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function rules_gmstrtotime in Rules 6

Convert a time string to a GMT (UTC) unix timestamp

3 calls to rules_gmstrtotime()
rules_data_type_date::check_value in rules/modules/
Checks the value of your data type. E.g. the number data type uses this to make sure the value is a number.
rules_scheduler_delete_task in rules_scheduler/
Confirmation form for deleting single tasks.
rules_scheduler_views_handler_datetime::render in rules_scheduler/includes/


rules/rules.module, line 1077
Rules engine module


function rules_gmstrtotime($time) {
  if (preg_match(RULES_DATE_REGEX_LOOSE, $time)) {

    // Append 'UTC' to indicate that the time string is in GMT/UTC.
    return strtotime($time . ' UTC');

  // If the time string is not in plain old date format (e.g. 'now', '+1 day'
  // etc.), we need to convert it first.
  $value = strtotime($time);
  $date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value);
  return strtotime($date . ' UTC');