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Functions in Panels 8.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_panels_build_alter ./panels.api.php Allow modules to alter the built Panels output.
hook_panels_ipe_blocks_alter panels_ipe/panels_ipe.api.php Modify the list of blocks available through the IPE interface.
hook_panels_ipe_panels_display_presave panels_ipe/panels_ipe.api.php Act on a Panels Display before it is saved via the IPE.
panels_ajax_router ./panels.module Route Panels' AJAX calls to the correct object. 1
panels_api_version ./panels.module Returns the API version of Panels. This didn't exist in 1.
panels_ctools_style_base_types ./panels.module Declare what style types Panels uses.
panels_delete_display ./panels.module Delete a display.
panels_edit ./panels.module Main API entry point to edit a panel display.
panels_edit_layout ./panels.module API entry point for selecting a layout for a given display.
panels_export_display ./panels.module Exports the provided display into portable code.
panels_form_page_manager_add_variant_form_alter ./panels.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
panels_form_page_manager_add_variant_form_submit ./panels.module Form submit handler to set page_manager storage for panels display variants. 1
panels_get_current_page_display ./panels.module Get the display that is currently being rendered as a page.
panels_get_legacy_state ./panels.module Gateway to the PanelsLegacyState class/object, which does all legacy state checks and provides information about the cause of legacy states as needed.
panels_goto ./panels.module Perform a drupal_goto on a destination that may be an array like url().
panels_ipe_entity_type_build panels_ipe/panels_ipe.module Implements hook_entity_type_build().
panels_ipe_help panels_ipe/panels_ipe.module Implements hook_help().
panels_layout_process ./panels.module Ensure a layout has a minimal set of data.
panels_load_display ./panels.module Load a single display.
panels_load_displays ./panels.module Load and fill the requested $display object(s). 1
panels_menu ./panels.module Implementation of hook_menu
panels_new_display ./panels.module Creates a new display, setting the ID to our magic new id. 1
panels_new_pane ./panels.module Create a new pane.
panels_page_variant_create ./panels.module Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_create().
panels_page_variant_presave ./panels.module Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_presave().
panels_page_wizard_panels_cache_get ./panels.module Get display edit cache for the panels mini export UI
panels_page_wizard_panels_cache_set ./panels.module Store a display edit in progress in the page cache.
panels_plugin_styles_process ./panels.module Perform additional processing on a style plugin.
panels_print_layout ./panels.module For external use: Given a layout ID and a $content array, return the panel display.
panels_print_layout_icon ./panels.module
panels_print_layout_link ./panels.module Print the layout link. Sends out to a theme function. @layout
panels_render_display ./panels.module Render a display by loading the content into an appropriate array and then passing through to panels_render_layout.
panels_save_display ./panels.module Save a display object.
panels_stylizer_lipsum ./panels.module 2
panels_stylizer_pane_preview ./panels.module Generate a preview given the current settings. 1
panels_stylizer_region_preview ./panels.module Generate a preview given the current settings. 1
panel_context_panels_cache_break_lock ./panels.module Break the lock on a page manager page.
panel_context_panels_cache_clear ./panels.module Save all changes made to a display using the Page Manager page cache.
panel_context_panels_cache_get ./panels.module Get display edit cache on behalf of panel context.
panel_context_panels_cache_save ./panels.module Save all changes made to a display using the Page Manager page cache.
panel_context_panels_cache_set ./panels.module Store a display edit in progress in the page cache.
template_preprocess_panels_pane ./panels.module Clean up the panel pane variables for the template.
theme_panels_layout_icon ./panels.module Theme the layout icon image @layout @todo move to
theme_panels_layout_link ./panels.module Theme the layout link image @layout
theme_panels_render_display_form ./panels.module Theme function to render our panel as a form.
_panels_builder_filter ./panels.module Filter callback for array_filter to remove builders from a list of layouts.
_panel_context_panels_cache_get_page_cache ./panels.module Get the Page Manager cache for the panel_context plugin. 4

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