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Functions in Commerce File 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
_commerce_file_license_property_downloads_current ./ Current Callback for License downloads 2 1
_commerce_file_license_property_downloads_remaining ./ Remaining Callback for License downloads 1
_commerce_file_license_property_duration_check_access ./ Check Callback for License duration 1
_commerce_file_license_property_duration_current ./ Current Callback for License duration 2 1
_commerce_file_license_property_duration_remaining ./ Remaining Callback for License duration 1
_commerce_file_license_property_ip_check_access ./ Check Callback for License IP Addresses 1
_commerce_file_license_property_ip_current ./ Current Callback for License IP Addresses 2 1
_commerce_file_license_property_ip_remaining ./ Remaining Callback for License IP Addresses 1
_commerce_file_license_property_merge ./commerce_file.module Merge one or more property data arrays into the first 1
_commerce_file_license_resolve_settings includes/ Resolve all settings for a given field item 2
_commerce_file_license_resolve_setting_value includes/ Resolves license settings values with inheritance of instance settings 2
_commerce_file_license_set_request_license includes/ Set a license as currently being downloaded 2
_commerce_file_limit_duration_element_explode_value includes/ Returns an array of scalar value, greatest unit multiplier 1
_commerce_file_limit_duration_element_greatest_unit includes/ Returns the greatest unit multiplier that yields an integer value 1
_commerce_file_limit_duration_element_units includes/ Defines possible duration multipliers. 2
_commerce_file_limit_element_get_defaults includes/ Returns an array of defaults for the given element 2
_commerce_file_limit_element_get_mode_options includes/ Return keyed array of limit mode options 3
_commerce_file_limit_element_value includes/ FAPI value callback for limit element types. 2
_commerce_file_limit_format_interval includes/ Returns limit formatted as an interval with consideration for UNLIMITED 1
_commerce_file_limit_is_inherited includes/ Returns TRUE if the limit is inherited 2
_commerce_file_limit_is_unlimited includes/ Returns TRUE if the limit is unlimited 2
_commerce_file_line_item_save ./commerce_file.module Save a line item
_commerce_file_line_item_wrapper_save ./commerce_file.module Save a line item wrapper 1
_commerce_file_metadata_validate_limit_integer_positive_or_zero ./commerce_file.module Returns TRUE if value is a postive integer, 0, unlimited, or inherited 1
_commerce_file_translatables ./commerce_file.module Store various translatable strings for reuse 4
_commerce_file_translatables_tokenized ./commerce_file.module Tokenize the stored translated strings to be used in other t() calls 1


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