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function swftools_getid3_swftools_playlist_element_alter in SWF Tools 6.3

Attaches ID3 data to a SWF Tools playlist element.


array $element: The element to process.

Return value

nothing Modifies the element directly.


getid3/swftools_getid3.module, line 21
Enables SWF Tools support for the getID3 module.


function swftools_getid3_swftools_playlist_element_alter(&$element) {

  // Analyze the file for ID3 tags and store the result in data
  $data = getid3_analyze($element['filepath']);

  // If the getID3 library is properly installed collapse tags in to comments
  if (defined('GETID3_VERSION')) {

  // Attach ID3 data to the element in all cases
  $element['getid3'] = $data;

  // If GetID3 returned an error or no comments then quit
  if (isset($data['error']) || !isset($data['comments'])) {

  // Attach title
  if (!$element['title'] && isset($data['comments']['title'][0]) && $data['comments']['title'][0]) {
    $element['title'] = $data['comments']['title'][0];

  // Attach author
  if (!$element['author'] && isset($data['comments']['artist'][0]) && $data['comments']['artist'][0]) {
    $element['author'] = $data['comments']['artist'][0];

  // TODO: Attach more data, like duration etc