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function swftools_get_actions in SWF Tools 6.3

Retrieves the list of actions, and their descriptions, that modules are presenting to SWF Tools.


bool $reset: When TRUE will reset the cache.

Return value

array An array of actions.

3 calls to swftools_get_actions()
swf in ./swftools.module
Processes a file, or an array of files, and returns the relevant mark-up to render a Flash based player.
swftools_admin_handling_form in includes/
swftools_handling_profile_form in includes/
Returns a form definition for the profile file handling page.


./swftools.module, line 1870
The primary component of SWF Tools that enables comprehensive media handling.


function swftools_get_actions($reset = FALSE) {

  // Cache actions
  static $actions;

  // If user has requested the cache to be reset then reset it
  if ($reset || !isset($actions)) {
    if (!$reset && ($cached = cache_get('actions', 'cache_swftools'))) {
      $actions = $cached->data;
    else {

      // Build a list of standard actions that SWF Tools knows about from its other modules
      $default_actions = array(
        'swf' => array(
          '#description' => 'a single swf movie',
          '#type' => 'swf movies',
          '#weight' => -8,
        'video' => array(
          '#description' => 'a single video',
          '#type' => 'videos',
          '#weight' => -7,
        'video_list' => array(
          '#description' => 'a series of videos',
          '#weight' => -6,
        'audio' => array(
          '#description' => 'a single audio file',
          '#type' => 'audio',
          '#weight' => -5,
        'audio_list' => array(
          '#description' => 'a series of audio files',
          '#weight' => -4,
        'image' => array(
          '#description' => 'a single image',
          '#type' => 'images',
          '#weight' => -3,
        'image_list' => array(
          '#description' => 'a series of images',
          '#weight' => -2,
        'media_list' => array(
          '#description' => 'a series of mixed media files',
          '#weight' => -1,

      // Plan ahead - give other modules the chance to declare an action
      $actions = array();
      foreach (module_implements('swftools_actions') as $module) {
        $function = $module . '_swftools_actions';
        $result = $function();
        if (isset($result) && is_array($result)) {
          $actions = array_merge($actions, $result);

      // Merge additional or new values over the defaults (allows defaults to be renamed)
      $actions = array_merge($default_actions, $actions);

      // Sort the list
      uasort($actions, 'element_sort');

      // Set the cache
      cache_set('actions', $actions, 'cache_swftools');

  // Return the list of available actions
  return $actions;