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Handles file licenses and file license logs


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 * @file
 * Handles file licenses and file license logs

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Definitions

 * Implements hook_commerce_file_license_state_info().
function commerce_file_commerce_file_license_state_info() {
  $states = array();
  $states['denied'] = array(
    'name' => 'denied',
    'title' => t('Denied'),
    'description' => t('Licenses in this state cannot be accessed by the owner.'),
    'weight' => -10,
    'default_status' => 'revoked',
  $states['allowed'] = array(
    'name' => 'allowed',
    'title' => t('Allowed'),
    'description' => t('Licenses in this state can be accessed by the owner.'),
    'weight' => 0,
    'default_status' => 'active',
  return $states;

 * Implements hook_commerce_file_license_status_info().
function commerce_file_commerce_file_license_status_info() {
  $statuses = array();
  $statuses['pending'] = array(
    'name' => 'pending',
    'title' => t('Pending'),
    'state' => 'denied',
    'weight' => -1,
    'default' => TRUE,
  $statuses['active'] = array(
    'name' => 'active',
    'title' => t('Active'),
    'state' => 'allowed',
    'weight' => 0,

  /** @todo: remove 'canceled' now that 'revoked' is added ?? **************/
  $statuses['canceled'] = array(
    'name' => 'canceled',
    'title' => t('Canceled'),
    'state' => 'denied',
    'weight' => 1,
  $statuses['revoked'] = array(
    'name' => 'revoked',
    'title' => t('Revoked'),
    'state' => 'denied',
    'weight' => 2,
  return $statuses;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// File License API

 * Create a commerce_file_license
function commerce_file_license_create($values = array()) {
  return entity_get_controller(COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_ENTITY_NAME)

 * Save a commerce_file_license
 * @param $entity
 *   An entity object - OR - an array of values
function commerce_file_license_save($entity) {
  if (is_array($entity)) {
    return entity_get_controller(COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_ENTITY_NAME)
  return entity_get_controller(COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_ENTITY_NAME)

 * Delete a single commerce_file_license.
 * @param $id
 *   The uniform identifier of the entity to delete.
 * @return
 *   FALSE, if there were no information how to delete the entity.
function commerce_file_license_delete($id) {
  return entity_get_controller(COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_ENTITY_NAME)

 * Delete multiple commerce_file_license.
 * @param $ids
 *   An array of uniform identifiers of the entities to delete.
 * @return
 *   FALSE if the given entity type isn't compatible to the CRUD API.
function commerce_file_license_delete_multiple($ids) {
  return entity_get_controller(COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_ENTITY_NAME)

 * Load a single commerce_file_license
 * @param $id
 *   A single entity ID.
 * @return
 *   An entity object.
function commerce_file_license_load($id = NULL) {
  if (empty($id)) {
    return FALSE;
  $entity = commerce_file_license_load_multiple(array(
  return $entity ? reset($entity) : FALSE;

 * Load multiple commerce_file_licenses based on certain conditions.
 * @param $ids
 *   An array of entity IDs.
 * @return
 *   An array of entity objects, indexed by id.
function commerce_file_license_load_multiple($ids = array(), $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) {
  if (empty($ids) && empty($conditions)) {
    return array();
  return entity_load(COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_ENTITY_NAME, $ids, $conditions, $reset);

 * Return wrapper object for a given license
function commerce_file_license_wrapper($entity) {
  return entity_metadata_wrapper(COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_ENTITY_NAME, $entity);

 * Load all licenses for given account
 * @param $account
 *   A user object.
 * @return
 *   An array of entity objects, indexed by id.
function commerce_file_license_user_licenses($account = NULL) {
  global $user;
  $licenses = array();
  if (!isset($account)) {
    $account = $user;
  if (isset($account->uid)) {
    $licenses = commerce_file_license_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
      'uid' => $account->uid,
  return $licenses;

 * Builds an EntityFieldQuery object for given inputs
 * @param $fids
 *   An array of file fids
 * @param $line_item_ids
 *   An array of line_item_ids
 * @param $account
 *   A user object of the license owner
 * @return
 *   An EntityFieldQuery object
function _commerce_file_license_build_field_query($fids = array(), $line_item_ids = array(), $account = NULL, $allow_access_check = FALSE) {

  // initialize query
  $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
  $query->_commerce_file_is_filtered = FALSE;
    ->entityCondition('entity_type', $entity_type, '=');

  // add account condition
  if (isset($account)) {

    // kick anonymous or bad object
    if (empty($account->uid)) {
      return NULL;
      ->propertyCondition('uid', $account->uid, '=');
    $query->_commerce_file_is_filtered = TRUE;

  // add file fid condition
  if (!empty($fids)) {

    // determine if there are any file field types on licenses entities
    $file_fields = commerce_info_fields(COMMERCE_FILE_FIELD_TYPE, $entity_type);
    if (!empty($file_fields)) {
      foreach ($file_fields as $field_name => $field_info) {
          ->fieldCondition($field_name, 'fid', $fids, 'IN');
      $query->_commerce_file_is_filtered = TRUE;

  // add line item id condition
  if (!empty($line_item_ids)) {

    // determine if there are any file field types on licenses entities
    $line_fields = commerce_info_fields('commerce_line_item_reference', $entity_type);
    if (!empty($line_fields)) {
      foreach ($line_fields as $field_name => $field_info) {
          ->fieldCondition($field_name, 'line_item_id', $line_item_ids, 'IN');
      $query->_commerce_file_is_filtered = TRUE;

  // set tag to ensure that we get raw results not altered by the node access system
  // @see - special tag added in Drupal 7.15
  // @see - work-around being used below to support all versions
  if (empty($allow_access_check)) {
      ->addMetaData('account', user_load(1));
  return $query;

 * Return all license ids for specified field values
 * @param $fids
 *   An array of file fids
 * @param $line_item_ids
 *   An array of line_item_ids
 * @param $account
 *   A user object of the license owner
 * @return
 *   An array of license ids
function _commerce_file_license_field_query($fids = array(), $line_item_ids = array(), $account = NULL) {
  $entity_ids = array();

  // build query
  $query = _commerce_file_license_build_field_query($fids, $line_item_ids, $account);

  // perform query if it exists and has been filtered
  if (!empty($query) && $query->_commerce_file_is_filtered) {
    $result = $query
    if (!empty($result)) {
      $entity_ids = array_keys($result[$entity_type]);
  return $entity_ids;

 * Return all licenses for specified files
 * @param $fids
 *   An array of file fids
 * @param $account
 *   A user object of the license owner
 *   - if empty all licenses for $fids is returned
 * @return
 *   An array of license entities
function commerce_file_license_load_by_property($fids = array(), $line_item_ids = array(), $account = NULL) {
  $ids = _commerce_file_license_field_query($fids, $line_item_ids, $account);
  return !empty($ids) ? commerce_file_license_load_multiple($ids) : array();

 * Load all 'allowed' licenses for given account
 * @param $account
 *   A user object.
 * @return
 *   An array of entity objects, indexed by id.
function commerce_file_license_user_allowed_licenses($account = NULL) {
  global $user;
  $licenses = array();
  if (!isset($account)) {
    $account = $user;
  if (isset($account->uid)) {
    $allowed_statuses = commerce_file_license_statuses(array(
      'state' => 'allowed',
    $licenses = commerce_file_license_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
      'uid' => $account->uid,
      'status' => $allowed_statuses,
  return $licenses;

 * Generate an array for rendering the given commerce_file_license.
 * @param $entity_type
 *   The type of the entity.
 * @param $entity
 *   An entity object.
 * @param $view_mode
 *   A view mode as used by this entity type, e.g. 'full', 'teaser'...
 * @param $langcode
 *   (optional) A language code to use for rendering. Defaults to the global
 *   content language of the current request.
 * @return
 *   The renderable array.
function commerce_file_license_build_content($entity, $view_mode = 'full', $langcode = NULL) {
  return entity_build_content(COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_ENTITY_NAME, $entity, $view_mode, $langcode);

 * Callback for getting properties.
 * @see commerce_file_entity_property_info()
function commerce_file_license_property_getter($entity, array $options, $name) {
  try {
    return $entity->{$name};
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    return NULL;

 * Callback for setting properties.
 * @see commerce_file_entity_property_info()
function commerce_file_license_property_setter($entity, $name, $value) {
  try {
    $entity->{$name} = $value;
  } catch (Exception $e) {

    // pass

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Status / State Handling

 * Returns an array of all the license states keyed by name.
 * License states can only be defined by modules. When this function is first
 * called, it will load all the states as defined by
 * hook_commerce_file_license_state_info(). The final array will be cached
 * for subsequent calls.
 * @return
 *   The array of state objects, keyed by state name.
function commerce_file_license_states() {

  // First check the static cache for a states array.
  $states =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);

  // If it did not exist, fetch the states now.
  if (!isset($states)) {
    $states = module_invoke_all('commerce_file_license_state_info');

    // Give other modules a chance to alter the states.
    drupal_alter('commerce_file_license_state_info', $states);
    uasort($states, 'drupal_sort_weight');
  return $states;

 * Returns a state object.
 * @param $name
 *   The machine readable name string of the state to return.
 * @return
 *   The fully loaded state object or FALSE if not found.
function commerce_file_license_state_load($name) {
  $states = commerce_file_license_states();
  if (isset($states[$name])) {
    return $states[$name];
  return FALSE;

 * Returns the human readable title of any or all states.
 * @param $name
 *   Optional parameter specifying the name of the state whose title
 *     should be return.
 * @return
 *   Either an array of all state titles keyed by name or a string
 *     containing the human readable title for the specified state. If a state
 *     is specified that does not exist, this function returns FALSE.
function commerce_file_license_state_get_title($name = NULL) {
  $states = commerce_file_license_states();

  // Return a state title if specified and it exists.
  if (!empty($name)) {
    if (isset($states[$name])) {
      return $states[$name]['title'];
    else {

      // Return FALSE if it does not exist.
      return FALSE;

  // Otherwise turn the array values into the status title only.
  foreach ($states as $key => $value) {
    $states[$key] = $value['title'];
  return $states;

 * Wraps commerce_file_license_state_get_title() for use by the Entity module.
function commerce_file_license_state_options_list() {
  return commerce_file_license_state_get_title();

 * Returns an array of some or all of the statuses keyed by name.
 * Statuses can only be defined by modules but may have settings
 * overridden that are stored in the database (weight and status). When this
 * function is first called, it will load all the statuses as defined by
 * hook_commerce_file_license_status_info() and update them based on the data in the
 * database. The final array will be cached for subsequent calls.
 * @param $conditions
 *   An array of conditions to filter the returned list by; for example, if you
 *     specify 'state' => 'allowed' in the array, then only statuses in the
 *     allowed state would be included.
 * @return
 *   The array of status objects, keyed by status name.
function commerce_file_license_statuses($conditions = array()) {

  // First check the static cache for an statuses array.
  $statuses =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);

  // If it did not exist, fetch the statuses now.
  if (!isset($statuses)) {
    $statuses = module_invoke_all('commerce_file_license_status_info');

    // Merge in defaults.
    foreach ($statuses as $name => &$status) {
      $defaults = array(
        'weight' => 0,
        'enabled' => TRUE,
      $status += $defaults;

    // Give other modules a chance to alter the statuses.
    drupal_alter('commerce_file_license_status_info', $statuses);
    uasort($statuses, 'drupal_sort_weight');

  // Apply conditions to the returned statuses if specified.
  if (!empty($conditions)) {
    $matching_statuses = array();
    foreach ($statuses as $name => $status) {

      // Check the status against the conditions array to determine whether to
      // add it to the return array or not.
      $valid = TRUE;
      foreach ($conditions as $property => $value) {

        // If the current value for the specified property on the pane does not
        // match the filter value...
        if (!isset($status[$property]) || $status[$property] != $value) {

          // Do not add it to the temporary array.
          $valid = FALSE;
      if ($valid) {
        $matching_statuses[$name] = $status;
    return $matching_statuses;
  return $statuses;

 * Returns an status object.
 * @param $name
 *   The machine readable name string of the status to return.
 * @return
 *   The fully loaded status object or FALSE if not found.
function commerce_file_license_status_load($name) {
  $statuses = commerce_file_license_statuses();
  if (isset($statuses[$name])) {
    return $statuses[$name];
  return FALSE;

 * Returns the human readable title of any or all statuses.
 * @param $name
 *   Optional parameter specifying the name of the status whose title to return.
 * @return
 *   Either an array of all status titles keyed by the status_id or a
 *     string containing the human readable title for the specified status. If a
 *     status is specified that does not exist, this function returns FALSE.
function commerce_file_license_status_get_title($name = NULL) {
  $statuses = commerce_file_license_statuses();

  // Return a status title if specified and it exists.
  if (!empty($name)) {
    if (isset($statuses[$name])) {
      return $statuses[$name]['title'];
    else {

      // Return FALSE if it does not exist.
      return FALSE;

  // Otherwise turn the array values into the status title only.
  foreach ($statuses as $key => $value) {
    $statuses[$key] = $value['title'];
  return $statuses;

 * Return default status with highest weight
function commerce_file_license_status_default($property = NULL) {
  $default =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($default)) {
    $default = array();
    if ($defaults = commerce_file_license_statuses(array(
      'default' => TRUE,
    ))) {
      $default = reset($defaults);
  if (isset($property)) {
    return isset($default[$property]) ? $default[$property] : NULL;
  return $default;

 * Wraps commerce_file_license_status_get_title() for use by the Entity module.
function commerce_file_license_status_options_list() {
  return commerce_file_license_status_get_title();

 * Updates the status of a license to the specified status.
 * @param $entity
 *   The fully loaded license object to update.
 * @param $name
 *   The machine readable name string of the status to update to.
 * @param $skip_save
 *   TRUE to skip saving the after updating the status; used when the
 *     entity would be saved elsewhere after the update.
 * @return
 *   The updated entity.
function commerce_file_license_status_update($entity, $name, $skip_save = FALSE) {

  // Do not update the status if the entity is already at it.
  if ($entity->status != $name) {
    try {
      $entity->status = $name;
      if (!$skip_save) {
    } catch (Exception $e) {
  return $entity;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Type Handling

 * Set default fields for license types
function commerce_file_license_configure_types($type = COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_ENTITY_NAME) {

  // If a field type we know should exist isn't found, clear the Field cache.
  if (!field_info_field_types('commerce_line_item_reference')) {

  // entity info
  $bundle = $type;
  $field_names = _commerce_file_get_field_names();

  // File reference
  _commerce_file_create_instance(COMMERCE_FILE_FIELD_TYPE, $field_names['license_file'], $entity_type, $bundle, array(
    'field' => array(
      'cardinality' => 1,
      'locked' => FALSE,
      'settings' => array(
        'uri_scheme' => _commerce_file_default_system_scheme(),
    'instance' => array(
      'label' => 'Licensed file',
      'required' => TRUE,
      'settings' => array(
        'file_extensions' => 'mp4 m4v flv wmv mp3 wav jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx',
        'file_directory' => 'commerce-files',
        'max_filesize' => '',
      'widget' => array(
        'type' => 'commerce_file_generic',
        'weight' => 10,
      'display' => array(
        'default' => array(
          'label' => 'hidden',

  // Line item references - locked

  /** @todo make this a custom line item reference to allow admins to add lines to a license - ie. a non line item manager widget ********/
  _commerce_file_create_instance('commerce_line_item_reference', $field_names['license_line_items'], $entity_type, $bundle, array(
    'field' => array(
      'cardinality' => FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED,
      'locked' => TRUE,
    'instance' => array(
      'label' => 'Line item references',
      'widget' => array(
        'type' => 'commerce_line_item_manager',
        'weight' => -10,
      'display' => array(
        'default' => array(
          'label' => 'above',
          'type' => 'commerce_line_item_reference_view',
          'weight' => 10,

 * Returns the human readable name of any or all entity types.
 * @param $type
 *   Optional parameter specifying the type whose name to return.
 * @return
 *   Either an array of all entity type names keyed by the machine name or a
 *     string containing the human readable name for the specified type. If a
 *     type is specified that does not exist, this function returns FALSE.
function commerce_file_license_type_get_name($type = NULL) {
  $names = array();
  $entity = entity_get_info(COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_ENTITY_NAME);
  foreach ($entity['bundles'] as $key => $value) {
    $names[$key] = $value['label'];
  if (empty($type)) {
    return $names;
  if (empty($names[$type])) {
    return check_plain($type);
  else {
    return $names[$type];

 * Wraps commerce_file_license_type_get_name() for the Entity module.
function commerce_file_license_type_options_list() {
  return commerce_file_license_type_get_name();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// File License Access Control

 * Checks license access for various operations.
 * @param $op
 *   The operation being performed. One of 'view', 'update', 'create' or 'delete'.
 * @param $entity
 *   Entity to check access for or for the create operation the
 *   entity type. If nothing is given access permissions for all entities are returned.
 * @param $account
 *   The user to check for. Leave it to NULL to check for the current user.
 * @return TRUE or FALSE
function commerce_file_license_access($op, $entity = NULL, $account = NULL) {
  global $user;
  if (!isset($account)) {
    $account = $user;

  // kick anonymous
  if (empty($account->uid)) {
    return FALSE;

  // always allow admins
  if (user_access(COMMERCE_FILE_ADMIN_PERM, $account) || user_access('administer ' . $entity_type, $account)) {
    return TRUE;

  // check access based on operation
  switch ($op) {
    case 'view':

      // if valid license and user has access
      if (user_access('access any ' . $entity_type, $account) || isset($entity) && isset($entity->uid) && $account->uid == $entity->uid) {
        return TRUE;
    case 'create':
      if (user_access('create ' . $entity_type, $account)) {
        return TRUE;
    case 'update':
    case 'delete':
      if (user_access('edit any ' . $entity_type, $account)) {
        return TRUE;

  // DENY by default
  return FALSE;

 * Returns TRUE if user has admin access to licenses
function commerce_file_license_admin_access($op = 'view', $account = NULL) {
  $entity_null = NULL;
  return commerce_file_license_access($op, $entity_null, $account);

 * Retrieve all licenses currently being downloaded
function _commerce_file_license_get_request_licenses($license = NULL) {
  return _commerce_file_license_set_request_license($license);

 * Set a license as currently being downloaded
function _commerce_file_license_set_request_license($license) {
  $requests =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($requests)) {
    $requests = array();
  if (isset($license)) {
    $requests[$license->license_id] = clone $license;
  return $requests;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// File License Issuing

 * Issues licenses based on a host entity
 * @param $entity_type
 *   The type of the entity.
 * @param $entity
 *   The host entity that will be used to issue the licenses.
 * @param $license_status
 *   The status for new and updated licenses.
 * @param $product_refresh
 *   Enabling this refresh will update the as-purchased snapshot of the
 *   files on the line items with the current product files and access limits.
 * @return
 *   The count of licenses updated and created. Returns NULL if an error occurred.
function commerce_file_license_issue_by_host_execute($entity_type, $entity, $license_status = 'pending', $product_refresh = FALSE) {
  $updated_count = 0;
  $license_status = !empty($license_status) ? $license_status : 'pending';
  $callback = 'commerce_file_license_issue_by_' . $entity_type;
  if (function_exists($callback)) {
    try {
      $updated_count = $callback($entity, $license_status, $product_refresh);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      $updated_count = NULL;
      watchdog_exception('commerce_file', $e);
  return $updated_count;

 * Issue licenses for files in an order
function commerce_file_license_issue_by_commerce_order($order, $updated_license_status = 'pending', $product_refresh = FALSE) {
  $updated_count = 0;

  // kick anonymous
  if (empty($order->uid)) {
    return $updated_count;
  $account = user_load($order->uid);
  if (empty($account->uid)) {
    return $updated_count;

  // wrap order and check for any line items
  $order_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order);
  if (empty($order_wrapper->commerce_line_items)) {
    return $updated_count;

  // issue licenses for each line item
  foreach ($order_wrapper->commerce_line_items as $delta => $line_item_wrapper) {
    $updated_count += commerce_file_license_issue_by_commerce_line_item($line_item_wrapper
      ->value(), $updated_license_status, $product_refresh, $order);
  return $updated_count;

 * Issue licenses for files in a line item
 * @param $line_item
 *   A line item object
 * @param $license_status
 *   The status for new and updated licenses.
 * @param $product_refresh
 *   Enabling this refresh will update the as-purchased snapshot of the
 *   files on the line items with the current product files and access limits.
 * @param $order
 *   An order object [optional]
 * @return
 *   The count of licenses updated and created
function commerce_file_license_issue_by_commerce_line_item($line_item, $updated_license_status = 'pending', $product_refresh = FALSE, $order = NULL) {
  $processed =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  $updated_count = 0;
  $updated_license_status = !empty($updated_license_status) ? $updated_license_status : 'pending';
  $line_item_id = $line_item->line_item_id;

  // exit if we issued this already
  if (empty($line_item->line_item_id) || isset($processed[$line_item_id])) {
    return $updated_count;

  // get commerce file info
  $line_item_field_name = _commerce_file_get_field_names('line_item_files');
  $license_entity_type = COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_ENTITY_NAME;
  $license_info = _commerce_file_collate_license_info();

  // wrap the line
  $line_item_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_line_item', $line_item);
  $line_item_wrapper = _commerce_file_clean_line_item_wrapper($line_item_wrapper);

  // resolve order needed to determine order owner
  if (empty($order)) {

    // attempt to load order off of line item
    $order = commerce_order_load($line_item->order_id);
    if (empty($order)) {
      return $updated_count;

  // wrap order
  $order_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order);

  // exit if owner does not exists
  if (empty($order_wrapper->owner)) {
    return $updated_count;

  // get owner account
  $account = $order_wrapper->owner
  if (empty($account)) {
    return $updated_count;

  // refresh from product
  if (!empty($product_refresh)) {
    $line_item_wrapper = commerce_file_refresh_line_item($line_item_wrapper, $order_wrapper);

  // exit if no files on this line item
  if (empty($line_item_wrapper->{$line_item_field_name}) || !$line_item_wrapper->{$line_item_field_name}
    ->value()) {
    return $updated_count;

  // mark as processed
  $processed[$line_item_id] = TRUE;

  // get existing licenses for this line item and account
  $existing_licenses = commerce_file_license_load_by_property(array(), array(
  ), $account);

  // set base values for new licenses
  $new_license_base_values = array(
    'uid' => $account->uid,
    'status' => $updated_license_status,

  // set base values for new files attached to licenses
  // - set to empty value since limits propogate from line item ref
  $new_file_base_values = array(
    'data' => array(),
  foreach ($license_info as $k => $info) {
    if (isset($info['property info']['zero_value'])) {
      $new_file_base_values['data'][$k] = $info['property info']['zero_value'];

  // create licenses based on line item file field items
  foreach ($line_item_wrapper->{$line_item_field_name} as $field_item) {
    $field_value = $field_item
    $fid = $field_value['fid'];

    // Find any existing license
    $found_existing = FALSE;
    if (!empty($existing_licenses)) {
      foreach ($existing_licenses as $existing_license) {
        if (!empty($existing_license->file) && $existing_license->file['fid'] == $fid) {

          // only update first found
          if ($existing_license->status != $updated_license_status) {
            $existing_license->status = $updated_license_status;

            // override state if account cannot view
            if (!$existing_license
              ->access('view', $account)) {

            // save the updated license

          // break out of $existing_licenses loop
          $found_existing = TRUE;

    // continue if existing found
    if ($found_existing) {

    // if no existing license, create a new license ...
    $license_new = commerce_file_license_create($new_license_base_values);

    // merge data for new file
    $field_value_new = $field_value;
    $field_value_new['data'] = $new_file_base_values['data'];
    if (isset($field_value['data'])) {
      $field_value_new['data'] = $field_value['data'] + $field_value_new['data'];

    // set new file for license
    $license_new->file = $field_value_new;

    // override state if account cannot view
    if (!$license_new
      ->access('view', $account)) {

    // attempt to link the line item

    // save the license

    // update existing licenses
      ->internalIdentifier()] = $license_new;

  // /line item field items
  return $updated_count;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// File License Order handling

 * Update the state of licenses for files in an order
function commerce_file_license_order_update_state($order, $updated_state = 'denied') {
  $line_items = field_get_items('commerce_order', $order, 'commerce_line_items');
  if (empty($line_items)) {

  // revoke line items for the order
  foreach ($line_items as $delta => $field_item) {

    // try to avoid any locking issues
    try {
      $line_item = commerce_line_item_load($field_item['line_item_id']);
      if (!empty($line_item)) {
        commerce_file_license_line_item_update_state($line_item, $order, $updated_state);
    } catch (Exception $e) {

 * Update the state of licenses for files on a line item
 * @param $line_item
 *   A line item object
function commerce_file_license_line_item_update_state($line_item, $order = NULL, $updated_state = 'denied') {

  // exit if we issued this already
  if (empty($line_item->line_item_id)) {

  // get the line item owner
  $account = commerce_file_line_item_owner($line_item, $order);
  if (empty($account)) {

  // get existing licenses for this line item and account
  $existing_licenses = commerce_file_license_load_by_property(array(), array(
  ), $account);

  // deny all licenses for this line item and account
  foreach ($existing_licenses as $license) {

 * Update the status of licenses for files in an order
function commerce_file_license_order_update_status($order, $updated_status = 'pending') {
  $line_items = field_get_items('commerce_order', $order, 'commerce_line_items');
  if (empty($line_items)) {

  // revoke line items for the order
  foreach ($line_items as $delta => $field_item) {

    // try to avoid any locking issues
    try {
      $line_item = commerce_line_item_load($field_item['line_item_id']);
      if (!empty($line_item)) {
        commerce_file_license_line_item_update_status($line_item, $order, $updated_status);
    } catch (Exception $e) {

 * Update the state of licenses for files on a line item
 * @param $line_item
 *   A line item object
function commerce_file_license_line_item_update_status($line_item, $order = NULL, $updated_status = 'pending') {

  // exit if we issued this already
  if (empty($line_item->line_item_id)) {

  // get the line item owner
  $account = commerce_file_line_item_owner($line_item, $order);
  if (empty($account)) {

  // get existing licenses for this line item and account
  $existing_licenses = commerce_file_license_load_by_property(array(), array(
  ), $account);

  // deny all licenses for this line item and account
  foreach ($existing_licenses as $license) {

 * Deletes any references to the given line item on a commerce file license.
 * @ref commerce_line_item_delete_references()
function _commerce_file_license_line_item_delete_references($line_item) {
  $processed =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (empty($line_item->line_item_id) || isset($processed[$line_item->line_item_id])) {

  // mark as processed
  $processed[$line_item->line_item_id] = TRUE;

  // keep track of updated entities
  $updated = array();

  // Check the data in every line item reference field.
  foreach (commerce_info_fields('commerce_line_item_reference', COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_ENTITY_NAME) as $field_name => $field) {

    // Query for any entity referencing the deleted line item in this field.
    $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
      ->fieldCondition($field_name, 'line_item_id', $line_item->line_item_id, '=');
    $result = $query

    // If results were returned...
    if (!empty($result)) {

      // Loop over results for each type of entity returned.
      foreach ($result as $entity_type => $data) {

        // Load the entities of the current type.
        $entities = entity_load($entity_type, array_keys($data));

        // Loop over each entity and remove the reference to the deleted line item.
        foreach ($entities as $entity_id => $entity) {
          commerce_entity_reference_delete($entity, $field_name, 'line_item_id', $line_item->line_item_id);
          entity_save($entity_type, $entity);
          $updated[] = $entity_id;
  return $updated;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// File License Log API

 * Create a commerce_file_license_log
function commerce_file_license_log_create($values = array()) {
  return entity_get_controller(COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_LOG_ENTITY_NAME)

 * Save a commerce_file_license_log
function commerce_file_license_log_save($values = array()) {
  return entity_get_controller(COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_LOG_ENTITY_NAME)

 * Delete a single commerce_file_license_log.
 * @param $id
 *   The uniform identifier of the entity to delete.
 * @return
 *   FALSE, if there were no information how to delete the entity.
function commerce_file_license_log_delete($id) {
  return entity_get_controller(COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_LOG_ENTITY_NAME)

 * Delete multiple commerce_file_license_logs.
 * @param $ids
 *   An array of uniform identifiers of the entities to delete.
 * @return
 *   FALSE if the given entity type isn't compatible to the CRUD API.
function commerce_file_license_log_delete_multiple($ids) {
  return entity_get_controller(COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_LOG_ENTITY_NAME)

 * Load a single commerce_file_license
 * @param $id
 *   A single entity ID.
 * @return
 *   An entity object.
function commerce_file_license_log_load($id = NULL) {
  if (empty($id)) {
    return FALSE;
  $entity = commerce_file_license_log_load_multiple(array(
  return $entity ? reset($entity) : FALSE;

 * Load multiple commerce_file_license_logs based on certain conditions.
 * @param $ids
 *   An array of entity IDs.
 * @return
 *   An array of entity objects, indexed by id.
function commerce_file_license_log_load_multiple($ids = array(), $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) {
  if (empty($ids) && empty($conditions)) {
    return array();
  return entity_load(COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_LOG_ENTITY_NAME, $ids, $conditions, $reset);

 * Return wrapper object for a given license
function commerce_file_license_log_wrapper($entity) {
  return entity_metadata_wrapper(COMMERCE_FILE_LICENSE_LOG_ENTITY_NAME, $entity);


Namesort descending Description
commerce_file_commerce_file_license_state_info Implements hook_commerce_file_license_state_info().
commerce_file_commerce_file_license_status_info Implements hook_commerce_file_license_status_info().
commerce_file_license_access Checks license access for various operations.
commerce_file_license_admin_access Returns TRUE if user has admin access to licenses
commerce_file_license_build_content Generate an array for rendering the given commerce_file_license.
commerce_file_license_configure_types Set default fields for license types
commerce_file_license_create Create a commerce_file_license
commerce_file_license_delete Delete a single commerce_file_license.
commerce_file_license_delete_multiple Delete multiple commerce_file_license.
commerce_file_license_issue_by_commerce_line_item Issue licenses for files in a line item
commerce_file_license_issue_by_commerce_order Issue licenses for files in an order
commerce_file_license_issue_by_host_execute Issues licenses based on a host entity
commerce_file_license_line_item_update_state Update the state of licenses for files on a line item
commerce_file_license_line_item_update_status Update the state of licenses for files on a line item
commerce_file_license_load Load a single commerce_file_license
commerce_file_license_load_by_property Return all licenses for specified files
commerce_file_license_load_multiple Load multiple commerce_file_licenses based on certain conditions.
commerce_file_license_log_create Create a commerce_file_license_log
commerce_file_license_log_delete Delete a single commerce_file_license_log.
commerce_file_license_log_delete_multiple Delete multiple commerce_file_license_logs.
commerce_file_license_log_load Load a single commerce_file_license
commerce_file_license_log_load_multiple Load multiple commerce_file_license_logs based on certain conditions.
commerce_file_license_log_save Save a commerce_file_license_log
commerce_file_license_log_wrapper Return wrapper object for a given license
commerce_file_license_order_update_state Update the state of licenses for files in an order
commerce_file_license_order_update_status Update the status of licenses for files in an order
commerce_file_license_property_getter Callback for getting properties.
commerce_file_license_property_setter Callback for setting properties.
commerce_file_license_save Save a commerce_file_license
commerce_file_license_states Returns an array of all the license states keyed by name.
commerce_file_license_state_get_title Returns the human readable title of any or all states.
commerce_file_license_state_load Returns a state object.
commerce_file_license_state_options_list Wraps commerce_file_license_state_get_title() for use by the Entity module.
commerce_file_license_statuses Returns an array of some or all of the statuses keyed by name.
commerce_file_license_status_default Return default status with highest weight
commerce_file_license_status_get_title Returns the human readable title of any or all statuses.
commerce_file_license_status_load Returns an status object.
commerce_file_license_status_options_list Wraps commerce_file_license_status_get_title() for use by the Entity module.
commerce_file_license_status_update Updates the status of a license to the specified status.
commerce_file_license_type_get_name Returns the human readable name of any or all entity types.
commerce_file_license_type_options_list Wraps commerce_file_license_type_get_name() for the Entity module.
commerce_file_license_user_allowed_licenses Load all 'allowed' licenses for given account
commerce_file_license_user_licenses Load all licenses for given account
commerce_file_license_wrapper Return wrapper object for a given license
_commerce_file_license_build_field_query Builds an EntityFieldQuery object for given inputs
_commerce_file_license_field_query Return all license ids for specified field values
_commerce_file_license_get_request_licenses Retrieve all licenses currently being downloaded
_commerce_file_license_line_item_delete_references Deletes any references to the given line item on a commerce file license. @ref commerce_line_item_delete_references()
_commerce_file_license_set_request_license Set a license as currently being downloaded