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Functions in Configuration Management 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
block_configuration_action modules/ Map actions callback to determine which actions need executing for this data 1
block_configuration_actions modules/ This function is used to register the actions this config supports. These actions can be used later on with an #action identifier to act on a specific part of the config dataset.
block_configuration_maps modules/ This hook is used to return the configuration maps that describes how to configure this module given the supplied dataset
configuration_actions ./configuration.module Return info on registered actions from the site modules
configuration_apply_map ./configuration.module Apply an individual configuration map to the data set object 3
configuration_apply_maps ./configuration.module Apply all module configuration maps to the data while building the action queue at the same time 1
configuration_build_context ./configuration.module Build a context object given a normal php data object 3
configuration_check_context ./configuration.module Check and fix the integrity of the context object in case changes were made to the data 1
configuration_check_module_dependencies ./configuration.module Check if all the module dependencies are available 1
configuration_context_process_property ./configuration.module Process a single mapping config property. Various properties will mark static data that will be processed later on in the configuration phases. 3
configuration_debug_batch ./configuration.module Print debug data during a batch operation 1
configuration_default_map ./configuration.module The default configuration map that is applied to all configuration context objects. For the time being all it does is make it easier to visualize the incoming configuration data and set up the module list. 1
configuration_disable_modules ./configuration.module Disable all the provided modules 1
configuration_drupal_execute ./configuration.module Do the actual drupal execute on an action 1
configuration_enable_modules ./configuration.module Enable all of the provided modules 1
configuration_execute ./configuration.module Execute a configuration diven a data object of actions. The supplied data should be a php array in the correct format.
configuration_execute_batch ./configuration.module The "batch" method of executing a configuration
configuration_fetch ./configuration.module Find parts of an array based on a semi-compatible xpath syntax. 7
configuration_finalize ./configuration.module Perform any cleanup actions when a configuration is done running 1
configuration_find_attributes ./configuration.module Helper function to convert tags to attributes 1
configuration_fix_context_trace ./configuration.module Helper function to update all children trace keys because the parent key changed 2
configuration_get_current_id ./configuration.module Get the current configuration execution identifier 1
configuration_get_data ./configuration.module Get data from the static data store 9
configuration_get_error ./configuration.module Get any errors that have happened during configuration 4
configuration_initiate ./configuration.module Initialize whats needed to execute a configuration. 1
configuration_load_includes ./configuration.module Load all include files including the module configuration component files supplied by the configuration framework 1
configuration_load_module_configurations ./configuration.module Load all the module files 1
configuration_map_properties ./configuration.module Return a list of supported config properties in the order they should be processed with their descriptions 1
configuration_perm ./configuration.module Implementation of hook_perm()
configuration_process_action ./configuration.module Execute a single action 1
configuration_process_actions ./configuration.module Move through the actions list processing one per call 1
configuration_replace_tokens ./configuration.module Find and replace identifier and token keys and values 1
configuration_reserved_attribute ./configuration.module Helper function to return a list of reserved attributes 1
configuration_run_pass ./configuration.module Run through a pass of the configuration process 1
configuration_set_current_id ./configuration.module Set the unique execution identifier for this configuration 2
configuration_set_data ./configuration.module Set static data to be retrieved during later phases 6
configuration_set_error ./configuration.module Set an error during configuration setup 8
configuration_sync_data_form ./configuration.module Based on a form api array, make automatic modifications to the form submission data. 1
configuration_trace_context ./configuration.module Helper function to create a list of parent keys given a context item 4
_configuration_array_filter ./configuration.module Helper function to filter values of the list of matches 1
_configuration_array_look_ahead ./configuration.module Helper function to filter/modify matches by a look ahead 1
_configuration_execute_batch ./configuration.module Batch callback function for batch execution 1
_configuration_process_form ./configuration.module Custom implementation of drupal_process_form() 1
_configuration_replace_tokens ./configuration.module Helper function to replace key/values using tokens 1
_configuration_sort_context ./configuration.module Helper function to sort an array of context items by key 1
_configuration_validate_form ./configuration.module Custom implementation of drupal_validate_form() 1

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