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function configuration_execute in Configuration Management 6

Execute a configuration diven a data object of actions. The supplied data should be a php array in the correct format.

Here is an example configuration to setup two blocks:

array( array( tag => block config => array( description => My Custom Block region => right weight => -5 ) ) array( tag => block config => array( id => locale-0 region => left weight => 5 ) ) )


$data: The dataset containing the configuration to execute

$mode: A string that will form a callback function used to dictate execution of the configuration. Two default modes are:

  • batch: Run the configuration on a batch/progress bar page
  • xmlrpc: Run the configuration through services without a break in the pages php execution

The job of the callback function is to ensure that data set in the configuration_set_data static cache is maintained through any possible page re-loads or however the execution is processed so that each pass of configuration_execute_pass has the right data available to it.

Return value

TRUE or FALSE for successful execution. The exact error in case of an unsuccessful run can be retrieved with configuration_get_error()


./configuration.module, line 109
Provide a unified method for defining site configurations abstracted from their data format. Various data formats should be supported via a plugin architecture such as XML, YAML, JSON, PHP


function configuration_execute($data, $mode = 'batch', $current_id = null) {
  $args = func_get_args();
  array_splice($args, 0, 3);
  $function = 'configuration_execute_' . $mode;
  if (!function_exists($function)) {
    return FALSE;

  // Create and set a unique id for this execution
  if (!$current_id) {
    $current_id = md5(mt_rand());

  // Set the current data so it can be used with this execution
  configuration_set_data('data', $data);

  // Set to the first phase to get things started
  configuration_set_data('phase', CONFIGURATION_INTIALIZE);
  return call_user_func_array($function, $args);