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Functions in Commerce File 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
commerce_file_license_status_get_title includes/ Returns the human readable title of any or all statuses. 2
commerce_file_license_status_load includes/ Returns an status object. 1
commerce_file_license_status_options_list includes/ Wraps commerce_file_license_status_get_title() for use by the Entity module. 3 2
commerce_file_license_status_update includes/ Updates the status of a license to the specified status. 3
commerce_file_license_type_get_name includes/ Returns the human readable name of any or all entity types. 1
commerce_file_license_type_options_list includes/ Wraps commerce_file_license_type_get_name() for the Entity module.
commerce_file_license_user_allowed_licenses includes/ Load all 'allowed' licenses for given account
commerce_file_license_user_licenses includes/ Load all licenses for given account
commerce_file_license_wrapper includes/ Return wrapper object for a given license 1
commerce_file_limit_duration_element_process includes/ FAPI process callback for limit textfield element type. 1
commerce_file_limit_duration_element_validate includes/ FAPI element validate callback for limit integer element type. 1
commerce_file_limit_duration_element_value includes/ FAPI value callback for limit duration element type. 1
commerce_file_limit_integer_element_process includes/ FAPI process callback for limit textfield element type. 1
commerce_file_limit_integer_element_validate includes/ FAPI element validate callback for limit textfield element type. 1
commerce_file_limit_integer_element_value includes/ FAPI value callback for limit textfield element type. 1
commerce_file_line_item_owner ./commerce_file.module Retrieve the owner account for a line item 2
commerce_file_media_derivatives_field_types includes/ Implements hook_media_derivatives_field_types().
commerce_file_menu ./commerce_file.module Implements hook_menu().
commerce_file_menu_alter ./commerce_file.module Implements hook_menu_alter()
commerce_file_migrate_api ./
commerce_file_modules_enabled ./commerce_file.module Implements hook_modules_enabled().
commerce_file_permission ./commerce_file.module Implements hook_permission().
commerce_file_refresh_line_item ./commerce_file.module Refresh a line item with the current product license data 2
commerce_file_requirements ./commerce_file.install Implements hook_requirements() to check for a private file scheme.
commerce_file_rules_action_info ./ Implements hook_rules_action_info().
commerce_file_rules_action_issue_order_licenses ./ Rules action: Grant file licenses for order owner based on a line item 1
commerce_file_rules_action_order_update_state ./ Rules action: Update state of all licenses associated with the order 1
commerce_file_rules_action_order_update_status ./ Rules action: Update state of all licenses associated with the order 1
commerce_file_rules_action_revoke_order_licenses ./ Rules action: Revoke file licenses' limits for order owner based on a line item 1
commerce_file_rules_condition_info ./ Implements hook_rules_condition_info().
commerce_file_schema ./commerce_file.install Implements hook_schema().
commerce_file_set_data_target ./ License data target callback for hook_feeds_processor_targets_alter(). 1
commerce_file_set_file_target ./ File target callback for hook_feeds_processor_targets_alter(). 1
commerce_file_set_schema_target ./ Schema field target callback for hook_feeds_processor_targets_alter().
commerce_file_system_info_alter ./commerce_file.module Implements hook_system_info_alter().
commerce_file_theme ./commerce_file.module Implements hook_theme().
commerce_file_uninstall ./commerce_file.install Implements hook_uninstall().
commerce_file_update_7101 ./commerce_file.install Update fields for file scheme setting on field settings only
commerce_file_update_7102 ./commerce_file.install Update module weight heavier than field modules
commerce_file_update_7103 ./commerce_file.install Ensure all line item types have been configured
commerce_file_update_7104 ./commerce_file.install Unlock Commerce File field on License entities 1
commerce_file_update_7105 ./commerce_file.install Update field type permission from 'administer commerce_file' to 'administer commerce_file field type'
commerce_file_update_7106 ./commerce_file.install Rebuild the cache for hook_commerce_file_license_info() for UI improvements to take effect.
commerce_file_update_7107 ./commerce_file.install Update field_schema to allow NULL for empty data arrays.
commerce_file_update_7108 ./commerce_file.install Re-run 7104 for Unlock Commerce File field on License entities to fix fresh installs
commerce_file_update_7109 ./commerce_file.install Ensure that a default is set for progammatically created fields
commerce_file_views_api ./commerce_file.module Implements hook_views_api().
commerce_file_views_data views/ Implements hook_views_data()
commerce_file_views_data_alter views/ Implements hook_views_data_alter().
commerce_file_views_default_views views/ Implements hook_views_default_views().


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