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Functions in Panels 6.3

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
panels_node_settings panels_node/panels_node.module Settings for panel nodes. 1
panels_node_uninstall panels_node/panels_node.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
panels_node_update panels_node/panels_node.module Implementation of hook_update().
panels_node_update_6001 panels_node/panels_node.install Implementation of hook_update to handle adding a pipeline
panels_node_validate panels_node/panels_node.module Implementation of hook_validate().
panels_node_view panels_node/panels_node.module Implementation of hook_view().
panels_page_wizard_add_content includes/ 2
panels_page_wizard_add_content_submit includes/ 2
panels_page_wizard_add_layout includes/ @file Contains helper functions for the Panels page wizards. 2
panels_page_wizard_panels_cache_get ./panels.module Get display edit cache for the panels mini export UI
panels_page_wizard_panels_cache_set ./panels.module Store a display edit in progress in the page cache.
panels_panels_dashboard_blocks includes/ Implementation of hook_panels_dashboard_blocks().
panels_panel_context_admin_summary plugins/task_handlers/ Provide a nice little summary of what's in a panel. 1
panels_panel_context_clone plugins/task_handlers/ When a handler is cloned, we have to clone the display. 1
panels_panel_context_delete plugins/task_handlers/ Callback to delete the display when a handler is deleted. 1
panels_panel_context_edit_choose plugins/task_handlers/ Choose a layout for this panel. 1
panels_panel_context_edit_choose_submit plugins/task_handlers/ A layout has been selected, set it up.
panels_panel_context_edit_choose_validate plugins/task_handlers/ Validate that a layout was chosen.
panels_panel_context_edit_content plugins/task_handlers/ Present the panels drag & drop editor to edit the display attached to the task handler. 1
panels_panel_context_edit_content_submit plugins/task_handlers/
panels_panel_context_edit_layout plugins/task_handlers/ Change the layout for this panel. 1
panels_panel_context_edit_layout_submit plugins/task_handlers/ A layout has been selected, set it up.
panels_panel_context_edit_layout_validate plugins/task_handlers/ Validate that a layout was chosen.
panels_panel_context_edit_move plugins/task_handlers/ When a layout is changed, the user is given the opportunity to move content. 1
panels_panel_context_edit_preview plugins/task_handlers/ Form to show a nice preview. 1
panels_panel_context_edit_preview_submit plugins/task_handlers/ Display a preview upon submit if arguments were needed.
panels_panel_context_edit_settings plugins/task_handlers/ General settings for the panel 1
panels_panel_context_edit_settings_submit plugins/task_handlers/ Submit handler for general settings form.
panels_panel_context_export plugins/task_handlers/ Special handling for exporting a panel task handler. 1
panels_panel_context_get_display plugins/task_handlers/ Get the display for a task handler. 12
panels_panel_context_render plugins/task_handlers/ Check selection rules and, if passed, render the contexts. 1
panels_panel_context_save plugins/task_handlers/ Callback to allow the handler to react to being saved. 1
panels_panel_context_tab_operation plugins/task_handlers/ Provide the operation trail for the 'Edit panel' link. 1
panels_panel_context_title plugins/task_handlers/ Set up a title for the panel based upon the selection rules. 1
panels_pane_access includes/ Determine if a pane is visible. 2
panels_pane_plain_box_style_base_build plugins/style_bases/pane/pane_plain_box/ 1
panels_pane_plain_box_style_settings plugins/style_bases/pane/pane_plain_box/ 1
panels_pane_plain_box_style_settings_submit plugins/style_bases/pane/pane_plain_box/ 1
panels_pane_rounded_shadow_style_base_build plugins/style_bases/pane/pane_rounded_shadow/ 1
panels_pane_rounded_shadow_style_settings plugins/style_bases/pane/pane_rounded_shadow/ 1
panels_pane_rounded_shadow_style_settings_submit plugins/style_bases/pane/pane_rounded_shadow/ 1
panels_pane_select_context Deprecated ./panels.module Select a context for a pane.
panels_perm ./panels.module Implementation of hook_perm
panels_plugin_get_function includes/ Get a function from a plugin, if it exists. 16
panels_plugin_styles_process ./panels.module Perform additional processing on a style plugin. 1
panels_print_layout ./panels.module For external use: Given a layout ID and a $content array, return the panel display. 1
panels_print_layout_icon ./panels.module 3
panels_print_layout_link ./panels.module Print the layout link. Sends out to a theme function. @layout 1
panels_region_plain_box_style_base_build plugins/style_bases/region/region_plain_box/ 1
panels_region_plain_box_style_settings plugins/style_bases/region/region_plain_box/ 1


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