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function block_configuration_maps in Configuration Management 6

This hook is used to return the configuration maps that describes how to configure this module given the supplied dataset

// TODO Look into setting up 'initial', 'before', and 'after' maps


modules/, line 60


function block_configuration_maps() {
  return array(
    // /block is used to catch all block actions an ensure they can be used with this component
    '/block' => array(
      '#include' => drupal_get_path('module', 'block') . '/',
      '#action callback' => 'block_configuration_action',
    '/block/action' => array(
      '#attribute' => true,
    '/block[id]/module' => array(
      '#create' => true,
      '#value php' => '$split = explode("-", $context->parent->item["id"]);' . "\n" . '$value = $split[0];',
    '/block[id]/delta' => array(
      '#create' => true,
      '#value php' => '$split = explode("-", $context->parent->item["id"]);' . "\n" . '$value = $split[1];',
    '/block/id' => array(
      '#delete' => true,
    '/block/info' => array(
      '#alias' => array(
    '/block[@action=delete]/module' => array(
      '#default' => 'block',
    '/block[@action=delete]/module=block' => array(
      '#required' => true,
    '/block[not(module)][not(delta)]/info' => array(
      '#required' => true,
    '/block[not(delta)][info]/module' => array(
      '#default' => 'block',
    '/block/pages' => array(
      '#value php' => 'if (is_string($value)) return;' . "\n" . '$value = implode("\\r\\n", $value);' . "\n" . '$value = str_replace("[front]", "<front>", $value);',