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function rules_elements in Rules 6

Implementation of hook_elements() Defines default values for all available properties of rules's element types

Note that the #process handlers are only used by the form API, but not by the rules engine.


rules/rules.module, line 526
Rules engine module


function rules_elements() {
  $types = array();
  $types['rule'] = array(
    '#name' => '',
    '#set' => '',
    '#status' => 'default',
    '#categories' => array(),
    '#recursion' => FALSE,
    '#active' => TRUE,
    '#execute' => 'rules_execute_rule',
    '#conditions' => array(),
    '#actions' => array(),
  $types['condition'] = array(
    '#name' => '',
    '#info' => array(),
    '#negate' => FALSE,
    '#settings' => array(
      '#argument map' => array(),
    '#execute' => 'rules_execute_condition',
    '#suffix' => '<br clear="all" />',
  $types['action'] = array(
    '#name' => '',
    '#info' => array(),
    '#settings' => array(
      '#argument map' => array(),
    '#execute' => 'rules_execute_action',
    '#suffix' => '<br clear="all" />',
  $types['OR'] = array(
    '#execute' => 'rules_execute_or',
    '#logical_op' => TRUE,
    '#negate' => FALSE,
    '#theme' => 'rules_operation',
    '#label' => t('OR'),
  $types['AND'] = array(
    '#execute' => 'rules_execute_and',
    '#logical_op' => TRUE,
    '#negate' => FALSE,
    '#theme' => 'rules_operation',
    '#label' => t('AND'),
  return $types;