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function rules_rule_format_upgrade_6003 in Rules 6

Upgrades the format of the rule to 6003 by flipping the argument maps of all rule elements.

1 call to rules_rule_format_upgrade_6003()
rules_update_6003 in rules/rules.install
Flips all argument maps of all rule elements. This is necessary as the format has changed.
1 string reference to 'rules_rule_format_upgrade_6003'
rules_rule_format_upgrade in rules/rules.module
Makes sure the rule is in the latest format. If not it will be upgraded automatically.


rules/rules.install, line 139
Rules - Installation file.


function rules_rule_format_upgrade_6003($rule) {

  // Flip argument maps
  rules_helper_do_recursive('_rules_element_flip_argument_map', $rule['#actions']);
  rules_helper_do_recursive('_rules_element_flip_argument_map', $rule['#conditions']);

  // Introduce the rule format #version property
  $rule['#version'] = 6003;
  return $rule;