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function rules_init_element_info in Rules 6

Initiates the element info property (#info) of an element (actions, conditions,..).

4 calls to rules_init_element_info()
rules_admin_form_add_submit in rules_admin/
rules_get_element_info in rules/rules.module
Returns the cached element info of the element.
rules_use_element in rules/rules.module
Configures an element of type $type with the further properties $params
_rules_import_transform_element in rules/rules.install
Transforms a single element to be compatible with workflow-ng


rules/rules.module, line 539
Rules engine module


function rules_init_element_info(&$element) {
  if (empty($element['#info']) && ($info = rules_retrieve_element_info($element))) {
    $element['#info'] =& $info;