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function swftools_flowplayer_swftools_preprocess_flowplayer in SWF Tools 6.3

Implementation of hook_swftools_preprocess_[player]().


flowplayer/swftools_flowplayer.module, line 61
Enables SWF Tools support for Flowplayer.


function swftools_flowplayer_swftools_preprocess_flowplayer(&$data) {

  // Pad out the user parameters (like those passed through swf(), with our
  // configured defaults, allowing the user parameters to dominate.
  $defaults = _swftools_flowplayer_flashvars();

  // Merge defaults and user supplied values, letting user supplied values dominate
  $data['flashvars'] = array_merge($defaults, $data['flashvars']);

  // If an image is set then use it
  if ($data['flashvars']['image']) {

    // Retrieve path data
    $source = swftools_get_url_and_path($data['flashvars']['image']);

    // If a path was returned then assign it to the flashvar
    if ($source) {
      $data['flashvars']['image'] = $source['fileurl'];

  //  if ($vars->params['width']) {$flashvars['width'] = $vars->params['width'];}
  //  if ($vars->params['height']) {$flashvars['height'] = $vars->params['height'];}

  /* Flowplayer doesn't like "" when JSON is generated, so we have to construct it ourselves here
   * and assign it to the variable config.
   * Build an array of Flowplayer configuration settings, then call drupal_to_js to convert
   * to JSON format, and then run through str_replac to make Flowplayer happy!

  // Initialise array of Flowplayer configuration settings
  $flowplayer = array();

  // Are we handling a playlist?
  if ($data['othervars']['playlist_data']) {

    // Initialise array to hold data
    $playlist = array();

    // Get file paths out of existing array and start to form Flowplayer format
    foreach ($data['othervars']['playlist_data']['playlist'] as $play) {
      $playlist[] = "{ url: '" . $play['fileurl'] . "' }";

    // Implode the array to create a flashvar ready for later
    $flowplayer['playList'] = '[ ' . implode(', ', $playlist) . ' ]';
  else {

    // If not a playlist simply assign file_url to videoFile
    $flowplayer['videoFile'] = $data['othervars']['file_url'];

  // Find out what configuration settings are available
  $available_settings = swftools_flowplayer_swftools_variable_mapping();

  // See which ones have been set in othervars and copy to flowplayer array
  foreach ($available_settings['flowplayer'] as $setting => $value) {
    if (isset($data['flashvars'][$setting])) {
      $flowplayer[$setting] = $data['flashvars'][$setting];

   * Flowplayer uses 'loop' as the parameter to control looping
   * This is already used as flash parameter so using loop in a
   * filter means it isn't passed in the flashvars array. So copy
   * whatever value we have in the parameter to flowplayer array
  if (isset($data['othervars']['loop']) && $data['othervars']['loop']) {
    $flowplayer['loop'] = $data['othervars']['loop'];

  // Merge $data['othervars'] in to flashvars

  //$flowplayer = array_merge($flowplayer, $data['othervars']);

  // Convert to JSON
  $data['flashvars']['config'] = drupal_to_js($flowplayer);

  // Replace " with ', and remove quotes from around true and false, to satisfy Flowplayer
  $data['flashvars']['config'] = str_replace(array(
  ), array(
  ), $data['flashvars']['config']);

  // If we had a playlist then the ' has been escaped, so reverse it where it occurs in the playlist
  if (isset($playlist) && $playlist) {
    $data['flashvars']['config'] = str_replace(array(
      "url: \\'",
      "\\' }",
    ), array(
      "url: '",
      "' }",
    ), $data['flashvars']['config']);