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Functions in Commerce File 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
commerce_file_license_access includes/ Checks license access for various operations. 1 1
commerce_file_license_admin_access includes/ Returns TRUE if user has admin access to licenses 3
commerce_file_license_build_content includes/ Generate an array for rendering the given commerce_file_license.
commerce_file_license_configure_types includes/ Set default fields for license types 1
commerce_file_license_create includes/ Create a commerce_file_license 1
commerce_file_license_delete includes/ Delete a single commerce_file_license.
commerce_file_license_delete_form includes/ Form callback: confirmation form for deleting a license.
commerce_file_license_delete_form_submit includes/ Submit callback for commerce_file_license_delete_form(). 1
commerce_file_license_delete_multiple includes/ Delete multiple commerce_file_license.
commerce_file_license_field_config_delete_access ./commerce_file.module Access callback for field ui delete on license entities 1
commerce_file_license_form includes/ Form callback: create or edit a license.
commerce_file_license_form_after_build includes/ After build callback for commerce_file_license_form(). 1
commerce_file_license_form_submit includes/ Submit callback for commerce_file_license_form().
commerce_file_license_form_validate includes/ Validation callback for commerce_file_license_form(). 1
commerce_file_license_issue_by_commerce_line_item includes/ Issue licenses for files in a line item 1
commerce_file_license_issue_by_commerce_order includes/ Issue licenses for files in an order 1
commerce_file_license_issue_by_host_execute includes/ Issues licenses based on a host entity 1
commerce_file_license_issue_by_host_form includes/ Returns the base form array for issuing licenses on a host entity 1
commerce_file_license_issue_by_host_form_id ./commerce_file.module Builds an appropriate issue license form ID based on the entity on the form. 2
commerce_file_license_issue_by_host_form_submit includes/ Submit callback for commerce_file_license_issue_by_host_form(). 1
commerce_file_license_line_item_update_state includes/ Update the state of licenses for files on a line item 1
commerce_file_license_line_item_update_status includes/ Update the state of licenses for files on a line item 1
commerce_file_license_load includes/ Load a single commerce_file_license 9 1
commerce_file_license_load_by_property includes/ Return all licenses for specified files 6
commerce_file_license_load_multiple includes/ Load multiple commerce_file_licenses based on certain conditions. 4
commerce_file_license_log_create includes/ Create a commerce_file_license_log
commerce_file_license_log_delete includes/ Delete a single commerce_file_license_log.
commerce_file_license_log_delete_multiple includes/ Delete multiple commerce_file_license_logs.
commerce_file_license_log_load includes/ Load a single commerce_file_license
commerce_file_license_log_load_multiple includes/ Load multiple commerce_file_license_logs based on certain conditions. 2
commerce_file_license_log_save includes/ Save a commerce_file_license_log 1
commerce_file_license_log_wrapper includes/ Return wrapper object for a given license
commerce_file_license_order_update_state includes/ Update the state of licenses for files in an order 1
commerce_file_license_order_update_status includes/ Update the status of licenses for files in an order 2
commerce_file_license_property_getter includes/ Callback for getting properties. 1
commerce_file_license_property_setter includes/ Callback for setting properties. 1
commerce_file_license_rules_action_allow_download ./ Rules action: Allow a licensed file download 1
commerce_file_license_rules_action_log_download ./ Rules action: Log a licensed file download 1
commerce_file_license_rules_action_update_state ./ Rules action: Update a license state 1
commerce_file_license_rules_action_update_status ./ Rules action: Update a license status 1
commerce_file_license_rules_condition_address_exists ./ Rules condition: user's IP address exists already in the access logs 1
commerce_file_license_rules_condition_limit_is_unlimited ./ Rules condition: Determine if a limit value is unlimited 1
commerce_file_license_save includes/ Save a commerce_file_license
commerce_file_license_settings_form includes/ Form callback: edit the global order settings. 1
commerce_file_license_states includes/ Returns an array of all the license states keyed by name. 2
commerce_file_license_state_get_title includes/ Returns the human readable title of any or all states. 1
commerce_file_license_state_load includes/ Returns a state object. 2
commerce_file_license_state_options_list includes/ Wraps commerce_file_license_state_get_title() for use by the Entity module. 2
commerce_file_license_statuses includes/ Returns an array of some or all of the statuses keyed by name. 6
commerce_file_license_status_default includes/ Return default status with highest weight 2


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