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function _rules_log_set_invocation in Rules 6

Writes to the log and marks the entry to be the first one of a just started set

1 call to _rules_log_set_invocation()
rules_evaluate_rule_set in rules/rules.module
Evaluates the configured rules for the given rule set and evaluation state. This is used, when rule sets are invoked by action. So the action can set up a new state, working with the same variables. So the original execution state can take over…


rules/rules.module, line 509
Rules engine module


function _rules_log_set_invocation($message, $start = TRUE) {
  global $_rules_log;
  if (!isset($_rules_log)) {
    $_rules_log = array();
  list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
  $_rules_log[] = array(
    'time' => array(
      'sec' => $sec,
      'usec' => $usec,
    'msg' => $message,
    'error' => FALSE,
    'start' => $start,