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function configuration_map_properties in Configuration Management 6

Return a list of supported config properties in the order they should be processed with their descriptions

TODO Remove descriptions here as they could just be in documentation somewhere. TODO Allow modules to specify custom properties as well that would get sent to custom callbacks. Or add a #utility type property that handles a variety of functionality including module custom functionality. Such as a 'split' utitlity or in block modules case a custom function to split a module ID (block-3) into module=block and delta=3.

1 call to configuration_map_properties()
configuration_apply_map in ./configuration.module
Apply an individual configuration map to the data set object


./configuration.module, line 596
Provide a unified method for defining site configurations abstracted from their data format. Various data formats should be supported via a plugin architecture such as XML, YAML, JSON, PHP


function configuration_map_properties() {
  return array(
    '#include' => t('Include/require a file during the build process.'),
    '#alias' => t('Allow a tag to have aliases for better readability.'),
    '#default callback' => t('Set the default value if the tag is missing via a callback'),
    '#default php' => t('Set the default value if the tag is missing via a php snippet'),
    '#default path' => t('Set the default value if the tag is missing via a path to another item.'),
    '#default value' => t('Set the default value if the tag is missing.'),
    '#default' => t('Same as #default value'),
    '#create' => t('Create the tag under this tag if it does not exist. Either the name of the tag can be set or both the name and the value like: array( name => value )'),
    '#key' => t('The name of the tag will change to this when processed.'),
    '#key callback' => t('The tag will change when processed to the result of the callback'),
    '#key path' => t('The tag will change when processed to the value of the tag at the specified path in the data object. In case the path does not exist a default value can be specified by setting an array like: array( path => default )'),
    '#key php' => t('The tag will change when processed to the value of the evaluted php.'),
    '#array' => t('Mark that this data must be an array and make it so if it is not.'),
    '#assoc' => t('Mark that this data must be an associative array. We cannot make it one if it is not.'),
    '#move' => t('Move the tag to a different location specified by a path here. The end of the path will replace the current key.'),
    '#copy' => t('Copy this tag to another location specified by a path here.'),
    '#required' => t('Specify that this tag is required and must be specified.'),
    '#context key' => t('Act as a secondary_key for that data object and will be matched against config paths.'),
    '#value alias' => t('A key=>list array that determines possible aliases of certain values'),
    '#value callback' => t('Apply a callback on a value. The returned value will become the new value.'),
    '#value php' => t('Run a php snippet on the value here. The returned value will become the new value.'),
    '#value path' => t('Set the value of this item to the item specified with the path.'),
    '#value' => t('Set the value to what is specified here.'),
    '#id callback' => t('Run a callback that returns an identifier for the action.'),
    '#id php' => t('Evaluate php that returns an identifier for the action.'),
    '#options' => t('An array of possible values for the tag. It must be one of them.'),
    '#options callback' => t('An array of possible values for the tag as returned from the callback.'),
    '#build callback' => t('The return of this callback will be used as the input data for the execution and will not replace the data in the $context object.'),
    '#build php' => t('Use a php snippet to get the build data instead of the callback.'),
    '#action' => t('Specify an action to be called on the corresponding data. This will be saved and run at the end of the execution process.'),
    '#action callback' => t('A callback that will specify the action to be run here. This callback is run after previous actions are executed.'),
    '#attribute' => t('A boolean value specifying wether this tag/value pair is an attribute. Child tags are not allowed with attributes. Attributes stay in the context object, but not in the actual data set.'),
    '#enable module' => t('Add the module here to the enable modules list.'),
    '#disable module' => t('Add the module here to the disable modules list.'),
    '#delete' => t('Remove the key=>value from the object completely.'),