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Functions in Panels 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
panels_add_rounded_corners_css plugins/styles/corners/ 2
panels_admin_page includes/ A central administrative page for Panels. 1
panels_admin_panel_context_page includes/ Settings for panel contexts created by the page manager. 1
panels_admin_settings_page includes/ 1
panels_ajax_edit_pane_cancel plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Handle the 'cancel' click on the add/edit pane form wizard. 2
panels_ajax_edit_pane_finish plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Handle the 'finish' click on teh add/edit pane form wizard. 2
panels_ajax_edit_pane_next plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Handle the 'next' click on the add/edit pane form wizard. 2
panels_ajax_flexible_edit_add plugins/layouts/flexible/ AJAX responder to add a new row, column or region to a flexible layout. 1
panels_ajax_flexible_edit_remove plugins/layouts/flexible/ AJAX responder to remove an existing row, column or region from a flexible layout. 1
panels_ajax_flexible_edit_resize plugins/layouts/flexible/ AJAX responder to store resize information when the user adjusts the splitter. 1
panels_ajax_flexible_edit_reuse plugins/layouts/flexible/ AJAX form to bring up the "reuse" modal. 1
panels_ajax_flexible_edit_settings plugins/layouts/flexible/ AJAX responder to edit flexible settings for an item. 1
panels_ajax_router ./panels.module Route Panels' AJAX calls to the correct object. 1
panels_api_version ./panels.module Returns the API version of Panels. This didn't exist in 1.
panels_cache_clear ./panels.module Clear a object from the cache; used if the editing is aborted. 4
panels_cache_get ./panels.module Get an object from cache. 1
panels_cache_set ./panels.module Save the edited object into the cache. 1
panels_change_layout includes/ Form definition for the display layout converter. 2 1
panels_change_layout_button plugins/views/ Override handler for views_ui_edit_display_form 1
panels_change_layout_submit includes/ Handle submission of the change layout form. 1 2
panels_choose_layout includes/ Form definition for the display layout editor. 4 1
panels_choose_layout_back includes/ Handle submission of the change layout form. 1
panels_choose_layout_submit includes/ Handle form submission of the display layout editor.
panels_clear_cached_content includes/ Clear all cached content for a display. 1
panels_common_allowed_layouts_form includes/ The FAPI code for generating an 'allowed layouts' selection form. 1
panels_common_allowed_layouts_form_submit includes/ 1
panels_common_allowed_layouts_form_validate includes/ 1
panels_common_get_allowed_layouts includes/ Get the allowed layouts for the given module. 2
panels_common_get_allowed_layout_object includes/ Get the allowed layout object for the given module. 2
panels_common_get_allowed_types includes/ Based upon the settings, get the allowed types for this node. 4
panels_common_print_layout_links includes/ Print a selector of layouts, each linked to the next step. 1
panels_common_settings includes/ A common settings page for Panels modules, because this code is relevant to any modules that don't already have special requirements. 3
panels_common_settings_submit includes/ Submit hook for panels_common_settings
panels_common_settings_validate includes/ Submit hook for panels_common_settings
panels_ctools_plugin_api ./panels.module Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_api().
panels_ctools_plugin_directory ./panels.module Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_directory() to let the system know we implement task and task_handler plugins.
panels_ctools_plugin_layouts ./panels.module Inform CTools that the layout plugin can be loaded from themes.
panels_ctools_plugin_styles ./panels.module Inform CTools that the style plugin can be loaded from themes.
panels_ctools_style_base_types ./panels.module Declare what style types Panels uses.
panels_dashboard_final_blocks includes/ 1
panels_default_panels_renderer_pipeline includes/ Implementation of hook_default_panels_renderer_pipeline().
panels_delete_display ./panels.module Delete a display. 4 1
panels_edit ./panels.module Main API entry point to edit a panel display. 1
panels_edit_add_access_test_form plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Form to add a visibility rule. 1
panels_edit_cache_break_lock ./panels.module Method to allow modules to provide a mechanism to break locks. 1
panels_edit_cache_clear ./panels.module Method to allow modules to provide their own mechanism to clear the cache used in the display editor. 1
panels_edit_cache_get ./panels.module Method to allow modules to provide their own caching mechanism for the display editor. 7
panels_edit_cache_get_default ./panels.module Create the default cache for editing panel displays. 2
panels_edit_cache_load ./panels.module Menu loader function to load a cache item for Panels AJAX.
panels_edit_cache_method_form plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_editor.class.php Choose cache method form 1


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