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Functions in Panels 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
panels_access ./panels.module Determine if the specified user has access to a panel. 1
panels_add_button ./panels.module Add a single button to a form. 1
panels_add_buttons ./panels.module add the buttons to a content item 1
panels_add_page ./panels.module Handle the add panels page 1
panels_admin_block content_types/ Callback to perform administrative functions on the content block 1
panels_admin_custom content_types/ Callback to perform administrative functions on the content block 1
panels_admin_node content_types/ Callback to perform administrative functions on the content block 1
panels_block_panels_content_types content_types/ Callback function to supply a list of content types.
panels_content_block content_types/ Output function for the 'block' content type. Outputs a block based on the module and delta supplied in the configuration. 1
panels_content_custom content_types/ Output function for the 'custom' content type. Outputs a custom based on the module and delta supplied in the configuration. 1
panels_content_node content_types/ Output function for the 'node' content type. Outputs a node based on the module and delta supplied in the configuration. 1
panels_custom_panels_content_types content_types/ Callback function to supply a list of content types.
panels_delete_confirm ./panels.module 1
panels_delete_confirm_submit ./panels.module
panels_delete_panels ./panels.module 1
panels_edit_form ./panels.module Edit an already loaded panels. 2
panels_edit_form_submit ./panels.module
panels_edit_form_validate ./panels.module
panels_edit_page ./panels.module 1
panels_elements ./panels.module Custom form element to do our nice images.
panels_form_builder ./panels.module shortcut to ease the syntax of the various form builder tricks we use. 1
panels_get_content_types ./panels.module 4
panels_get_file_path ./panels.module panels path helper function 2
panels_get_layout ./panels.module 3
panels_get_layouts ./panels.module 5
panels_help ./panels.module Implementation of hook_help()
panels_imagebutton_value ./panels.module
panels_install ./panels.install Install the panels tables
panels_is_panels_page ./panels.module Returns TRUE if the current page contains a panels layout. This can be checked in a theme to hide existing sidebars on panel pages, for example. 1
panels_list_page ./panels.module Provide a list of panels, with links to edit or delete them. 1
panels_load_includes ./panels.module 2
panels_load_panels ./panels.module 3
panels_menu ./panels.module Implementation of hook_menu()
panels_move_bottom ./panels.module move an item in an array to the bottom
panels_move_delete ./panels.module Remove an item from an array
panels_move_down ./panels.module move an item in an array up one position
panels_move_top ./panels.module move an item in an array to the top
panels_move_up ./panels.module move an item in an array up one position
panels_node_autocomplete ./panels.module Helper function for autocompletion of node titles. This is mostly stolen from clipper. 1
panels_node_panels_content_types content_types/ Callback function to supply a list of content types.
panels_panels_page ./panels.module 1
panels_perm ./panels.module Implementation of hook_perm()
panels_print_layout ./panels.module For external use: Given a layout ID and a $content array, return the finished layout.
panels_save_panels ./panels.module 1
panels_set_blank ./panels.module Set a button to a blank image -- used for placeholders when buttons are not relevant but just removing it would be visually unappealing. 1
panels_threecol_25_50_25_panels_layouts layouts/ implementation of hook_panels_layouts
panels_threecol_25_50_25_stacked_panels_layouts layouts/ implementation of hook_panels_layouts
panels_threecol_33_34_33_panels_layouts layouts/ implementation of hook_panels_layouts
panels_threecol_33_34_33_stacked_panels_layouts layouts/ implementation of hook_panels_layouts
panels_twocol_panels_layouts layouts/ implementation of hook_panels_layouts


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