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function swftools_get_xml in SWF Tools 6.3

Serves an xml playlist from the {cache_swftools} table.

SWF Tools no longer generates a physical file for the playlist. Instead it places an entry in its internal cache table and then serves the file from there. Pages request the files by accessing swftools/playlist/nnn, where nnn is the cid of the content.


string $playlist: The name of the playlist being requested.

Return value

mixed Serve the xml file, or issue drupal_not_found() if it doesn't exist.

1 string reference to 'swftools_get_xml'
swftools_menu in ./swftools.module
Implementation of hook_menu().


./swftools.module, line 1697
The primary component of SWF Tools that enables comprehensive media handling.


function swftools_get_xml($playlist) {
  if (!($data = cache_get($playlist, 'cache_swftools')) || !$data->data['xml']) {
    print drupal_not_found();
  else {
    drupal_set_header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
    print $data->data['xml'];