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function swftools_get_from_cache in SWF Tools 6.3

Creates a cid for the call to swf() and returns its data from the cache when available.

To make our cid we create an array from $file and $options. Then we serialize it, and then we run it through md5. This generates a unique cid for that piece of content.

Once the cid is created it is attached to $options['othervars']['cid'] so that subsequent functions don't have to rehash the data to generate it again.

Within {cache_swftools} we store each item as an associative array.

  • html: the actual mark up to place the Flash on the page
  • xml: associated xml (for xml based playlists)


string $file: The $file parameter from the call to swf().

array $options: The $options parameter from the call to swf().

Return value

mixed The cached content as a array, or FALSE if it is isn't available.

1 call to swftools_get_from_cache()
swf in ./swftools.module
Processes a file, or an array of files, and returns the relevant mark-up to render a Flash based player.


./swftools.module, line 1763
The primary component of SWF Tools that enables comprehensive media handling.


function swftools_get_from_cache($file, &$options) {

  // Construct a cid for this piece of content
  $cid = md5(serialize(array(

  // Set the cid on othervars ready to store this item if we have to render it
  $options['othervars']['cid'] = $cid;

  // If this is in the cache then return it
  if ($ret = cache_get($cid, 'cache_swftools')) {
    return $ret;

  // Indicate that we don't have cached data