcrumb());
  $variables['feed_icons'] = drupal_get_feeds();
  $variables['footer_message'] = filter_xss_admin(variable_get('site_footer', FALSE));
  $variables['head'] = drupal_get_html_head();
  $variables['help'] = theme('help');
  $variables['language'] = $GLOBALS['language'];
  $variables['language']->dir = $GLOBALS['language']->direction ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
  $variables['logo'] = theme_get_setting('logo');
  $variables['messages'] = $variables['show_messages'] ? theme('status_messages') : '';
  $variables['mission'] = isset($mission) ? $mission : '';
  $variables['primary_links'] = theme_get_setting('toggle_primary_links') ? menu_primary_links() : array();
  $variables['secondary_links'] = theme_get_setting('toggle_secondary_links') ? menu_secondary_links() : array();
  $variables['search_box'] = theme_get_setting('toggle_search') ? drupal_get_form('search_theme_form') : '';
  $variables['site_name'] = theme_get_setting('toggle_name') ? filter_xss_admin(variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal')) : '';
  $variables['site_slogan'] = theme_get_setting('toggle_slogan') ? filter_xss_admin(variable_get('site_slogan', '')) : '';
  $variables['css'] = drupal_add_css();
  $variables['styles'] = drupal_get_css();
  $variables['scripts'] = drupal_get_js();
  $variables['tabs'] = theme('menu_local_tasks');
  $variables['title'] = drupal_get_title();

  // Closure should be filled last.
  $variables['closure'] = theme('closure');
  if ($node = menu_get_object()) {
    $variables['node'] = $node;

  // Compile a list of classes that are going to be applied to the body element.
  // This allows advanced theming based on context (home page, node of certain type, etc.).
  $body_classes = array();

  // Add a class that tells us whether we're on the front page or not.
  $body_classes[] = $variables['is_front'] ? 'front' : 'not-front';

  // Add a class that tells us whether the page is viewed by an authenticated user or not.
  $body_classes[] = $variables['logged_in'] ? 'logged-in' : 'not-logged-in';

  // Add arg(0) to make it possible to theme the page depending on the current page
  // type (e.g. node, admin, user, etc.). To avoid illegal characters in the class,
  // we're removing everything disallowed. We are not using 'a-z' as that might leave
  // in certain international characters (e.g. German umlauts).
  $body_classes[] = preg_replace('![^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0-9-_]+!s', '', 'page-' . form_clean_id(drupal_strtolower(arg(0))));

  // If on an individual node page, add the node type.
  if (isset($variables['node']) && $variables['node']->type) {
    $body_classes[] = 'node-type-' . form_clean_id($variables['node']->type);

  // Add information about the number of sidebars.
  if ($variables['layout'] == 'both') {
    $body_classes[] = 'two-sidebars';
  elseif ($variables['layout'] == 'none') {
    $body_classes[] = 'no-sidebars';
  else {
    $body_classes[] = 'one-sidebar sidebar-' . $variables['layout'];

  // Implode with spaces.
  $variables['body_classes'] = implode(' ', $body_classes);

  // Build a list of suggested template files in order of specificity. One
  // suggestion is made for every element of the current path, though
  // numeric elements are not carried to subsequent suggestions. For example,
  // would result in the following
  // suggestions:
  // page-node-edit.tpl.php
  // page-node-1.tpl.php
  // page-node.tpl.php
  // page.tpl.php
  $i = 0;
  $suggestion = 'page';
  $suggestions = array();
  while ($arg = arg($i++)) {
    $arg = str_replace(array(
    ), '', $arg);
    $suggestions[] = $suggestion . '-' . $arg;
    if (!is_numeric($arg)) {
      $suggestion .= '-' . $arg;
  if (drupal_is_front_page()) {
    $suggestions[] = 'page-front';
  if ($suggestions) {
    $variables['template_files'] = $suggestions;

 * Process variables for node.tpl.php
 * Most themes utilize their own copy of node.tpl.php. The default is located
 * inside "modules/node/node.tpl.php". Look in there for the full list of
 * variables.
 * The $variables array contains the following arguments:
 * - $node
 * - $teaser
 * - $page
 * @see node.tpl.php
function template_preprocess_node(&$variables) {
  $node = $variables['node'];
  if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
    $variables['taxonomy'] = taxonomy_link('taxonomy terms', $node);
  else {
    $variables['taxonomy'] = array();
  if ($variables['teaser'] && $node->teaser) {
    $variables['content'] = $node->teaser;
  elseif (isset($node->body)) {
    $variables['content'] = $node->body;
  else {
    $variables['content'] = '';
  $variables['date'] = format_date($node->created);
  $variables['links'] = !empty($node->links) ? theme('links', $node->links, array(
    'class' => 'links inline',
  )) : '';
  $variables['name'] = theme('username', $node);
  $variables['node_url'] = url('node/' . $node->nid);
  $variables['terms'] = theme('links', $variables['taxonomy'], array(
    'class' => 'links inline',
  $variables['title'] = check_plain($node->title);

  // Flatten the node object's member fields.
  $variables = array_merge((array) $node, $variables);

  // Display info only on certain node types.
  if (theme_get_setting('toggle_node_info_' . $node->type)) {
    $variables['submitted'] = theme('node_submitted', $node);
    $variables['picture'] = theme_get_setting('toggle_node_user_picture') ? theme('user_picture', $node) : '';
  else {
    $variables['submitted'] = '';
    $variables['picture'] = '';

  // Clean up name so there are no underscores.
  $variables['template_files'][] = 'node-' . $node->type;

 * Process variables for block.tpl.php
 * Prepare the values passed to the theme_block function to be passed
 * into a pluggable template engine. Uses block properties to generate a
 * series of template file suggestions. If none are found, the default
 * block.tpl.php is used.
 * Most themes utilize their own copy of block.tpl.php. The default is located
 * inside "modules/system/block.tpl.php". Look in there for the full list of
 * variables.
 * The $variables array contains the following arguments:
 * - $block
 * @see block.tpl.php
function template_preprocess_block(&$variables) {
  static $block_counter = array();

  // All blocks get an independent counter for each region.
  if (!isset($block_counter[$variables['block']->region])) {
    $block_counter[$variables['block']->region] = 1;

  // Same with zebra striping.
  $variables['block_zebra'] = $block_counter[$variables['block']->region] % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even';
  $variables['block_id'] = $block_counter[$variables['block']->region]++;
  $variables['template_files'][] = 'block-' . $variables['block']->region;
  $variables['template_files'][] = 'block-' . $variables['block']->module;
  $variables['template_files'][] = 'block-' . $variables['block']->module . '-' . $variables['block']->delta;

Related topics


Namesort descending Description
drupal_discover_template Choose which template file to actually render. These are all suggested templates from themes and modules. Theming implementations can occur on multiple levels. All paths are checked to account for this.
drupal_find_theme_functions Find overridden theme functions. Called by themes and/or theme engines to easily discover theme functions.
drupal_find_theme_templates Find overridden theme templates. Called by themes and/or theme engines to easily discover templates.
drupal_rebuild_theme_registry Force the system to rebuild the theme registry; this should be called when modules are added to the system, or when a dynamic system needs to add more theme hooks.
init_theme Initialize the theme system by loading the theme.
list_themes Provides a list of currently available themes.
path_to_theme Return the path to the current themed element.
template_preprocess Adds a default set of helper variables for preprocess functions and templates. This comes in before any other preprocess function which makes it possible to be used in default theme implementations (non-overriden theme functions).
template_preprocess_block Process variables for block.tpl.php
template_preprocess_node Process variables for node.tpl.php
template_preprocess_page Process variables for page.tpl.php
theme Generates the themed output.
theme_blocks Return a set of blocks available for the current user.
theme_box Return a themed box.
theme_breadcrumb Return a themed breadcrumb trail.
theme_closure Execute hook_footer() which is run at the end of the page right before the close of the body tag.
theme_feed_icon Return code that emits an feed icon.
theme_get_registry Retrieve the stored theme registry. If the theme registry is already in memory it will be returned; otherwise it will attempt to load the registry from cache. If this fails, it will construct the registry and cache it.
theme_get_setting Retrieve a setting for the current theme. This function is designed for use from within themes & engines to determine theme settings made in the admin interface.
theme_get_settings Retrieve an associative array containing the settings for a theme.
theme_help Return a themed help message.
theme_image Return a themed image.
theme_indentation Create a standard indentation div. Used for drag and drop tables.
theme_item_list Return a themed list of items.
theme_links Returns HTML for a set of links.
theme_mark Return a themed marker, useful for marking new or updated content.
theme_more_help_link Returns code that emits the 'more help'-link.
theme_more_link Returns code that emits the 'more' link used on blocks.
theme_placeholder Formats text for emphasized display in a placeholder inside a sentence. Used automatically by t().
theme_progress_bar Return a themed progress bar.
theme_render_template Render a system default template, which is essentially a PHP template.
theme_status_messages Return a themed set of status and/or error messages. The messages are grouped by type.
theme_submenu Return a themed submenu, typically displayed under the tabs.
theme_table Return a themed table.
theme_tablesort_indicator Return a themed sort icon.
theme_table_select_header_cell Returns a header cell for tables that have a select all functionality.
theme_username Format a username.
theme_xml_icon Return code that emits an XML icon.
_init_theme Initialize the theme system given already loaded information. This function is useful to initialize a theme when no database is present.
_theme_build_registry Rebuild the hook theme_registry cache.
_theme_load_registry Get the theme_registry cache from the database; if it doesn't exist, build it.
_theme_process_registry Process a single invocation of the theme hook. $type will be one of 'module', 'theme_engine', 'base_theme_engine', 'theme', or 'base_theme' and it tells us some important information.
_theme_save_registry Write the theme_registry cache into the database.
_theme_set_registry Store the theme registry in memory.
_theme_table_cell End of "defgroup themeable".


Namesort descending Description
MARK_NEW Mark content as being new.
MARK_READ Mark content as read.
MARK_UPDATED Mark content as being updated.