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function rules_gather_data in Rules 6

Gathers module definitions for the given name Used for collecting events, rules, actions and condtions from other modules


$name The type of the data item to collect. This is also the name of the invoked hook.:

$key Whether to retrieve all definitions or only the one with the given key:

$alter Whether drupal_alter() should be invoked for this data:

$reset If the static cache should be reseted. Note that if set to true, nothing will be: returned.

12 calls to rules_gather_data()
rules_admin_elements_get_logical_ops in rules_admin/
Returns a list of available logical operations suitable for use with #options
rules_clear_cache in rules/rules.module
Clears the rule set cache
rules_get_actions in rules/rules.module
Returns info about all defined actions
rules_get_conditions in rules/rules.module
Returns info about all defined conditions
rules_get_data_types in rules/rules.module
Returns info about all defined data types

... See full list


rules/rules.module, line 103
Rules engine module


function rules_gather_data($name, $key = 'all', $alter = TRUE, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $data = array();
  if ($reset) {
    $data = array();
    return $data;
  if (!isset($data[$name])) {
    $data[$name] = module_invoke_all($name);
    if ($alter) {
      drupal_alter($name, $data[$name]);
  if ($key != 'all') {
    $data[$name] += array(
      $key => NULL,
    return $data[$name][$key];
  return $data[$name];