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Files in Panels 6.3

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
api.html help/api.html plugins/styles/ Definition of the 'block' panel style. includes/ Minor menu callbacks for Panels helpers.
CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt Panels 3.x-dev ============== #1025716: Panels fields broken in last update. Panels 3.x-3.9 (2011-Jan-12) ============== #959206: Legacy mode rendering fails with flexible due to CSS file not getting added. #964334: Panels breaks views' row… includes/ Functions used by more than one panels client module.
D6UPDATE.txt D6UPDATE.txt CHANGES DURING D6 UPDATE TO PANELS 3 ALL PLUGINS =========== Function to advertise directory for plugins: hook_ctools_plugin_directory($module, $plugin) LAYOUTS ======= All layouts should use templates 'icon' now uses the defined path… plugins/styles/ Definition of the 'default' panel style. includes/ includes/ Handle the forms for changing a display's layout. includes/ Contains Panels display rendering functions.
display.html help/display.html plugins/display_renderers/
flexible-admin.css plugins/layouts/flexible/flexible-admin.css #panels-dnd-main .panel-flexible-edit-layout div.panels-display .pane-add-link, .panel-flexible-edit-layout .panel-pane { display: none; } .panel-flexible-edit-layout div.panels-display h2.label { padding-right: 0; } .panel-flexible-edit-layout…
flexible.css plugins/layouts/flexible/flexible.css .panel-flexible .panel-separator { margin: 0 0 1em 0; } plugins/layouts/flexible/
INSTALL.txt INSTALL.txt Place the module files in the appropriate directory. If you're not sure, try 'sites/all/modules'. Then navigate to administer >> site building >> modules and activate the panels module, along with any of the accompanying… panels_ipe/plugins/display_renderers/
KNOWN_ISSUES.txt KNOWN_ISSUES.txt Known Issue 'Node' panes can have two titles or have two title areas. Cause: Content that comes into a pane is already formatted, and this happens in theme('node'). theme('node')… plugins/page_wizards/ plugins/display_renderers/ includes/ plugins/styles/ Definition of the 'list' panel style. plugins/styles/ Definition of the 'naked' panel style. plugins/page_wizards/
onecol.css plugins/layouts/onecol/onecol.css .panel-1col { /* overflow: hidden; */ } .panel-2col .panel-col-first .inside { margin: 0; } .panel-1col .panel-col { } #panels-edit-display .panel-pane, #panels-edit-display .helperclass { margin: .5em; } .panel-2col .panel-separator { … plugins/layouts/onecol/ includes/ Contains helper functions for the Panels page wizards.
pane-plain-box.css plugins/style_bases/pane/pane_plain_box/pane-plain-box.css %style { margin-bottom: 10px; color: %text; background-color: %background; } %style h2 { color: %header-text; background-color: %header-background; }
pane-plain-box.tpl.php plugins/style_bases/pane/pane_plain_box/pane-plain-box.tpl.php Display the box for rounded corners.
pane-rounded-shadow.css plugins/style_bases/pane/pane_rounded_shadow/pane-rounded-shadow.css /* Show only to IE7 */ *:first-child+html .rounded-shadow-background, /* Show only to IE6 */ * html .rounded-shadow-background { margin: 0 -10px 0 0 !important; padding: 10px 0 5px 0 !important; } .rounded-shadow-top-edge,…
pane-rounded-shadow.tpl.php plugins/style_bases/pane/pane_rounded_shadow/pane-rounded-shadow.tpl.php Display the box for rounded corners.
panels-dashboard-block.tpl.php templates/panels-dashboard-block.tpl.php
panels-dashboard-link.tpl.php templates/panels-dashboard-link.tpl.php
panels-dashboard.css css/panels-dashboard.css .dashboard-entry .dashboard-link { font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold; } .dashboard-entry .dashboard-icon img { vertical-align: middle; } .dashboard-title { font-weight: bold; font-size: 140%; margin-bottom: .5em; } .dashboard-link form…
panels-dashboard.tpl.php templates/panels-dashboard.tpl.php
panels-onecol.tpl.php plugins/layouts/onecol/panels-onecol.tpl.php Template for a 3 column panel layout.
panels-pane.tpl.php templates/panels-pane.tpl.php panels-pane.tpl.php Main panel pane template
panels-rounded-corners-box.tpl.php plugins/styles/corners/panels-rounded-corners-box.tpl.php Display the box for rounded corners.
panels-threecol-25-50-25-stacked.tpl.php plugins/layouts/threecol_25_50_25_stacked/panels-threecol-25-50-25-stacked.tpl.php Template for a 3 column panel layout.
panels-threecol-25-50-25.tpl.php plugins/layouts/threecol_25_50_25/panels-threecol-25-50-25.tpl.php Template for the 1 column panel layout.
panels-threecol-33-34-33-stacked.tpl.php plugins/layouts/threecol_33_34_33_stacked/panels-threecol-33-34-33-stacked.tpl.php Template for a 3 column panel layout.
panels-threecol-33-34-33.tpl.php plugins/layouts/threecol_33_34_33/panels-threecol-33-34-33.tpl.php Template for a 3 column panel layout.
panels-twocol-bricks.tpl.php plugins/layouts/twocol_bricks/panels-twocol-bricks.tpl.php Template for a 2 column panel layout.
panels-twocol-stacked.tpl.php plugins/layouts/twocol_stacked/panels-twocol-stacked.tpl.php Template for a 2 column panel layout.
panels-twocol.tpl.php plugins/layouts/twocol/panels-twocol.tpl.php Template for a 2 column panel layout.
panels.css css/panels.css div.panel-pane div.admin-links { font-size: xx-small; margin-right: 1em; } div.panel-pane div.admin-links li a { color: #ccc; } div.panel-pane div.admin-links li { padding-bottom: 2px; background: white; z-index: 201; } div.panel-pane… name = Panels description = Core Panels display functions; provides no external UI, at least one other Panels module should be enabled. core = 6.x package = "Panels" dependencies[] = ctools
panels.install panels.install
panels.module panels.module panels.module includes/ Bulk export of panels_layouts objects generated by Bulk export module.


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