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rules.module in Rules 6

Rules engine module


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 * @file Rules engine module
define('RULES_DATE_REGEX_LOOSE', '/^(\\d{4})-?(\\d{2})-?(\\d{2})([T\\s]?(\\d{2}):?(\\d{2}):?(\\d{2})?)?$/');

// We don't use hook_init() to include this as this
// causes problems invoking rules_nodeapi.
module_load_include('inc', 'rules', 'modules/');

 * Returns info about all defined actions
function rules_get_actions($key = 'all') {
  return rules_gather_data('rules_action_info', $key);

 * Returns info about all defined conditions
function rules_get_conditions($key = 'all') {
  return rules_gather_data('rules_condition_info', $key);

 * Returns info about all defined items
function rules_get_items($key = 'all') {

  // During module installation, the hook implementation of rules is not invoked,
  // as the module is not yet active. So we force it here to always return our own item infos.
  if (module_exists('rules')) {
    return rules_gather_data('rules_item_info', $key);
  else {
    $info = rules_rules_item_info();
    return $key == 'all' ? $info : $info[$key];

 * Returns info about all defined data types
function rules_get_data_types($key = 'all') {
  return rules_gather_data('rules_data_type_info', $key);

 * Returns all defined item defaults
 * $item_type Which defaults to return, e.g. 'rules', 'rule_sets' or 'states'
function rules_get_item_defaults($item_type = 'rules') {
  $defaults = rules_gather_data('rules_defaults', 'all', FALSE);
  if ($item_type == 'rules' && isset($defaults[$item_type])) {

    // Apply the rule format upgrade to each rule if necessary.
    $items = array_map('rules_rule_format_upgrade', $defaults[$item_type]);
    $items = array_map('rules_import_hook', $items);
    return $items;
  return isset($defaults[$item_type]) ? $defaults[$item_type] : array();

 * Returns info about all defined events
function rules_get_events($key = 'all') {
  return rules_gather_data('rules_event_info', $key);

 * Returns info about all rule sets, which includes events prefixed with 'event_'.
 * @param $key If given, only the info about this rule set will be returned.
function rules_get_rule_sets($key = NULL) {
  $sets = rules_get_event_sets() + rules_get_configured_items('rule_sets');
  return isset($key) ? isset($sets[$key]) ? $sets[$key] : NULL : $sets;

 * Returns info about all events prefixed with 'event_' to be a set.
function rules_get_event_sets() {
  $sets = array();
  foreach (rules_get_events() as $name => $info) {
    $sets['event_' . $name] = $info;
  return $sets;

 * Gathers module definitions for the given name
 * Used for collecting events, rules, actions and condtions from other modules
 * @param $name The type of the data item to collect. This is also the name of the invoked hook.
 * @param $key Whether to retrieve all definitions or only the one with the given key
 * @param $alter Whether drupal_alter() should be invoked for this data
 * @param $reset If the static cache should be reseted. Note that if set to true, nothing will be
 *               returned.
function rules_gather_data($name, $key = 'all', $alter = TRUE, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $data = array();
  if ($reset) {
    $data = array();
    return $data;
  if (!isset($data[$name])) {
    $data[$name] = module_invoke_all($name);
    if ($alter) {
      drupal_alter($name, $data[$name]);
  if ($key != 'all') {
    $data[$name] += array(
      $key => NULL,
    return $data[$name][$key];
  return $data[$name];

 * Extracts the property with the given name while keeping the keys
 * @param $key The name of the property to extract
 * @param $elements An array of elements
 * @return An array of extracted properties.
function rules_extract_property($elements, $key) {
  $data = array();
  foreach ($elements as $name => $info) {
    $data[$name] = $info[$key];
  return $data;

 * Returns the rule set $set_name, which includes the set info and the rules.
 * To improve performance rule sets are cached.
 * @param $set_name The name of the set which should be returned.
 * @param $reset May be set to true to clear the static $sets cache.
 * @return Returns the set only containing active rules, ready for evaluation
function rules_get_rule_set($set_name, $reset = FALSE) {

  //We prevent a lot of queries by storing all sets with active rules with variable_set
  static $sets;
  if (!isset($sets) || $reset) {
    $sets = array();
  if (isset($set_name) && !isset($sets[$set_name])) {
    if (!$reset && ($cache = cache_get('set_' . $set_name, 'cache_rules'))) {
      $sets[$set_name] = $cache->data;
    else {

      // Cache miss, so refresh the cache for all sets
      $sets = _rules_get_rule_sets();
      foreach ($sets as $name => $set) {

        // Make sure the rules are sorted before writing to the cache.
        cache_set('set_' . $name, $set, 'cache_rules');

      // Get all inactive sets and store them to speed up later calls.
      $inactive_sets = array_diff(array_keys(rules_get_rule_sets()), array_keys($sets));

      // If the inactive sets have changed, update the variable.
      if ($inactive_sets != variable_get('rules_inactive_sets', array())) {
        variable_set('rules_inactive_sets', $inactive_sets);
  return isset($set_name) && isset($sets[$set_name]) ? $sets[$set_name] : array();

 * Initializes inactive sets
function _rules_get_rule_set_initialize(&$sets) {
  foreach (variable_get('rules_inactive_sets', array()) as $name) {
    $sets[$name] = array();

 * Actually retrieves all active rules bypassing the cache
function _rules_get_rule_sets() {
  $sets = array();
  $rules = array_filter(rules_get_configured_items('rules'), '_rules_rule_is_active');
  foreach ($rules as $name => $rule) {
    $sets += array(
      $rule['#set'] => array(),
    $sets[$rule['#set']]['info'] = rules_get_rule_sets($rule['#set']);

    // Set the name for rules, so that it's avaialbe during evaluation
    $rule['#name'] = $name;
    $sets[$rule['#set']]['rules'][$name] = $rule;
  return $sets;

 * Helper for array_filter()
function _rules_rule_is_active($rule) {
  return $rule['#active'];

 * Clears the rule set cache
 * @param $immediate If FALSE, the static cache will be kept until the next page load.
 *    Might be dangerous, so only use if you know what you are doing.
function rules_clear_cache($immediate = TRUE) {
  cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_rules', TRUE);
  if ($immediate) {
    rules_get_rule_set(NULL, TRUE);
    rules_gather_data('', 'all', FALSE, TRUE);
    rules_get_configured_items(NULL, TRUE);

 * Implementation of hook_flush_caches().
function rules_flush_caches() {
  return array(

 * Invokes configured rules for the given event
 * @param $event_name
 *   The events name
 * @param $args
 *   Pass further arguments as defined in hook_rules_event_info() for this event.
 *   Arguments can be passed as usual, one by one, in the order as defined
 *   in hook_rules_event_info(). As an alternative the arguments can also
 *   be passed as an array, with the argument names as keys. See
function rules_invoke_event() {
  $args = func_get_args();
  $args[0] = 'event_' . $args[0];
  call_user_func_array('rules_invoke_rule_set', $args);

 * Invokes configured rules for the given rule set
 * @param $set_name The name of the rule set to invoke
 * @param $args Further arguments as defined for the rule set
function rules_invoke_rule_set() {
  $args = func_get_args();
  $set_name = array_shift($args);
  if ($set = rules_get_rule_set($set_name)) {
    $state = array(
      'set_info' => $set['info'],
    _rules_initialize_variables($state, $args);
    rules_evaluate_rule_set($set_name, $set, $state);

    //only show the log, if this is no nested evaluation
    if (rules_log_evaluation_finished()) {

 * Evaluates the configured rules for the given rule set and evaluation state.
 * This is used, when rule sets are invoked by action. So the action can set up
 * a new state, working with the same variables. So the original execution state
 * can take over variable saving.
 * @param $set_name The name of the rule set to invoke
 * @param $set The rule set, as returned from rules_get_rule_set().
 * @param $state The evaluation state.
 * @param $skip_save An optional array of names of variables, for which saving should
 *     be skipped.
function rules_evaluate_rule_set($set_name, $set, &$state, $skip_save = array()) {
  _rules_log_set_invocation(t('"@label" has been invoked.', array(
    '@label' => $state['set_info']['label'],
  )), TRUE);
  rules_evaluate_elements($set['rules'], $state);
  foreach ($state['variables'] as $name => $variable) {
    if (!in_array($name, $skip_save)) {
  _rules_log_set_invocation(t('Evaluation of "@label" has been finished.', array(
    '@label' => $state['set_info']['label'],
  )), FALSE);

 * Evaluates the elements in a recursive way
 * The elements are a tree of rules, conditions, actions and logical operations (AND, OR,..)
 * Each element is executed by using rules_execute_element().
 * Elements can use '#execute' to set their execution handler, which can be used to
 * to customize the evaluation of the children. E.g. the element 'OR' does this and
 * evaluates to TRUE if at least one of its children evaluate to TRUE.
 * @param $elements An array of elements to evaluate
 * @param $state The current evaluation state
function rules_evaluate_elements($elements, &$state) {
  $result = FALSE;

  //Execute the current element if not yet executed
  if (!isset($elements['#_executed'])) {
    $elements['#_executed'] = TRUE;
    $result = rules_execute_element($elements, $state);

  // we default to evaluate like an AND, which means we stop as soon as one element evaluates to FALSE
  // so if the element hasn't evaluated the children, start now
  if (!isset($elements['#_evaluated']) || $elements['#_evaluated'] == FALSE) {
    $elements['#_evaluated'] = TRUE;
    $result = rules_execute_and($elements, $state);
  return $result;

 * Sorts the children of the elements by maintaining the order of the elements
 * if the weight is equal
function rules_sort_children(&$element) {
  $count = 0;
  foreach (element_children($element) as $key) {
    $element[$key] += array(
      '#weight' => 0,
    $element[$key]['#weight'] += $count / 1000;
  uasort($element, "element_sort");
  foreach (element_children($element) as $key) {
    $element[$key]['#weight'] = floor($element[$key]['#weight']);

 * Recursively sorts the elements with rules_sort_children().
function rules_sort_elements(&$elements) {
  foreach (element_children($elements) as $key) {

 * Makes sure the element defaults are applied
function _rules_element_defaults(&$element) {
  if (!isset($element['#_defaults_applied'])) {
    if (!empty($element['#type']) && ($info = _element_info($element['#type']))) {

      // Overlay $info onto $element, retaining preexisting keys in $element.
      $element += $info;
    $element['#_defaults_applied'] = TRUE;

 * Executes the element by invoking the element type's execution handler
 * @param $elements An array of elements to process
 * @param $state The current evaluation state
 * @return The execution result, or FALSE if there is no valid execution handler.
function rules_execute_element(&$element, &$state) {
  if (isset($element['#type']) && isset($element['#execute']) && function_exists($element['#execute'])) {
    $element['#_evaluated'] = TRUE;
    $result = $element['#execute']($element, $state);
    return isset($element['#negate']) && $element['#negate'] == TRUE ? !$result : $result;
  return FALSE;

 * Execution handler for rules
function rules_execute_rule(&$element, &$state) {
  if ($element['#active'] && !$element['#recursion'] && rules_log_rule_is_evaluated($element)) {
    rules_log(t('Not executing the rule "@name" on rule set "@set" to prevent recursion.', array(
      '@name' => $element['#label'],
      '@set' => $state['set_info']['label'],

    // Remember this, so the recursion count is still positive after this evaluation.
  else {
    if ($element['#active']) {
      rules_log(t('Executing the rule "@name" on rule set "@set"', array(
        '@name' => $element['#label'],
        '@set' => $state['set_info']['label'],

      // Remember that we are processing this rule to prevent recursion
      $result = rules_evaluate_elements($element['#conditions'], $state);
      if ($result) {
        rules_evaluate_elements($element['#actions'], $state);

  // Return true, so that the next rules are evaluated too
  return TRUE;

 * Execution handler for the OR element
 * Evaluates to TRUE if at least one children evaluate to TRUE..
function rules_execute_or(&$elements, &$state) {
  foreach (element_children($elements) as $key) {
    $result = rules_evaluate_elements($elements[$key], $state);
    if ($result) {
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Execution handler for the AND element
 * Evaluates to TRUE if all children evaluate to TRUE..
function rules_execute_and(&$elements, &$state) {
  foreach (element_children($elements) as $key) {
    $result = rules_evaluate_elements($elements[$key], $state);
    if ($result === FALSE) {
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * Execution handler for actions
 * @param $element The action's configuration element
 * @param $state The current evaluation state
 * @return TRUE to let rules proceed wit executing actions, only FALSE if $result['#halt'] is set.
function rules_execute_action($element, &$state) {
  $exec_args = rules_get_execution_arguments($element, $state);
  if ($exec_args !== FALSE) {
    rules_log(t('Action execution: "@name"', array(
      '@name' => rules_get_element_label($element),
    $result = rules_element_invoke($element, '', $exec_args);

    //An action may return altered variables, which are saved automatically
    if (isset($result) && is_array($result)) {
      rules_save_variables($element, $result, $state);
  return TRUE;

 * Execution handler for conditions
 * Note: An condition may not alter arguments
 * @param $element The condition's configuration element
 * @param $state The current evaluation state
 * @return The execution result of the condition, or if it is no valid condition FALSE.
function rules_execute_condition($element, &$state) {
  $exec_args = rules_get_execution_arguments($element, $state);
  if ($exec_args !== FALSE) {
    $result = rules_element_invoke($element, '', $exec_args);
    rules_log(t('Condition "@name" evaluated to @bool.', array(
      '@name' => rules_get_element_label($element),
      '@bool' => $result !== FALSE ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE',
    return $result;
  return FALSE;

 * Writes the message into the log
function rules_log($message, $error = FALSE) {
  global $_rules_log, $_rules_log_error;
  if (isset($_rules_log)) {
    list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
    $_rules_log[] = array(
      'time' => array(
        'sec' => $sec,
        'usec' => $usec,
      'msg' => $message,
      'error' => $error,
    $_rules_log_error = !empty($_rules_log_error) || $error;

 * Writes to the log and marks the entry to be the first one of a just started set
function _rules_log_set_invocation($message, $start = TRUE) {
  global $_rules_log;
  if (!isset($_rules_log)) {
    $_rules_log = array();
  list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
  $_rules_log[] = array(
    'time' => array(
      'sec' => $sec,
      'usec' => $usec,
    'msg' => $message,
    'error' => FALSE,
    'start' => $start,

 * Implementation of hook_elements()
 * Defines default values for all available properties of rules's element types
 * Note that the #process handlers are only used by the form API, but not by the rules engine.
function rules_elements() {
  $types = array();
  $types['rule'] = array(
    '#name' => '',
    '#set' => '',
    '#status' => 'default',
    '#categories' => array(),
    '#recursion' => FALSE,
    '#active' => TRUE,
    '#execute' => 'rules_execute_rule',
    '#conditions' => array(),
    '#actions' => array(),
  $types['condition'] = array(
    '#name' => '',
    '#info' => array(),
    '#negate' => FALSE,
    '#settings' => array(
      '#argument map' => array(),
    '#execute' => 'rules_execute_condition',
    '#suffix' => '<br clear="all" />',
  $types['action'] = array(
    '#name' => '',
    '#info' => array(),
    '#settings' => array(
      '#argument map' => array(),
    '#execute' => 'rules_execute_action',
    '#suffix' => '<br clear="all" />',
  $types['OR'] = array(
    '#execute' => 'rules_execute_or',
    '#logical_op' => TRUE,
    '#negate' => FALSE,
    '#theme' => 'rules_operation',
    '#label' => t('OR'),
  $types['AND'] = array(
    '#execute' => 'rules_execute_and',
    '#logical_op' => TRUE,
    '#negate' => FALSE,
    '#theme' => 'rules_operation',
    '#label' => t('AND'),
  return $types;

 * Initiates the element info property (#info) of an element (actions, conditions,..).
function rules_init_element_info(&$element) {
  if (empty($element['#info']) && ($info = rules_retrieve_element_info($element))) {
    $element['#info'] =& $info;

 * Retrieves the element (actions, conditions,..) info.
function rules_retrieve_element_info(&$element) {
  $element_copy = $element;
  if (isset($element_copy['#info']) && isset($element['#name'])) {
    if ($info = rules_gather_data('rules_' . $element['#type'] . '_info', $element['#name'])) {
      return $info;

 * Returns the cached element info of the element.
function rules_get_element_info(&$element) {
  if (isset($element['#info'])) {
    return $element['#info'] + array(
      'arguments' => array(),
      'new variables' => array(),
      'hidden' => FALSE,
      'eval input' => array(),
      'label callback' => $element['#name'] . '_label',

 * Gets the element's label
function rules_get_element_label(&$element) {
  foreach (array(
  ) as $key) {
    if (isset($element[$key])) {
      return $element[$key];
  if ($info = rules_get_element_info($element)) {
    return isset($info['label']) ? $info['label'] : t('unlabelled');

 * Invokes an element specific function. E.g. this is used for invoking actions.
 * @param $op The operation to invoke. If one is given, it will be appended to the
 *   function base name, separated by an underscore.
 * @param $params An array of parameters which should be passed to the invoked
 *   function.
 * @param $error Whether an error should be generated, when no implementation is found.
 * @return FALSE, if no implementation is found. Else the return of the implementation will
 *   be passed through.
function rules_element_invoke($element, $op = '', $params, $error = TRUE) {
  $op = $op ? '_' . $op : '';
  if (($info = rules_get_element_info($element)) && isset($info['base'])) {
    if (function_exists($function = $info['base'] . $op)) {
      return call_user_func_array($function, $params);
  if (isset($element['#name']) && function_exists($function = $element['#name'] . $op)) {
    return call_user_func_array($function, $params);
  if ($error) {
  return FALSE;

 * A simple helping function, which eases the creation of rules
 * Example use case:  $conditions = rules_configure('OR', $condition1, conditions2);
 * @param $op One supported operation like 'AND', 'OR'. If ommitted the passed elements
 *   will just be added to the first one.
 * @param $elements The elements to configure.
function rules_configure() {
  $args = func_get_args();
  $op = array_shift($args);
  if (!is_string($op) && is_array($op)) {

    //just add the elements to the first element
    return array_merge($op, $args);
  $op = strtoupper($op);
  $element = rules_use_element($op);
  $element += $args;
  return $element;

 * Configures a condition for using in a rule
 * @param $name The name of condition to create, as specified at hook_condition_info()
 * @param $params An optional array of properties to add, e.g. #settings
 * @param $label An optional label for the condition
function rules_use_condition($name, $params = array(), $label = NULL) {
  return _rules_element_set_label(rules_use_element('condition', array(
    '#name' => $name,
  ) + $params), $label);

 * Configures an action for using in a rule
 * @param $name The name of action to create, as specified at hook_action_info()
 * @param $params An optional array of properties to add, e.g. #settings
 * @param $label An optional label for the action
function rules_use_action($name, $params = array(), $label = NULL) {
  return _rules_element_set_label(rules_use_element('action', array(
    '#name' => $name,
  ) + $params), $label);
function _rules_element_set_label($element, $label = NULL) {
  if (!empty($element['#info'])) {
    $info = isset($label) ? array(
      'label' => $label,
    ) : array();
    $element['#info'] = $info + $element['#info'];
  return $element;

 * Configures an element of type $type with the further properties $params
function rules_use_element($type, $params = array()) {
  $element = array(
    '#type' => $type,

  //add in the element info to speed up execution
  $element += $params;
  return $element;

 * Shows the log and clears it afterwards
function rules_show_log() {
  global $_rules_log, $_rules_log_error;
  if (!empty($_rules_log) && (!empty($_rules_log_error) || variable_get('rules_debug', FALSE))) {
    $i = 0;
    $msg = _rules_show_log($i, $_rules_log, $error);
    if ($_rules_log_error) {
      rules_handle_error_msg('An error occured during rule evaluation. It follows the evaluation log: !log', array(
        '!log' => $msg,
    else {
    $_rules_log = NULL;
    $_rules_log_error = NULL;
function _rules_show_log(&$i, $data, &$error) {
  $start =& $data[0]['time'];
  $output = array();
  while ($i < count($data)) {
    if ($output && isset($data[$i]['start']) && $data[$i]['start']) {

      //the next entry stems from another evaluated set, add in its log messages here
      $output[] = _rules_show_log($i, $data, $error);
    else {
      $diff = $data[$i]['time']['sec'] - $start['sec'] + $data[$i]['time']['usec'] - $start['usec'];
      $formatted_diff = round($diff * 1000, 3) . ' ms';
      $msg = $formatted_diff . ' ' . $data[$i]['msg'];
      if ($data[$i]['error']) {
        $error = TRUE;
        $msg = '<strong>' . $msg . '</strong>';
      $output[] = $msg;
      if (isset($data[$i]['start']) && !$data[$i]['start']) {

        //this was the last log entry of this set
        return theme('item_list', $output);
  return theme('item_list', $output);

 * Remembers the currently evaluated rules. With this information, recursion is prevented
 * @param $rule The rule, which execution should be logged
function rules_log_evaluated_rule($rule) {
  global $_rules_exec_log;
  if (!isset($_rules_exec_log)) {
    $_rules_exec_log = array();
  $count = isset($_rules_exec_log[$rule['#set']][$rule['#name']]) ? $_rules_exec_log[$rule['#set']][$rule['#name']] : 0;
  $_rules_exec_log[$rule['#set']][$rule['#name']] = $count + 1;

 * Clears the rule evaluation log for the given rule set.
function rules_log_evaluation_clear($set_name) {
  global $_rules_exec_log;
  foreach ($_rules_exec_log[$set_name] as $rule => $count) {
    $_rules_exec_log[$set_name][$rule] = $count - 1;
  $_rules_exec_log[$set_name] = array_filter($_rules_exec_log[$set_name]);

 * Checks if the given rule is currently evaluated.
 * @param $name The name of the rule, which execution should be logged
function rules_log_rule_is_evaluated($rule) {
  global $_rules_exec_log;
  return is_array($_rules_exec_log) && isset($_rules_exec_log[$rule['#set']][$rule['#name']]);

 * Checks whether every rule evaluation is finished
function rules_log_evaluation_finished() {
  global $_rules_exec_log;
  $_rules_exec_log = array_filter($_rules_exec_log);
  return !is_array($_rules_exec_log) || count($_rules_exec_log) == 0;

 * Gets all configured items, regardless if defined by the admin
 * or by a module
 * @param $items Which items to get, e.g. 'rules' or 'rule_sets'. Use NULL when clearing the cache.
 * @param Whether the cache should be cleared
 * @return An array of configured items, where the structure of the item configuration
 *   depends on the item
function rules_get_configured_items($item_type = 'rules', $reset = FALSE) {
  static $configurations = array();
  if ($reset) {
    $configurations = array();
  if (isset($item_type) && !isset($configurations[$item_type])) {
    $info = rules_get_items($item_type);

    //get and add altered default items
    $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {" . $info['db_table'] . "} ORDER by name");
    $configurations[$item_type] = array();
    while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $configurations[$item_type][$row->name] = unserialize(db_decode_blob($row->data));

    //add not altered default items
    $configurations[$item_type] += rules_get_item_defaults($item_type);
  return isset($item_type) ? $configurations[$item_type] : array();

 * Saves the given item to the database
function rules_item_save($item_type, $name, $item) {
  if ($info = rules_get_items($item_type)) {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {" . $info['db_table'] . "} WHERE name = '%s'", $name);
    db_query("INSERT INTO {" . $info['db_table'] . "} (name, data) VALUES ('%s', %b)", $name, serialize($item));

 * Change the name of a rules item.
function rules_item_change_name($item_type, $old_name, $new_name) {
  if ($info = rules_get_items($item_type)) {
    db_query("UPDATE {" . $info['db_table'] . "} SET name = '%s' WHERE name = '%s' ", $new_name, $old_name);

 * Deletes the given item from the database
function rules_item_delete($item_type, $name) {
  if ($info = rules_get_items($item_type)) {
    rules_item_type_invoke($item_type, 'delete', array(
    db_query("DELETE FROM {" . $info['db_table'] . "} WHERE name = '%s'", $name);

 * Used to inform the rules engine about an added item type,
 * so it can create the db table if necessary
function rules_enable_items($item_type, $ret = array()) {
  $info = rules_get_items($item_type);
  if (!db_table_exists($info['db_table'])) {
    $schema = drupal_get_schema($info['db_table'], TRUE);
    db_create_table($ret, $info['db_table'], $schema);

 * Invoke an item type specific function, which will be item types
 * base appended with _$op. The parameters given in $params will be
 * passed to this function.
function rules_item_type_invoke($item_type, $op, $params = array()) {
  $info = rules_get_items($item_type);
  if (function_exists($function = $info['base'] . '_' . $op)) {
    return call_user_func_array($function, $params);

 * Implementation of hook_rules_item_info
function rules_rules_item_info() {
  return array(
    'rules' => array(
      'label' => t('Rules'),
      'db_table' => 'rules_rules',
      'base' => 'rules_item_rule',
    'rule_sets' => array(
      'label' => t('Rule Sets'),
      'db_table' => 'rules_sets',
      'base' => 'rules_item_rule_set',

 * Shows an error message, that a module is missing.
 * @param $element The element, for which the implementation is missing
function rules_error_missing_implementation($element) {
  if (isset($element['#info']) && $element['#info']) {
    $msg = t('Unable to find "@type" of name "@name" with the label "@label". Perhaps the according module has been deactivated.', array(
      '@type' => $element['#type'],
      '@name' => $element['#name'],
      '@label' => rules_get_element_label($element),
  else {
    $msg = t('Unable to find "@type" of name "@name". Perhaps the according module has been deactivated.', array(
      '@type' => $element['#type'],
      '@name' => $element['#name'],
  rules_log($msg, TRUE);

 * Handles a error message. If the user has permission to administer the rules engine,
 * show him the error. Otherwise just log it.
function rules_handle_error_msg($message, $variables, $rule_name = NULL) {
  if (user_access('administer rules')) {
    drupal_set_message(t($message, $variables), 'error');
  $link = isset($rule_name) ? l(t('Show rule configuration'), PATH . '/' . $rule_name) : NULL;
  watchdog('rules', $message, $variables, WATCHDOG_ERROR, $link);

 * Own version of array_intersect_key for php < 5.1
if (!function_exists('array_intersect_key')) {
  function array_intersect_key() {
    $arrs = func_get_args();
    $result = array_shift($arrs);
    foreach ($arrs as $array) {
      foreach ($result as $key => $v) {
        if (!array_key_exists($key, $array)) {
    return $result;

 * Implementation of hook_form_alter()
 * Clear the cache when a module is deactivated
function rules_form_alter($form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  if ($form_id == 'system_modules') {

 * Includes rules specific include files
 * @param $type
 *   One of 'rules', 'rules_forms', 'rules_defaults' or 'rules_admin'.
function rules_include($type = 'rules') {
  static $included;
  if (!isset($included)) {
    $included = array();
  if (!isset($included[$type])) {
    $included[$type] = TRUE;
    if ($type == 'rules_admin') {
      $files = array(
        drupal_get_path('module', 'rules_admin') . '/',
    elseif ($cache = cache_get('include_' . $type, 'cache_rules')) {
      $files = $cache->data;
    else {
      $files = _rules_include_get_files($type);
      cache_set('include_' . $type, $files, 'cache_rules');
    foreach ($files as $file) {
      include_once $file;
    rules_log(t('Included files.', array(
      '' => 'MODULE.' . $type . '.inc',
function _rules_include_get_files($type) {
  $files = array();
  $rules_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'rules');
  if ($type == 'rules') {

    //make sure this is included before, as it contains some base classes
    $files[] = $rules_path . '/';
    $files[] = $rules_path . '/';
    $files[] = $rules_path . '/';
  foreach (module_list() as $module) {
    $module_path = drupal_get_path('module', $module);
    if (file_exists("{$module_path}/{$module}.{$type}.inc")) {
      $files[] = "./{$module_path}/{$module}.{$type}.inc";
    else {
      if (file_exists("{$module_path}/includes/{$module}.{$type}.inc")) {
        $files[] = "./{$module_path}/includes/{$module}.{$type}.inc";
      else {
        if (file_exists("{$rules_path}/modules/{$module}.{$type}.inc")) {
          $files[] = "./{$rules_path}/modules/{$module}.{$type}.inc";
  return $files;

 * An form after build callback that can be used to include arbitrary
 * files needed by the form.
function rules_after_build_include_files($form, $form_state) {
  static $files = array();
  if (isset($form['#includes'])) {
    foreach ($form['#includes'] as $file) {
      if (!isset($files[$file])) {
        include_once $file;
        $files[$file] = TRUE;
  return $form;

 * Makes sure the rule is in the latest format. If not it will be upgraded
 * automatically.
function rules_rule_format_upgrade($rule) {
  static $included = FALSE;
  $upgrades = array();
  if (!isset($rule['#version'])) {
    $upgrades[] = 'rules_rule_format_upgrade_6003';
  if (!empty($upgrades) && !$included) {
    module_load_include('install', 'rules');
    $included = TRUE;
  foreach ($upgrades as $upgrade) {
    $rule = $upgrade($rule);
  return $rule;

 * Implementation of hook_token_list()
 * We expose some simple types to token so that our simple rules variables can
 * also be used by others when doing token replacement.
function rules_token_list($type = 'all') {
  $tokens = array();
  if ($type == 'string' || $type == 'all') {
    $tokens['string']['string'] = t("The sanitized string.");
    $tokens['string']['string-raw'] = t("The string, WARNING - raw user input");
  if ($type == 'number' || $type == 'all') {
    $tokens['number']['number'] = t("The number.");
  return $tokens;

 * Implementation of hook_token_values().
 * @see rules_token_list().
function rules_token_values($type, $object = NULL, $options = array()) {
  $values = array();
  if ($type == 'string') {
    $string = $object;
    $values['string'] = check_plain($string);
    $values['string-raw'] = $string;
  if ($type == 'number') {
    $values['number'] = (double) $object;
  return $values;

 * Convert a time string to a GMT (UTC) unix timestamp
function rules_gmstrtotime($time) {
  if (preg_match(RULES_DATE_REGEX_LOOSE, $time)) {

    // Append 'UTC' to indicate that the time string is in GMT/UTC.
    return strtotime($time . ' UTC');

  // If the time string is not in plain old date format (e.g. 'now', '+1 day'
  // etc.), we need to convert it first.
  $value = strtotime($time);
  $date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value);
  return strtotime($date . ' UTC');

 * Implementation of hook_features_api().
function rules_features_api() {
  return array(
    'rules_categories' => array(
      'name' => t('Rule configurations by category'),
      'feature_source' => TRUE,
      'default_hook' => 'rules_defaults',
      'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'rules') . '/',

 * Calls the import hook to allow modules to react on the import.
function rules_import_hook($rule) {
  foreach (module_implements('rules_import') as $module) {
    $function = $module . '_rules_import';
  return $rule;


Namesort descending Description
rules_after_build_include_files An form after build callback that can be used to include arbitrary files needed by the form.
rules_clear_cache Clears the rule set cache
rules_configure A simple helping function, which eases the creation of rules Example use case: $conditions = rules_configure('OR', $condition1, conditions2);
rules_elements Implementation of hook_elements() Defines default values for all available properties of rules's element types
rules_element_invoke Invokes an element specific function. E.g. this is used for invoking actions.
rules_enable_items Used to inform the rules engine about an added item type, so it can create the db table if necessary
rules_error_missing_implementation Shows an error message, that a module is missing.
rules_evaluate_elements Evaluates the elements in a recursive way The elements are a tree of rules, conditions, actions and logical operations (AND, OR,..)
rules_evaluate_rule_set Evaluates the configured rules for the given rule set and evaluation state. This is used, when rule sets are invoked by action. So the action can set up a new state, working with the same variables. So the original execution state can take over…
rules_execute_action Execution handler for actions
rules_execute_and Execution handler for the AND element Evaluates to TRUE if all children evaluate to TRUE..
rules_execute_condition Execution handler for conditions Note: An condition may not alter arguments
rules_execute_element Executes the element by invoking the element type's execution handler
rules_execute_or Execution handler for the OR element Evaluates to TRUE if at least one children evaluate to TRUE..
rules_execute_rule Execution handler for rules
rules_extract_property Extracts the property with the given name while keeping the keys
rules_features_api Implementation of hook_features_api().
rules_flush_caches Implementation of hook_flush_caches().
rules_form_alter Implementation of hook_form_alter() Clear the cache when a module is deactivated
rules_gather_data Gathers module definitions for the given name Used for collecting events, rules, actions and condtions from other modules
rules_get_actions Returns info about all defined actions
rules_get_conditions Returns info about all defined conditions
rules_get_configured_items Gets all configured items, regardless if defined by the admin or by a module
rules_get_data_types Returns info about all defined data types
rules_get_element_info Returns the cached element info of the element.
rules_get_element_label Gets the element's label
rules_get_events Returns info about all defined events
rules_get_event_sets Returns info about all events prefixed with 'event_' to be a set.
rules_get_items Returns info about all defined items
rules_get_item_defaults Returns all defined item defaults $item_type Which defaults to return, e.g. 'rules', 'rule_sets' or 'states'
rules_get_rule_set Returns the rule set $set_name, which includes the set info and the rules. To improve performance rule sets are cached.
rules_get_rule_sets Returns info about all rule sets, which includes events prefixed with 'event_'.
rules_gmstrtotime Convert a time string to a GMT (UTC) unix timestamp
rules_handle_error_msg Handles a error message. If the user has permission to administer the rules engine, show him the error. Otherwise just log it.
rules_import_hook Calls the import hook to allow modules to react on the import.
rules_include Includes rules specific include files
rules_init_element_info Initiates the element info property (#info) of an element (actions, conditions,..).
rules_invoke_event Invokes configured rules for the given event
rules_invoke_rule_set Invokes configured rules for the given rule set
rules_item_change_name Change the name of a rules item.
rules_item_delete Deletes the given item from the database
rules_item_save Saves the given item to the database
rules_item_type_invoke Invoke an item type specific function, which will be item types base appended with _$op. The parameters given in $params will be passed to this function.
rules_log Writes the message into the log
rules_log_evaluated_rule Remembers the currently evaluated rules. With this information, recursion is prevented
rules_log_evaluation_clear Clears the rule evaluation log for the given rule set.
rules_log_evaluation_finished Checks whether every rule evaluation is finished
rules_log_rule_is_evaluated Checks if the given rule is currently evaluated.
rules_retrieve_element_info Retrieves the element (actions, conditions,..) info.
rules_rules_item_info Implementation of hook_rules_item_info
rules_rule_format_upgrade Makes sure the rule is in the latest format. If not it will be upgraded automatically.
rules_show_log Shows the log and clears it afterwards
rules_sort_children Sorts the children of the elements by maintaining the order of the elements if the weight is equal
rules_sort_elements Recursively sorts the elements with rules_sort_children().
rules_token_list Implementation of hook_token_list()
rules_token_values Implementation of hook_token_values().
rules_use_action Configures an action for using in a rule
rules_use_condition Configures a condition for using in a rule
rules_use_element Configures an element of type $type with the further properties $params
_rules_element_defaults Makes sure the element defaults are applied
_rules_get_rule_sets Actually retrieves all active rules bypassing the cache
_rules_get_rule_set_initialize Initializes inactive sets
_rules_log_set_invocation Writes to the log and marks the entry to be the first one of a just started set
_rules_rule_is_active Helper for array_filter()


Namesort descending Description
RULES_DATE_REGEX_LOOSE @file Rules engine module