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function swftools_imagecache_create_path in SWF Tools 6.3

Modifies a file path to include the appropriate imagecache preset.


string $preset: The imagecache preset to be applied.

string $path: The existing path.

Return value

string The modified path, or an unaltered path if not on the local file system.

11 calls to swftools_imagecache_create_path()
hook_swftools_playlist_PLAYER in docs/swftools.php
Processes a playlist ready for use by the specified player.
hook_swftools_preprocess_PLAYER in docs/swftools.php
Does the final preparation prior to rendering the specified player.
swftools-jw5-playlist-element.tpl.php in jw5/swftools-jw5-playlist-element.tpl.php
Template for a single entry in a LongTail JW Player 5 playlist.
swftools-simpleviewer-playlist-element.tpl.php in simpleviewer/swftools-simpleviewer-playlist-element.tpl.php
Template for a single entry in a SimpleViewer playlist.
swftools-tiltviewer-playlist-element.tpl.php in tiltviewer/swftools-tiltviewer-playlist-element.tpl.php
Template for a single entry in a TiltViewer playlist.

... See full list


./swftools.module, line 2294
The primary component of SWF Tools that enables comprehensive media handling.


function swftools_imagecache_create_path($preset, $path) {
  if (module_exists('imagecache')) {
    $path = str_replace(file_directory_path(), file_directory_path() . '/imagecache/' . $preset, $path);
  return $path;