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Functions in SWF Tools 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
swftools_flowplayer_admin_form flowplayer/ @file Configuration settings for Flowplayer. 1
swftools_flowplayer_help flowplayer/swftools_flowplayer.module Implementation of hook_help
swftools_flowplayer_menu flowplayer/swftools_flowplayer.module Implementation of hook_menu().
swftools_flowplayer_swftools_methods flowplayer/swftools_flowplayer.module Implementation of hook_swftools_methods().
swftools_flowplayer_swftools_playlist_flowplayer flowplayer/swftools_flowplayer.module
swftools_flowplayer_swftools_preprocess_flowplayer flowplayer/swftools_flowplayer.module Implementation of hook_swftools_preprocess_[player]().
swftools_flowplayer_swftools_variable_mapping flowplayer/swftools_flowplayer.module 1
swftools_flush_caches ./swftools.module Implementation of hook_flush_caches().
swftools_form_swftools_admin_handling_form_alter upload/swftools_upload.module Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
swftools_form_system_performance_settings_alter ./swftools.module Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
swftools_generate_playlist ./swftools.module Generates an playlist and places it in {cache_swftools} ready for use. 1
swftools_genericplayers_menu includes/ Implementation of hook_menu(). 1
swftools_genericplayers_swftools_methods includes/ Implementation of hook_swftools_methods(). 1
swftools_getid3_swftools_playlist_element_alter getid3/swftools_getid3.module Attaches ID3 data to a SWF Tools playlist element.
swftools_get_action ./swftools.module Determines the action to be taken, based on the extension of a filename. 2
swftools_get_actions ./swftools.module Retrieves the list of actions, and their descriptions, that modules are presenting to SWF Tools. 3
swftools_get_base ./swftools.module Returns a string defining a base path for flash to use. 1
swftools_get_filter_alias ./swftools.module Implements a hook that extends the parameters that can be passed to the filter so that myvar="value" can be mapped to flashvars, etc. 1
swftools_get_from_cache ./swftools.module Creates a cid for the call to swf() and returns its data from the cache when available. 1
swftools_get_html ./swftools.module Serves just the swf content from the cache via the path swftools/page/nnnn 1
swftools_get_id includes/ Verifies that the supplied id is unique, and assigns an id if one was not supplied. 2
swftools_get_info ./swftools.module Returns information about the specified file. 2
swftools_get_library includes/ Returns a path to the requested library, using Libraries API when it is available. 22
swftools_get_methods includes/ Collects information from all modules about the players and embedding methods available. 9
swftools_get_player ./swftools.module Returns the currently configured player for the specified action and profile. 3
swftools_get_players ./swftools.module Returns the default handlers, or customised handlers, for each action. 1
swftools_get_url_and_path ./swftools.module Determines the url for a file, and expands its filepath if necessary. 9
swftools_get_xml ./swftools.module Serves an xml playlist from the {cache_swftools} table. 1
swftools_handling_profile_form includes/ Returns a form definition for the profile file handling page. 1 1
swftools_imagecache_create_path ./swftools.module Modifies a file path to include the appropriate imagecache preset. 11
swftools_imagerotator_admin_form imagerotator/ @file Configuration settings for LongTail Image Rotator. 1
swftools_imagerotator_admin_form_submit imagerotator/ Submit handler to filter out form settings that are either empty strings or 'default' 1
swftools_imagerotator_help imagerotator/swftools_imagerotator.module Implementation of hook_help
swftools_imagerotator_menu imagerotator/swftools_imagerotator.module Implementation of hook_menu().
swftools_imagerotator_profile_form imagerotator/ Returns a form definition for use by the profile system. 1 1
swftools_imagerotator_swftools_methods imagerotator/swftools_imagerotator.module Implementation of hook_swftools_methods().
swftools_imagerotator_swftools_playlist_imagerotator imagerotator/swftools_imagerotator.module Implementation of hook_swftools_playlist_PLAYER().
swftools_imagerotator_swftools_preprocess_imagerotator imagerotator/swftools_imagerotator.module Implementation of hook_swftools_preprocess_[player]().
swftools_imagerotator_swftools_variable_mapping imagerotator/swftools_imagerotator.module
swftools_imagerotator_theme imagerotator/swftools_imagerotator.module Implementation of hook_theme().
swftools_image_html_alt ./swftools.module Replaces the html_alt string with an image tag when rendering an image playlist. 1
swftools_init ./swftools.module Implementation of hook_init().
swftools_initialise_options includes/ Initialise the SWF Tools options array with some standard elements. 2
swftools_install ./swftools.install Implementation of hook_install().
swftools_json_params ./swftools.module Converts an array of paramters to JSON and returns them as a string ready for use as a flashvar.
swftools_jw5_add_js jw5/swftools_jw5.module Adds Wijering4 JavaScript to the page. 2
swftools_jw5_admin_form jw5/ @file Configuration settings for LongTail JW Player 4. 1
swftools_jw5_admin_form_submit jw5/ Submit handler to filter out form settings that are either empty strings or 'default' 1
swftools_jw5_autocomplete_skin jw5/ Autocompleter to suggest possible skin names. 1
swftools_jw5_help jw5/swftools_jw5.module Implementation of hook_help().


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