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function panels_edit_cache_save in Panels 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 panels.module \panels_edit_cache_save()

Method to allow modules to provide their own mechanism to write the cache used in the display editor.

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./panels.module, line 1340


function panels_edit_cache_save($cache) {
  $cache_key = $cache->display->cache_key;
  if (strpos($cache_key, ':') !== FALSE) {
    list($module, $argument) = explode(':', $cache_key, 2);
    if (function_exists($module . '_panels_cache_save')) {
      return module_invoke($module, 'panels_cache_save', $argument, $cache);

  // Fall back to our normal method:
  return panels_save_display($cache->display);