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Functions in Commerce File 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
commerce_file_views_plugins views/ Implements hook_views_plugins
hook_commerce_file_content_headers_alter ./commerce_file.api.php Allows other modules to alter the returned headers for a Commerce File.
hook_commerce_file_download_unlicensed_access ./commerce_file.api.php Control unlicensed download access to Commerce files.
hook_commerce_file_download_unlicensed_access_alter ./commerce_file.api.php Alter the access rules applied to an unlicensed Commerce file download.
hook_commerce_file_license_info ./commerce_file.api.php Defines access limit settings for Commerce File fields and Licenses
hook_commerce_file_license_info_alter ./commerce_file.api.php Allows modules to alter the license limit definitions of other modules.
hook_commerce_file_license_state_info ./commerce_file.api.php Defines states for use in grouping license statuses together to form a simple state machine.
hook_commerce_file_license_state_info_alter ./commerce_file.api.php Allows modules to alter the license state definitions of other modules.
hook_commerce_file_license_status_info ./commerce_file.api.php Defines statuses for use in managing licenses.
hook_commerce_file_license_status_info_alter ./commerce_file.api.php Allows modules to alter the license status definitions of other modules.
theme_commerce_file_file_formatter_table_plain ./commerce_file.module Returns HTML for a file table with no links to the files.
theme_commerce_file_file_link_plain ./commerce_file.module Returns HTML for a plain text display of a file.
_commerce_file_clean_line_item_wrapper ./commerce_file.module Retrieve a cleanly loaded and de-referenced line item wrapper 3
_commerce_file_collate_license_info ./commerce_file.module Store information about license properties 14
_commerce_file_collate_license_info_rebuild ./commerce_file.module Rebuild license info 2
_commerce_file_create_instance ./commerce_file.module Create a field instance 2
_commerce_file_default_system_scheme ./commerce_file.module Returns system default file scheme 5
_commerce_file_delete_line_item_fields ./commerce_file.module Delete fields created by this module 1
_commerce_file_download_unlicensed_access ./commerce_file.module Invoke hook_commerce_file_download_unlicensed_access() 1
_commerce_file_element_validate_integer_positive_or_zero ./commerce_file.module Validate an element value as a positive integer or zero 1
_commerce_file_element_value_is_empty ./commerce_file.module Returns TRUE if value is considered empty 2
_commerce_file_entity_property_info_table_setters ./ Returns an array of database fields that can be set 1
_commerce_file_field_add_license_elements includes/ License settings element generator 2
_commerce_file_field_aggregate_field_items includes/ Aggregate one or more field items' settings into the first field item 2
_commerce_file_field_aggregate_files includes/ Return all commerce_file fields for a given entity, indexed by fid 2
_commerce_file_field_info_bundles ./commerce_file.module Finds all bundles of a particular field type 1
_commerce_file_field_info_instances includes/ Return all commerce_file field type instances 2
_commerce_file_field_serialize_data includes/ Converts commerce_file field data to a serialized array. 2
_commerce_file_field_setting_is_inherited includes/ Check if field limit setting value is set to Unlimited 1
_commerce_file_field_setting_is_unlimited includes/ Check if field limit setting value is set to Unlimited
_commerce_file_field_unserialize_data includes/ Converts saved commerce_file field data columns back to arrays for use in the rest of the current page request execution. 2
_commerce_file_field_view_access ./commerce_file.module Returns TRUE if a user has view access to commerce_file fields on any field instance 1
_commerce_file_field_view_access_license ./commerce_file.module Returns TRUE if user has view access to commerce_file fields on a license instance 1
_commerce_file_field_widget_process includes/ An element #process callback for the commerce_file_commerce_file field type. 1
_commerce_file_field_widget_value includes/ The #value_callback for the commerce_file_generic field element. 1
_commerce_file_get_commerce_file_fields includes/ Returns an array of commerce_file field names from a specific entity. 2
_commerce_file_get_entity_type ./commerce_file.module Return entity type from an entity 1
_commerce_file_get_field_names ./commerce_file.module Return field names controlled by this module 19
_commerce_file_get_file_references ./commerce_file.module Retrieves a list of references to a file. 1
_commerce_file_get_private_stream_wrappers ./commerce_file.module Return available private file stream wrappers with optional filter 2
_commerce_file_get_private_stream_wrappers_options ./commerce_file.module Return scheme options for a form element with optional filter 4
_commerce_file_is_integer_or_zero ./commerce_file.module Returns TRUE if value is a positive integer or 0 3
_commerce_file_license_build_field_query includes/ Builds an EntityFieldQuery object for given inputs 1
_commerce_file_license_data_property_info ./commerce_file.module Extract property info from license info 2
_commerce_file_license_field_query includes/ Return all license ids for specified field values 1
_commerce_file_license_get_request_licenses includes/ Retrieve all licenses currently being downloaded 1
_commerce_file_license_invoke_callback ./commerce_file.module Invoke a callback for a license property 3
_commerce_file_license_line_item_delete_references includes/ Deletes any references to the given line item on a commerce file license. @ref commerce_line_item_delete_references() 1
_commerce_file_license_property_combine_values ./commerce_file.module Combines 2 values of the same property 1
_commerce_file_license_property_downloads_check_access ./ Check Callback for License downloads 1


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