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function swftools_get_methods in SWF Tools 6.3

Collects information from all modules about the players and embedding methods available.


string $action: Optional parameter to retrieve data only about a specific method.

bool $reset: Optional parameter which if TRUE will reset the method cache and rebuild it.

Return value

array An array of data describing the available methods.

9 calls to swftools_get_methods()
swf in ./swftools.module
Processes a file, or an array of files, and returns the relevant mark-up to render a Flash based player.
swftools_admin_embed_form in includes/
Form definition for embedding settings.
swftools_admin_generic_form in includes/
Returns the generic player administration form.
swftools_menu in ./swftools.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
swftools_profiles_menu in profiles/swftools_profiles.module
Implementation of hook_menu().

... See full list


includes/, line 261
Implements SWF Tools core functions that are common to the main module and the API module.


function swftools_get_methods($action = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {

  // Cache methods array as it may be called several times
  static $methods;

  // If user has requested the cache to be reset then reset it
  if ($reset || !isset($methods)) {
    if (!$reset && ($cached = cache_get('swftools:methods'))) {
      $methods = $cached->data;
    else {
      $methods = array();
      foreach (module_implements('swftools_methods') as $module) {
        $function = $module . '_swftools_methods';
        if (function_exists($function)) {
          $implements = $function();
          foreach ($implements as $method_type => $method) {
            foreach ($method as $method_name => $method_details) {
              $method_details += array(
                'name' => $method_name,
                'module' => '',
                'title' => '',
                'download' => '',
                'library' => '',
                'profile' => array(),
              if ($method_type == 'swftools_embed_method') {
                $method_details += array(
                  'theme' => $method_name,
              else {
                $method_details += array(
                  'version' => 7,
              $methods[$method_type][$method_name] = $method_details;
      cache_set('swftools:methods', $methods);

  // In case no module is presenting a method for the required action the following line avoids a notice error
  if ($action) {
    $methods += array(
      $action => NULL,

  // Return results - either for the specific action, or the whole array
  return $action ? $methods[$action] : $methods;